4 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
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we have been happy to engage with CEOs, with the senior policy makers, with the 'Davos set'. We've been happy to engage with them – across, generally, the sort of more senior climate change academics. But they haven't delivered for 30 years. But what we haven't... Who we very seldom engage with – the balance, to me, is wrong – with citizenry groups. We haven't engaged... with the climate parliament group. So we haven't lent... 00:58:06 Our support has been biased towards a group who are very much in favor of the status quo.
- for: quote, quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - academic support for bottom-up actors, bottom-up actors - academic support
- We have been happy to engage with CEOs, with the senior policy makers, with the 'Davos set'.
- We've been happy to engage with them – across, generally, the sort of more senior climate change academics. But they haven't delivered for 30 years.
- But what we haven't... Who we very seldom engage with – the balance, to me, is wrong – with citizenry groups.
- We haven't engaged... with the climate parliament group. Our support has been biased towards a group who are very much in favor of the status quo.
- Kevin is tuning into a potential idling capacity and leverage point that academic community has by-and-large missed.
- Academic support of bottom-up and citizen groups could yield the kind of top-down and bottom-up partnership that could really accelerate climate policy action
as you know, in Sweden right now, we're actually backpedalling on climate policy, rather than going forward. Which is really worrying. And this is, of course, the dilemma with politics. That as soon as you get a stress factor over here – 00:55:33 a war in Ukraine, inflation, recession, energy prices going up, food prices going up – then suddenly, you cannot handle two crises at the same time.
- for: top-down and bottom-up partnerships, top-down and bottom-up climate action
- comment
- as the polycrisis accelerates, this is only going to get worse so we have to find a new, nonlinear way for politicians to actually work in partnership with bottom-up actors
in Sweden, the Swedish parliament, which is completely set up by citizens – set up by citizens for citizens. They've produced a fantastic report. Detailed, rich report from citizens about how you could deliver budgets that are... from colleagues' and myself work on this, would say are broadly in line with somewhere between 1.5 and 2 [°C].
- for: Swedish climate report, cidtizen action, bottom-up climate action, top-down and bottom-up partnership
future research
- study the Swedish parliament climate policy model and citizen's roles in achieving it and see if it can be replicated in all countries
- is there anyone studying this with the object of scaling to other countries?
I hope anyway, it is a hope – that there will be some sort of partnership between bottom-up and top-down that will provide guidance to leaders to put the right things in place.
- for: quote, quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - bottom-up and top-down partnership, IPCC AR6 WGIII demand side reduction and bottom-up actions
- quote
- I hope that there will be some sort of partnership between bottom-up and top-down that will provide guidance to leaders to put the right things in place.
- author: Kevin Anderson
date: Sept., 2023
- The last IPCC report, AR6, WGIII described the important role that bottom-up, societal actors can play
- top-down and bottom-up climate action
- quote - top-down and bottom-up partnership
- bottom-up action
- bottom-up actors - academic support
- quote
- bottom-up climate action
- Swedish climate report
- top-down and bottom-up partnership
- quote - Kevin Anderson
- quote - academic support for bottom-up actors
- IPCC AR6 WGIII - demand side reduction and bottom-up actions