- May 2022
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DICER1 syndrome encompasses a variety of benign and malignant manifestations including multinodular goitre
Gene: DICER1 PMCID: PMC8451242 PMID: 34552563 Pathogenic Inheritance Pattern: Autosomal Dominant MultipleDiseaseEntities Disease Entity: DICER1 syndrome, multinodular goitre, cystic nephroma, anaplastic renal sarcoma, Wilms tumour, differentiated thyroid carcinoma, gynandroblastoma, ciliary body medulloepithelioma, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, pineoblastoma, pituitary blastoma, kidney cyst, pulmonary cyst, Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor. Mutation: Germline MultipleGeneVariants Variant & Clinvar IDs: c.3452_3453del (485534), c.316del (no ClinVar ID), c.171_172insAC (no ClinVar ID), c.3434del (no ClinVar ID), c.988C>T (933007), c.5388dup (no ClinVar ID) Zygosity: None provided. Case: At time of operation, the goitre patients living in Denmark were ages 21, 12, 21, 8, 14, and 16. Four underwent total thyroidectomies, and two underwent partial thyroidectomies. The patient originally aged 21 previously had a kidney cyst at age 14 and a pulmonary cyst at an unknown age. The patient aged 14 at time of partial thyroidectomy later manifested a Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor at age 15. All six patients were female. CasePresentingHPO: None provided. CasePreviousTesting: thyroidectomy gnomAD: ENSG00000100697.10, https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/gene/ENSG00000100697 Mutation Type: Frameshift, Nonsense
- Germline
- c.3452_3453del
- Age:14
- PMID:34552563
- c.5388dup
- gnomAD:ENSG00000100697.10
- female
- c.988C>T
- ClinvarID:485534
- ClinvarID:NotProvided
- Cohort
- Pathogenic
- PMCID:PMC8451242
- c.3434del
- goiter
- cancer
- Gene:DICER1
- Age:12
- goitre
- Nonsense
- ClinvarID:933007
- c.316del
- MultipleGeneVariants
- Frameshift
- Age:21
- Mutation:Frameshift
- MultipleDiseaseEntities
- c.171_172insAC
- thyroidectomy
- AutosomalDominant
- Age:8
- Mutation:Nonsense
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DICER1 gene is located on chromosome 14q32.13 and plays a crucial role in the control of protein translation; its product, dicer protein, is a ribonuclease (RNase) III endoribonuclease which is essential for the production of microRNAs (miRNA) which are formed by the cleavage of pre-miRNA or double-stranded RNA1–4. RNase III contains two domains, IIIa and IIIb which cleave 3p miRNA and 5p miRNA from the 3′ and 5′ pre-miRNA, respectively. These cleavages require magnesium ions at the interface between the IIIa and IIIb domains and the miRNA; this magnesium dependent catalytic processing occurs at specific residues, E1320, E1564, E1813 and D17092–4. miRNA has a pivotal role in regulating the expression of over 30% of protein-coding genes by its interaction with mRNA5. Given the impact of DICER1 in post-translational events, it is not entirely surprising that functional DICER1 is essential for vertebrate development as evidenced by developmental arrest and death of the embryo when both alleles are lost6,7. Conceptually, DICER1 can be regarded as either a tumor suppressor gene due to loss-of-function mutations or an oncogene due to gain-of-function mutations; it is thought to function as a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor gene with the loss of one allele leading to tumor progression but loss of both alleles having an inhibitory effect for tumor development implying that one intact allele is needed for cell survival8.A study led by one of the authors (DAH) identified germline loss-of-function DICER1 mutations affecting the RNase IIIb domain in affected families with pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB)9, a rare dysembryonic lung malignancy of childhood which was not the only manifestation of this familial tumor predisposition syndrome; germline and somatic DICER1 mutations were subsequently identified in several other familial associated tumors in several extrapulmonary sites (Table 1). Individuals with germline DICER1 mutations also had non-neoplastic conditions including macrocephaly, renal structural anomalies, retinal abnormalities, dental perturbations, and the GLOW syndrome (global developmental delay, lung cysts, overgrowth and Wilms tumor). These associations encircle the DICER1 tumor predisposition syndrome (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man numbers 606241, 601200 and 138800), with the estimation that 90% of those affected by this syndrome inherited a germline mutation from one of their parents, with a pattern of autosomal dominant inheritance10.
- Gene Name: DICER1 Syndrome (OMIM 606241, 601200)
- PMID: 34599283
- Hugo Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNCID): N/A
- Inheritance Pattern: Autosomal Dominant
- Disease Entity: pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB), Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, gynandroblastoma, embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas of the cervix and other sites, multinodular goiter, differentiated and poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma, cervical-thyroid teratoma, cystic nephroma-anaplastic sarcoma of kidney, nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma, intestinal juvenile-like hamartomatous polyp, ciliary body medulloepithelioma, pituitary blastoma, pineoblastoma, primary central nervous system sarcoma, embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes-like cerebellar tumor, PPB-like peritoneal sarcoma, DICER1-associated presacral malignant teratoid neoplasm and other non-neoplastic associations.
- Mutation: Germline
- Zygosity: Heterozygous
- Variant: has multiple variants associated with it
- Family Information: Germ cell tumors have been reported in family members
- Case: identified affected families w/ pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB): germline and somatic DICER1 mutations also identified in other familial associated tumors
- CasePreviousTesting: numerous studies confirmed relationship b/t DICER1 variants in carriers and development of range neoplasms and non-neoplastic conditions
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
DICER1 syndrome is an autosomal-dominant, familial pleiotropic tumor-predisposition disorder1 caused by pathogenic germline variants in DICER1, an essential component of the microRNA processing pathway.
GeneName: DICER1 PMID: 30715996 HGNCID: N/A Inherritence pattern: autosomal dominant Disease Entity: multiple gene variants mutation: germline Zygosity: N/A Variant: Not found Family Info: N/A
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Individuals who harbor germline pathogenic variants in DICER1 (MIM #601200) have an increased risk for a variety of benign and malignant tumors.
Gene name: DICER1 PMID: 31952842 HGNCID: none found Inheritance pattern: autosomal dominant Disease entity: cervical embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma and ovarian sex-cord stromal tumors Mutation: Germline Zygosity: heterozygous Variant: none found Family info: personal or family history of ovarian sex-cord stromal tumor Case: 64 females aged 2 to 72 years; non-Hispanic white families CasePresentingHPOs: benign/malignant tumors CasePreviousTesting: physical examination, hormone testing, pelvic ultrasound gnomAD: N/A mutation type: germline pathogenic variation
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
DICER1 syndrome is a rare genetic condition predisposing to hereditary cancer and caused by variants in the DICER1 gene.
GeneName: DICER1 PMID: 33552988 HGNCID: Unavailable Inheritance Pattern: Autosomal Dominant with reduced penetrance Disease Entity: Cystic nephroma, familial pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB), ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (SLCT), cervix embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, multinodular goiter, Wilms' Tumor, Ciliary body medulloepithelioma, nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma, differentiated thyroid carcinoma, pituitary blastoma, pineoblastoma, sarcomas of different sites. Mutation: germline mutation Zygosity: heterozygous Variant: ClinVar ID not listed Family Information: No family cases listed Case: No specific case mentioned gnomAD: N/A Mutation Type: Frameshift, Nonsense mutation
- Apr 2022
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
We previously identified germline loss-of-function DICER1 mutations in a human syndrome defined by the childhood lung neoplasm, pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB), which arises during lung development.
GeneName: DICER1 PMCID: PMC4398601, PMID: 25500911 HGNCID: not avaliable InheritancePattern: autosomal dominant DiseaseEthnicity: Pleuropulmonary blastoma Mutation: germline Zygosity: heterozygotes most common Variant: ClinVarID unavaliable FamilyInformation: family disease not mentioned gnomAD: not avaliable MutationType: missense
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The DICER1 syndrome
Gene: DICER1 PMID: 30672147 HGNCID: n/a Inheritance Pattern: autosomal dominant Disease Entity: Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, Cystic Nephroma, Sertoli-Leydig tumors, Multinodular goiter, thyroid cancer, rhabdomysarcoma, pineoblastoma Mutation: Germline Zygosity: n/a MultipleGeneVariants Variant: p.Gly1824Val, p.Ser1160Tyr, p.Ala1578Thr, p.Leu1469Pro, p.Ser1160Tyr, p.Ile528Thr, p.Pro1836Leu, p.Glu904*, p.Tyr1835Ser, p.Ile528Thr, p.Arg1342His, p.Phe1650Cys, p.Trp1481Arg, p.Arg201His, p.Asp1390His, p.Trp1397Arg, p.Ala1578Thr <br /> Family Info: n/a gnomAD: n/a
The DICER1 syndrome is an autosomal dominant tumor‐predisposition disorder
Gene: DICER1 PMID: 30672147 HGNCID: Not found Inheritance Pattern: autosomal dominant Disease Entity: Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, Cystic Nephroma, Sertoli-Leydig tumors, Multinodular goiter, thyroid cancer, rhabdomysarcoma, pineoblastoma Mutation: germline Zygosity: not stated Variant: p.Asp1810Asn, c.4206+1G>C [splice],p.Gly1824Val, p.Ser1160Tyr, p.Ala1578Thr, p.Leu1469Pro, p.Ser1160Tyr, p.Ile528Thr, p.Pro1836Leu, p.Glu904, p.Tyr1835Ser, p.Ile528Thr, p.Arg1342His, p.Phe1650Cys, p.Trp1481Arg, p.Arg201His, p.Asp1390His, p.Asp1810Asn c.4206+1G>C, p.Trp1397Arg, p.Ala1578Thr Family Info: none provided
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The DICER1 gene, located on chromosome 14, position q32.13, encodes the endoribonuclease Dicer protein of the ribonuclease III family
GeneName: Dicer1 PMID (PubMedID): 29782508 HGNCID= Unavailable Inheritance Pattern: Autosomal Dominant Disease Entity: cancer, multinodular goiter, pleuropulmonary blastoma, cystic nephroma, and ovarian Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor Mutation: germline or somatic Zygosity: causes loss of heterozygosity Variant: unregistered Family: those that have the mutation almost always pass it on.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
DICER1 syndrome is a cancer-predisposing disorder caused by pathogenic variants in the DICER1 gene
Gene: DICER1 PMCID: PMC7859642 PMID: 33552988 HGNCID: Unavailable Inheritance Pattern: Autosomal Dominant Disease Entity: familial pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB),cystic nephroma, ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (SLCT), multinodular goiter, cervix embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, Wilms’ tumor, nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma, ciliary body medulloepithelioma, differentiated thyroid carcinoma, pituitary blastoma, pineoblastoma, and sarcomas of different sites. Mutation: Germline Zygosity: Heterozygosity most common Variant: ClinVarID not available Family Information: No mention of disease within family Case: No case specified GnomAD: N/A Mutation Type: Nonsense or Frameshift