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  1. Feb 2021
    1. In 1985, Aldus, a small startup in Seattle, began working on a software program called PageMaker, to design and organize newspaper layouts. (Paul Brainerd, an Aldus co-founder, who coined the term “desktop publishing,” had previously worked as a journalist.) The company caught the attention of Steve Jobs, who encouraged the founders to adapt the software for a broader business environment. That year, Apple released its first mass-market laser printer, the LaserWriter—a seven-thousand-dollar beige machine that produced professional-grade text and images—and promoted it alongside PageMaker, an early desktop-publishing program for Macintosh. A corporate office or a carpeted den could now become a bespoke printshop. PageMaker’s layout elements mimicked those of a newspaper.

      1985年,西雅图的一家小型创业公司Aldus开始研发一款名为PageMaker的软件程序,用于设计和组织报纸版面。Aldus的联合创始人保罗·布莱内德(Paul Brainerd)是 "桌面出版"(desktop publishing)一词的发明者,他之前曾是一名记者)。该公司引起了史蒂夫·乔布斯的注意,他鼓励创始人对软件进行调整,以适应更广泛的商业环境。那一年,苹果公司发布了第一台大众市场的激光打印机LaserWriter,一台价值七千美元的米黄色机器,可以打印出专业级的文本和图像,并与PageMaker(Macintosh的早期桌面出版程序)一起推广。公司的办公室或铺着地毯的书房现在可以成为一个定制的印刷厂。PageMaker的布局元素模仿了报纸的布局元素。