13 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
  2. Sep 2022
    1. 互联网到底怎样才能赚钱呢?雷军的回答是互联网最厉害的是靠机器赚钱。当用户量达到一定规模,只要开着服务器就可以赚钱。而服务器贷款成本逐年下降,新增一个用户的编辑成本几乎是为零的。因为互联网带来了信息传播的便利性,口碑营销在互联网时代非常重要。互联网公司靠提供服务来挣钱,而软件公司靠卖产品来挣钱。是两种完全不同的模式,前者是靠服务积累用户量,再靠向用户收取“小费”的方式,更看用户量的增长。而后者则是卖产品,收费的方式决定了业务不容易持续稳定增长。互联网的关键就是快,需要快速测试,快速获取用户的反馈, 快速调整上线。


  3. Nov 2021
    1. 永远不要在微博上和人对线,甚至没必要参与讨论。毕竟微博是一个本科率只有4% 的地方,大部分人不能保持一个客观的态度看待问题,而在中文互联网这个偏激的舆论环境下,大部分的网民都很容易走向偏激。没有人关注事实和逻辑,大家只希望听到脑子里希望听到的声音。


  4. Oct 2021
    1. 作者提出了一个有趣的想法:互联网不应该叫「互联网」。从技术上,互联网(指Internet)这个词只描述了传输信息的通道,而且有很多通过管道访问不到的内容。他觉得应该使用「Mosaic」这个名字。Mosaic是93年发布的浏览器,这之前的浏览器都只能使用文本的链接,而它改进了这一点,加入了图片链接。这篇备受当时网友欢迎的发布日志被Google存档了下来。



  5. Jun 2021
    1. 2021年6月15日,苏富比拍卖行发推宣布,英国计算机科学家、“万维网之父”蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)爵士将在以太坊区块链上创建具有30年历史的万维网(WWW,World Wide Web)源代码的NFT。该NFT将于美国东部时间6月23日下午2点开始拍卖,持续到30日,起拍价为1000美元,拍卖所得将归蒂姆及其妻子罗斯玛丽(Rosemary)的基金会所有。

      拍卖会名为《它改变了一切》(This Changes Everything),所拍卖的NFT包括伯纳斯-李1989年编写的带有时间戳的HTML(超文本标记语言)、HTTP(超文本传输协议)和URI(统一资源标识符),涵盖了我们所知道的支持Internet的语言和协议的基础,这三种基本语言和协议的源代码共有9555行;以及一段长达30分钟的可视化动画,他今年6月写的一封回顾开发过程的信,他亲自设计的Python脚本可视化的完整代码数字 "海报",并附有伯纳斯-李的数字签名。

  6. Apr 2021
    1. 气压式机器人有助于减轻重量和零部件数量。争取每台的价格降低到1亿日元以下,只有达芬奇核心机型的约一半。川嶋健嗣称,“我们的目标客户是院内已经有机器人的大型医院等,争取获取第2台需求”,第一年的目标销量为10台左右。

      制造业和互联网的区别, 互联网目标第一年就是百万DAU, 重资产的制造业第一年目标就10个.

  7. Mar 2021
    1. Danny Hillis, my mentor as we were working at Thinking Machines in the early 1980s, often said, “We want to build a machine that will be proud of us.” We were bringing up the next generation. In my conversations with Carl Feynman at that time, we thought if we were going to be bringing up our new overlords, they should at least read good books. While not of the Internet yet, the computer we were building did share the recognition of the importance of the network, of the interconnections of the links. The machine we were building was called the “Connection Machine,” where the connections between the processors were seen as important as the tens of thousands of processors themselves. The difference between this machine and the Internet was that these processors were not yet spread around the world.This imagining of a machine’s view of us, a machine that is distinct from us, a machine that has evolved beyond us, brings me around to my original ill-formed vision in 1980 of what I could help make the Internet become: a network of people, the library, and machines. I did not see it in a light that was either glorifying or terrifying, but rather as a major inevitable project that could be built well or badly, and I could help build it well. In that way it could be a major positive step forward.

      丹尼 · 希利斯(Danny Hillis)是我的导师,我们上世世纪80年代初在“思考机器”(Thinking Machines)工作的时候,他经常说:"我们要打造一台让我们骄傲的机器。"(We want to build a machine that will be proud of us.) 我们是在培养下一代人。在我当时与卡尔 · 费曼(Carl Feynman)的对话中,如果我们要培养我们的新领主,他们至少应该读些好书。虽然还没有互联网,但我们正在建造的计算机确实认识到网络的重要性,认识到各个环节相互连接的重要性。我们正在建造的机器被称为 "连接机"(Connection Machine),在这里,处理器之间的连接被视为与数以万计的处理器本身一样重要。这台机器与互联网的区别在于,这些处理器还没有遍布全球。


  8. Feb 2021
    1. The plan for NDN is one approach to what's known as information centric networking (ICN), an idea with roots in Ted Nelson's 1980s experiments with hypertext. It wasn't until 2006, however, when projects at Stanford, the University of Texas at Austin, and at the legendary Xerox PARC launched the idea into the networking mainstream. Internet pioneer and PARC researcher Van Jacobson, whose talk at Google in 2006 has been widely cited as the start of the ICN movement, is now a leader of the NDN project alongside Zhang.

      NDN计划是所谓的以信息中心网络(ICN)的一种方法,这种想法源于20世纪80年代Ted Nelson的超文本实验。然而,直到2006年,斯坦福大学、德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校以及传奇的施乐PARC的项目才将这一理念推向网络主流。互联网先驱和PARC研究员范·雅各布森(Van Jacobson)2006年在谷歌的演讲被广泛认为是ICN运动的开端,他现在和张先生一起成为NDN项目的领导者。

    1. For now, the Solid technology is still new and not ready for the masses. But the vision, if it works, could radically change the existing power dynamics of the Web. The system aims to give users a platform by which they can control access to the data and content they generate on the Web. This way, users can choose how that data gets used rather than, say, Facebook and Google doing with it as they please. Solid’s code and technology is open to all—anyone with access to the Internet can come into its chat room and start coding. “One person turns up every few days. Some of them have heard about the promise of Solid, and they are driven to turn the world upside down,” he says. Part of the draw is working with an icon. For a computer scientist, coding with Berners-Lee is like playing guitar with Keith Richards. But more than just working with the inventor of the Web, these coders come because they want to join the cause. These are digital idealists, subversives, revolutionaries, and anyone else who wants to fight the centralization of the Web. For his part, working on Solid brings Berners-Lee back to the Web’s early days: “It’s under the radar, but working on it in a way puts back some of the optimism and excitement that the ‘fake news’ takes out.”

      目前,Solid技术还是新技术,还没有为大众做好准备。但是,如果这一设想可行的话,它将从根本上改变现有的网络力量动态。该系统旨在为用户提供一个平台,用户可以通过该平台控制对他们在网上生成的数据和内容的访问。这样一来,用户可以选择如何使用这些数据,而不是像 Facebook 和谷歌那样随心所欲地使用这些数据。Solid的代码和技术是对所有人开放的——任何能够上网的人都可以进入它的聊天室并开始编码。"每隔几天就会有一个人出现。他们中的一些人听说过Solid的前景,他们被驱使着要颠覆这个世界。"他说。对于一个计算机科学家来说,与Berners-Lee一起编码就像与Keith Richards一起弹吉他一样。但这些编码员不仅仅是与万维网的发明者一起工作,他们来这里是因为他们想加入这个事业。这些人是数字理想主义者、颠覆者、革命者,以及其他任何想要对抗网络中心化的人。对Berners-Lee来说,在Solid上的工作让他回到了互联网的早期。"虽然还没有引起人们的注意,但在某种程度上,做这件事会让‘假新闻’带来的乐观和兴奋有所减退。"

    2. The idea is simple: re-decentralize the Web. Working with a small team of developers, he spends most of his time now on Solid, a platform designed to give individuals, rather than corporations, control of their own data. “There are people working in the lab trying to imagine how the Web could be different. How society on the Web could look different. What could happen if we give people privacy and we give people control of their data,” Berners-Lee told me. “We are building a whole eco-system.”
