9 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2019
www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
Um, so, but the other way is, you know, when, when they do make these transactions, they're all recorded on the exchanges that you, I moved those, that data to a spreadsheet and that's where I do the tax tracking.
I just chose it and I paid and it was only like, I want to say like 30 bucks a month maybe. I Dunno. And that was also during the bull run when I had a lot more crypto money and I was just like, whatever. I'll buy it invested in my, uh, in my education and tools.
Mostly with the shitty little Exce
I just don't like buying on there. So if I don't have to go into the application, i prefer not to. [inaudible] to Coinbase pro is also, it's poorly set up in my opinion. I don't know why i use it, but usually I'm just going in there to withdraw money.
Coinagy I actually still usually prefer to use to buy on Bittrex because I'm usually signed into Coinagy for the simpllicity. And if I have money in multiple areas, I can do it all from one platform. And because I just, I hate Bittrex. They redid their entire platform. I think they dropped the ball
Purchasing. And then once I've bought into an asset, I will establish all my sale targets and stops in three commas.
A lot of the tools I've been using the free versions because I haven't gotten to the point where, uh, I'm knowledgeable on how to maximize its value and therefore I don't pay for it because my knowledge is lacking.
Oh, go into my own trading journal, document it to make sure I have a system of record to hold myself accountable and for being able to look in the future to see over time how I perform on a weekly and monthly basis.
trading view, coinagy, cryptoalerts.ai,
- trading tools
- taxes
- trading activities
- reasons for paying for tools
- portfolio management
- reasons for using tools they don't like
- trade execution
- improving trading skills
- improving trading experience
- non-tech trading tools
- reasons for switching tools
- reasons for trading on exchange
- reasons for using tools