20 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
  2. May 2015
  3. Sep 2013
    1. For example, whenever hostile bodies put on their bronze and iron war-gear of ward and defense against enemies, if the visual sense beholds this, it is troubled and it troubles the soul, so that often panic-stricken men flee future danger <as if it were> present.

      Good comparison. not just in connecting the idea, but effectiveness. The image is striking when thought of. An ironclad warrior at the flowershop.

    2. If Love, <being> a god, <has> the divine power of gods, how could the weaker being have the power to reject this and to ward it off? But if it is a human disease and an error of the soul, it ought not to be blamed as a sin but ought rather to be accounted a misfortune.

      This seems a lot like Euthyphros Dilemma. "Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?"

    3. For just as different drugs draw off different humors from the body, and some put an end to disease and others to life, so too of discourses: some give pain, others delight, others terrify, others rouse the hearers to courage, and yet others by a certain vile persuasion drug and trick the soul.

      Drugs also attain their effects based on how the body fight them (not related to the drug itself, a body response to change). The more you know starswoosh This also applies to the writing. We can trick ourselves by the reasoning we use.

    4. But opinion, being slippery and unsteady, surrounds those who rely on it with slippery and unsteady successes.

      Agreement has been tasted. Opinion and anecdotes serve no purpose in truth, but in story and entertainment. The more one relies on opinion to make fact,the more loopholes are needed for reasoning.

    5. Those who have persuaded and do persuade anyone about anything are shapers of lying discourse.

      Glittering generalities? Me thinks so.

    6. She produced the greatest erotic desires in most men.

      GREAT connotation. A very good and to-the-point way to create and identify with a characteristic. Pathos might be a stretch, but it is a term that pops up in my head.

    7. lying--and, having shown the truth, to put an end to ignorance.

      Juxtaposition. Lying is a thoughtful act and ignorance is not. Interested to see how the ideas play throughout the article.

    8. The order proper to a city is being well-manned; to a body, beauty; to a soul, wisdom; to a deed, excellence; and to a discourse, truth--and the opposites of these are disorder.

      Sam Harris would be proud! As he finds, a good comparison sets the stage for better understanding and changing minds. This one is a good one.

    1. Or another example: if you need to remember the name " Pyrilampes " you must connect it with pyr (fire) and lampein (to shine). These are examples for words

      We can increase memory by changing the way we learn it. Like a word association. Much like the Baker Potter paradox (we remember people who describe themselves as potters or bakers vs someone named Baker or Potter).

    2. it is useful for everything, for wisdom as well as for the conduct of life.

      Memory is actually extremely fallible.

    3. An interesting look at music. I like music and playing instruments, and have the most respect for multi-instrument players because it is a very difficult demand. Composers, back in the complements!

    4. A lot of tie-ins to war and overseas politics. Not worth getting into and starting a huge shit-fest, but it's easy to see that one man's hero is another man's villain.

    5. (21) But there is also an argument about the disgraceful and the seemly which says that each is distinct from the other. Since if anyone should ask those who say that the same thing is both disgraceful and seemly whether they have ever done anything seemly, they would admit that they have also done something disgraceful, if disgraceful and seemly are really the same thing. (22) And if they know any man to be handsome,2 they would also know the same man to be ugly.3 And if they know any man to be white, they would also know the same man to be black. And it is seemly to honour the gods and again disgraceful to honour the gods, if disgraceful and seemly are really the same thing

      Good section about cognitive dissonance. This means to hold two opposing opinions at the same time. The kind of stuff I love to study.

    6. Good Stuff

    7. because not all men are of the same opinion

      This is the point of the whole essay, summed up after two pages with half a sentence. Took a while, but we made it.

    8. To the Thessalians it is seemly for a man to select horses and mules from a herd himself and train them, and also to take one of the cattle and slaughter, skin and cut it up himself, but in Sicily these tasks are disgraceful and the work of slaves. (12) To the Macedonians it appears to be seemly for young girls, before they are married, to fall in love and to have intercourse with a man, but when a girl is married it is a disgrace. (As far as the Greeks are concerned it is disgraceful at either time.) (13) To the Thracians it is an ornament for young girls to be tattooed but with others tattoo-marks are a punishment for those who do wrong. And the Scythians think it seemly that who (ever) kills a man should scalp him and wear the scalp on his horse's bridle, and, having gilded the skull (or) lined it with silver, should drink from it and make a libation to the gods. Among the Greeks, no one would be willing to enter the same house as a man who had behaved like that. (14) The Massagetes cut up their parents and eat them, and they think that to be buried in their children is the most beautiful grave imaginable, but in Greece, if anyone did such a thing, he would be driven out of the country and would die an ignominious death for having committed such disgraceful and terrible deeds

      Reminds me of the series "Taboo." Acceptability and the norm vary from culture to culture. This hits on the earlier point of "One man's trash is another man's treasure." One man's gift piano is another horse's mouth."

    9. And the battle between the Centaurs and the Lapiths was good for the Lapiths but bad for the Centaurs. And, what is more, the battle which we are told took place between the gods and the giants (with the resulting victory for the gods) was good for the gods but bad for the giants.

      Look, we get it. Winning is good, losing is bad. Good can be good, good can be bad. Stop starting every sentence with "and."

    10. (5) (And) further, if a tool is corroded or blunted or broken, this is good for the blacksmith but bad for everyone else. And certainly if a pot gets smashed, this is good for the potters, but bad for everyone else. And if shoes are worn out and ripped apart, this is good for the cobbler but bad for everyone else.

      This is an interesting take on how what makes something good is relative. "One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure." "Candy for some, peanuts to others." "Why does my foot taste of elderberry?"