1 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. I asked him why he defied the ban if you don't have enough food in your 00:02:22 house and your children are going hungry what else will you do if we grew wheat instead we won't earn enough to survive

      for - complexity - wicked problem - polycrisis - afghanistan Taliban drug war

      wicked problem - Taliban drug war - Afghanistan produced 80% of the world's opium for heroin and now it has lauched an aggressive and successful campaign to eradicate opium production - The farmers grow opium because it is a lucrative crop and they can feed their family - It is now illegal to grow opium and the Taliban enforce by monitoring and destroying poppy fields - This is one of the ironies that poor families grow poppy to try to survive, yet are disconnected from the chaos their product causes in other parts of the world