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  1. Oct 2023
    1. den Kampf gegen seine Speiseröhrenkrebserkrankung trotz (oder möglicherweise sogar wegen?) seiner Chemotherapie verloren

      also tod durch dummheit.

      stell dir vor, du willst aufklären gegen die böse pharmaindustrie,<br /> aber wenn du krebs hast, kriegst du angst,<br /> und gehst zurück zur pharmaindustrie, und heulst "bitte hilf mir"... opfer!

      gleiches gilt für den ach-so-schlauen Tim Kellner.

      wir müssen uns selber helfen. was ist so schwer daran?<br /> in der schule lernen wir nur lügen, und die meisten bleiben gefangen im system der lügen.<br /> weil sie lügen über alles (they lie about everything), deswegen ist das system "too big to fail".


      Cancer: The Forbidden Cures (2010) (Massimo Mazzucco)<br /> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5cbbdb3812d5b041df391eb3a82ef94f13713bd1


      Edward Griffin - World Without Cancer. The Story of Vitamin B17<br /> https://libgen.rs/search.php?req=Edward+Griffin+World+Without+Cancer

      Feargus O’Connor Greenwood - 180 degrees. Unlearn the Lies you've been taught to believe<br /> https://libgen.rs/search.php?req=Greenwood+180+degrees+Unlearn+the+Lies

      John Taylor Gatto - Verdummt noch mal. Dumbing Us Down. Der unsichtbare Lehrplan. Was Kinder in der Schule wirklich lernen<br /> https://libgen.rs/search.php?req=John+Taylor+Gatto+-+Verdummt+noch+mal

      ... hundertfach ausdrucken, an schulen verteilen, und sich in den knast setzen wegen "volksverhetzung".<br /> viel spaß : D

    1. SV40 is the same virus that contaminated the polio vaccinations. This virus is known to cause cancer in humans.It has been linked to bone, brain ,liver and lung cancers. And it seems the virus can be passed on to the children of those inoculated with vaccine contaminated with SV40. The virus is found in the cancers of those people and cancers in their children. If it didn't come from the vaccine, how did these people come into contact with a monkey virus? Read about this in " Turtles All the Way Down" or " Anyone Who Tells You Vacines are Safe and Effective is Lying" by Dr. Vernon Coleman. For that matter, the last time I looked this up on the internet, all the information was there. The "trusted experts" knew about the contamination for years before it was finally removed from the polio vaccines. I will never trust any of them again.

      "Anyone Who Tells You Vacines are Safe and Effective is Lying" by Dr. Vernon Coleman

      they lie about everything.<br /> they always reward their believers (useful idiots).<br /> they always punish their skeptics (enemies of the state).

      just think about how many people still believe that<br /> "smoking tobacco is better than smoking cannabis".<br /> that lie has been around for 100 years.<br /> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_history_of_cannabis_in_the_United_States

      see also:<br /> 180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You've Been Taught To Believe.<br /> by Feargus O’Connor Greenwood


      Discernment is much easier when you realise the enemy deals almost exclusively in ‘inversion’. So to get back to the truth you just need to invert their inversions. Often by reversing their narrative the world makes more sense.

      So for example with regard to COVID:

      The control measures were not brought in because of the virus, the virus was released in order to bring in the control measures.<br /> Again, "safe and effective" becomes "dangerous and useless".<br /> "Don’t take Ivermectin because it’s horse paste and ignore Vitamin D, C and Zinc" becomes "take Ivermectin and Vitamin D because they work".