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  1. Sep 2018
    1. The Cologne-based TÜV Rheinland headquarters is revitalizing its approximately 100,000 square meter business park with ten buildings in Poll. The management of TÜV Rheinland Immobiliengesellschaft mbH & Co. KG has developed an innovative concept with the engineering experts from Drees & Sommer as energy designer, building physicist and TGA planner: In future, there should only be one energy center. All buildings in the property are supplied with heat and cooling via the power grid of the new energy center. For heat supply, hybrid energy sources are used. These consist of the renewable raw material wood, a wood pellet boiler plant, as well as the fossil energy natural gas, gas condensing boilers and an integrated combined heat and power plant. The cold is generated by free-cooling, high-efficiency compression machines and absorption chillers. This can save 30 percent of primary energy compared to today. In addition, CO2 emissions will be reduced by more than 30 percent. The overall concept is modular in design and adaptable for the future.

      Sustainable Business Park

    1. evohaus innovative settlements in general evohaus irq (Intelligent Residence Quartiere) Settlements cover your heat demand primarily environmentally friendly and cost-effective by the sun. The need for heating is already low due to the good insulation of the evohaus architecture anyway. Remaining heat demand is covered by solar power. The solar power drives heat pumps that produce about three kilowatt hours of heat energy for heating or hot water with one kilowatt hour of electrical energy. The settlement gets its heat independent of gas, coal or other fossil fuels. The heat pumps are preferably switched on when enough solar power is generated. Water tanks store excess heat and provide the settlement with sunless times. An energy management system monitors and controls storage tanks and heat pumps. The evohaus irq concept is taking the step from a passive house to an active house: it not only saves energy but also generates electricity itself and uses it with intelligence.


    1. "Green tires" reduce the fuel consumption of vehicles in urban traffic by up to seven percent (on average by 4.1 percent) and can save fleet operators thousands of euros in costs each year. In addition, these high-performance tires significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of vehicles compared to standard tires. These are the results of a joint tire test carried out by LANXESS, the world's leading manufacturer of synthetic high-performance rubbers for the tire industry, together with energy supplier RheinEnergie. RheinEnergie has therefore decided to gradually convert its vehicle fleet to "green tires". Initially, around 130 vehicles will be retrofitted as part of the usual wear change. For half a year, under real conditions, the fuel consumption of six identical RheinEnergie service vehicles in Cologne and the surrounding area was compared with both "green tires" and standard tires, thus determining the potential for savings. The vehicles with a weight of around two tons had comparable areas of application in the city of Cologne and the surrounding area during the test period. Driver, load weight and tank operations were identical for the vehicles. Over the entire test period, all six vehicles together covered a distance of around 37,000 kilometers. The result: The maximum fuel saving was 6.96 percent and a lower CO2 emission of up to 155 kilograms per 10,000 kilometers.
    1. n times of energy transition and scarce resources, the architectural concept of Concrete Apartments Cologne is based on the requirements of the future - it is designed as an energy-saving passive house. This contains • a 26 cm thick external insulation made of rock wool, • triple glazed windows, • optimum recovery of radiated heat from residents and household appliances, • a ventilation system with a constant base temperature of 20 ° C - summer and winter - as well as • a digital control system that directs the use of luminaires and large consumers. Only those who like it even warmer must turn on the heating controller. All rooms are equipped with presence detectors, which automatically switch off lamps, for example, when not in use - this also saves energy. Of course, residents can also make the scheme manually. The energy and heat for the Boarding House creates its own, energy-efficient combined heat and power plant. State-of-the-art technology is also used here: surplus electricity is optionally fed into the public grid or used for the charging station for electric vehicles in the courtyard.

      Smart Homes Cologne

    1. The diesel exhaust gases of the Rhine ships pollute the Cologne air with pollutants and fine dust and the climate with a significant amount of CO 2 . A part of it does not arise during the journey, but while the ships are at anchor. Because their generators must also run to generate the necessary electricity. Here, "Landstrom" provides a remedy: Since 2015, RheinEnergie has gradually been equipping a large part of the moorings along the Rhine with uniform power connections. Consequence: During the lay times the ship diesels can be turned off.

      Landstrom - Smart Energy for Ships

    1. Electric cars are an energy-efficient and potentially regenerative alternative to cars powered by fossil fuels. In order to promote this regenerative alternative, colognE-mobil has already installed 122 charging stations for electric cars (TankE) in and around Cologne, one of which is located on the Klimastraße in the car park behind the Kaufhof. Further charging points will soon be created directly on the Klimastraße.

      Electric Charging Stations

    1. As well as energy-saving lighting, Smart Home is an important building block for an energy-efficient and comfortable future. With smart homes and smart meters in the network, homeowners and store owners can reduce their electricity and heating costs by an average of 7%! Add to that the great comfort of making the apartment burglar-proof and controlling almost every aspect of heating, electricity or security in the building. So you can control from your smartphone whether the stove is still on at home, a window has been left open, the heating is running at full speed or the light is on. In addition, before the house is on fire, modern, networked smoke detectors report any alarm directly to the owner's smartphone. It can automatically be initiated various steps, such. B. that the fire department is called. In order to test some scenarios and saving opportunities in everyday life and to make known the possibilities offered by these modern technologies, Smart Home applications were installed on the Klimastraße in nine private apartments of the Nippes Tower and in the bookstore Neusser Straße. This was financed by the project Klimastraße or the company RocketHome . In addition, it is planned to equip the entire climate road with smart meters from RheinEnergie.

      Smart Home

    1. Along the Klimastraße, the street lighting was replaced by modern and elegant LED street lamps by the end of January 2014. From now on, about 55% energy and about 5 tons of CO2 are saved. The lighting in the shops and businesses on the Klimastraße is on all business days up to 12 hours on. Therefore, all owners were asked by the project to participate in a retrofit campaign on LED lighting. Even businesses and businesses from Cologne and the surrounding area of ​​Cologne have become aware of this campaign on the Klimastraße. In a temporary action, these are supported by small grants from the project SmartCity Cologne to equip their business premises with LED lighting.

      LED Lighting

    1. The energy transition presents network operators and energy providers with particular challenges. Both have to deal with an increasing share of electricity from renewable sources in the electricity grid. Wind turbines and photovoltaic systems produce electricity, however, depending on the weather and therefore fluctuating. For a secure supply, it is necessary that electricity production and consumption are always balanced as much as possible. In order for this to succeed, utilities and network operators must always know where and in what quantity energy is generated and consumed. Only then can production and consumption be optimally coordinated. However, continuous metering is not possible with today's metering technology.The solution to the problem is smart metering. In the future, so-called "smart metering systems" will transfer consumption data to grid operators and energy providers. This ensures that they can optimally control the network at any time. The technology is mainly used in households and businesses with high annual consumption.Consumers can access the data at any time. The additional transparency helps them to further increase their energy efficiency and thereby reduce costs. New services provided by energy suppliers are intended to reinforce the positive effects.

      Smart Metering

    1. In the framework of the project "Celsius" we investigate which method leads to the best possible results in order to increase the chances of realization. For this purpose, demonstration plants were built at three different locations in the city. In Cologne-Wahn and Cologne-Mülheim, the heat is extracted directly from the sewer using so-called gutter heat exchangers. The heat exchangers with a length of 60 and 120 meters are installed at the bottom of the canal. The heat transfer medium transports the heat from there to the heat pumps with a capacity of 150 or 200 kW in the boiler rooms of the schools supplied. In Cologne-Nippes, a total of three schools and a sports hall are supplied by sewage heat. Here, the wastewater is pumped through a newly laid, 400-meter-long bypass to the boiler room of the Edith Stein-.Realschule. There, in the largest direct evaporator in Germany (400 kW), heat is transferred directly to the heating circuit of the schools. With the three demonstration plants, an environmental relief of a total of 500 t CO2 / year is achieved. The use of wastewater heat is technically mature and well developed. Nevertheless, this form of waste heat utilization has so far been a niche existence. This is partly because it is still little known, often the necessary information is not available locally, their implementation is relatively complex and requires high investment. Further reducing these barriers is the goal of the Cologne CELSIUS project.  

      CELCIUS - Use of waste water to generate energy

    1. District heating is one of the key pillars of our sustainable energy action plan. This plan has been decided by the local parliament in 2008 and renewed in 2015. Our first priority is to cut in half the total energy demand of the city until 2050 and then cover the rest with renewable energy and/or waste heat. To use large amounts of waste heat (e.g. from a waste incineration plant, industry, datacentres …) you need a distribution system, because it is not useable only locally. This is why we want to increase the share of district heating in the city. For the future we see a district heating system which will be “open source technology” – everyone can use the heat and also be a prosumer, delivering surplus energy, e.g. from a solar – thermal plant, to the system. There will not be any longer central DH-Stations but smaller plants and the use of all waste heat sources we can get.

      HotMaps - open source heating / cooling mapping and planning toolbox

  2. Aug 2018
    1. StadtRAD Hamburg - get on and off! The StadtRAD makes you spontaneous and individually mobile. Whether as a professional, leisure or tourist you experience Hamburg in a special way - very close to the pulse of the city. On many loan stations throughout the city, you have the option to rent a city bike around the clock and return it - as easy as cycling.

      StadtRAD Bicyling in Hamburg

    1. Smart lighting is situated at a pilot section in the port of Hamburg (Hohe Schaar Street): 4 km long; hosting 102 LED luminaries and 60 sensors. Smart Lighting provides follow-me-light and better safety for pedestrians and cyclists with the same lighting performance. Smart lighting combines detecting technologies of thermal sensors for the intelligent control. System includes Smart Traffic and Incident management: traffic monitoring and automatic incident detection.

      Smart Lighting

    1. Apartimentum in Hamburg will be the smartest home in Europe with  44 apartments, all rented for a flat-rate, including all services – powered by Cisco IP technology.

      Apartimentum - Smart Home in Hamburg

  3. www.hamburg-port-authority.de www.hamburg-port-authority.de
    1. e-Mo­bi­li­ty in the port Elec­tric ve­hi­cles are be­com­ing in­creas­ingly com­mon­place in road trans­port. We are also re­view­ing ways of ex­tend­ing e-Mo­bi­li­ty to pas­sen­ger and freight traf­fic in the har­bour area. We are there­fore press­ing ahead with charg­ing in­fra­struc­ture, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the op­er­a­tors of pub­lic charg­ing pil­lars. At the cruise ship ­ter­mi­nal, we plan to use pref­er­en­tial e-Ta­xis. In ad­di­tion, we are analysing the vi­a­bil­ity of e-Mo­bi­li­ty for our staff.


    2. Vir­tu­al de­pot Truck jour­neys with empty con­tai­ners put an un­nec­es­sary strain on the en­vi­ron­ment. We have there­fore de­vel­oped the so-called vir­tua­l de­pot to op­ti­mise the move­ment of empty con­tai­ners be­tween pack­ing ­companies. The cloud-­ba­sed sys­tem in­forms par­tic­i­pat­ing op­er­a­tors which con­tai­ners are to be de­liv­ered back to the de­pot. The pack­ing com­pany then re­quests these di­rectly. The re­sult: no more un­nec­es­sary empty trips to the de­pot.

      Virtual Depot

    3. Smar­t main­te­nance The in­fra­struc­ture in the port of Ham­bur­g is mon­i­tored us­ing mobi­le end de­vices, such as ta­blets or smart­pho­nes. When con­trolling roads, bridges and tracks, these de­vices au­to­ma­tically send mea­sure­ments to the down­stream IT sys­te­ms, where the da­ta is processed, stored and edited. The aim is to make the main­te­nance ­proces­ses more ef­fec­ti­ve and ef­fici­en­t and to im­prove the qua­li­ty of no­ti­fi­ca­tions.

      Smart Maintenance

    4. In­tel­li­gen­t rail­way point Fre­quently used points on the har­bour rail­way are fit­ted with sen­so­rs that trans­mit da­ta to a cen­tra­l IT sys­tem in real-time. They col­lect a va­ri­ety of data by mov­ing or pass­ing over the switch­ing points and thereby pro­vide in­for­ma­tion about the con­di­tion and wear of the es­sen­tial op­er­a­tional in­ter­sec­tions. The ben­e­fit: we can iden­tify main­te­nance work or re­pai­rs at an early stage, thereby avoid­ing down­time.

      Intelligent Railway Points

    5. Shore power from re­new­able en­er­gies Thanks to a land­side cruise liner power sup­ply sourced from re­newa­ble en­er­gi­es, we are sig­nif­i­cantly re­ducing the en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact in Ham­burg. These ocean-go­ing gi­ants are sup­plied with elec­tric­ity via a trans­former ­sta­ti­on and mo­bi­le trans­fer mech­a­nism at the Al­to­na cruise ship ­ter­mi­nal. The di­men­sio­ns of the land­side power plant are unique in Eu­ro­pe. We are cur­rently con­sid­er­ing us­ing sim­i­lar mo­dels in other ar­eas of the port in fu­ture.

      Shore Power from Renewable Energies

    6. smart­PORT en­er­gy The HPA pro­motes en­vi­ron­men­tally-friend­ly mo­bi­li­ty and ad­vo­cates re­du­ced en­er­gy con­sump­tion. smart­PORT en­er­gy there­fore helps limit its de­pen­dence on con­ven­tio­nally gen­er­ated power, re­duce emis­sio­ns and save money. It fo­cuses on three core ar­eas: re­newable en­er­gi­es, en­er­gy ­ef­fici­ency an

      smartPORT Energy

    7. smart­PORT lo­gis­tics Thanks to in­tel­li­gen­t so­lu­tions for the flow of traf­fic and goods, the HPA is im­prov­ing the port's ef­fici­ency. smart­PORT lo­gis­tics com­bines eco­no­mic and eco­lo­gical as­pec­ts in three sub-sec­tors: traf­fic flows, in­fra­structure and the flow of goods. An in­ter­mo­da­l Port­Traf­fic cen­tre for sea, rail and road trans­port forms the ba­sis for net­work­ing the flow of traf­fic. In­tel­li­gen­t net­work­ing is a pre­req­ui­site for smooth, ef­fici­en­t trans­port in the port of Ham­bur­g and ul­ti­mately for the flow of goods: op­ti­mum da­ta cap­ture and rapid in­for­ma­ti­on shar­ing al­low lo­gis­tics man­agers, car­ri­ers and agen­ts to se­lect the most efficien­t means of trans­port for their goods.

      smartPORT Logistics

    1. BSR’s MHKW Ruhleben Waste-to-energy power station with an annual capacity of 520,000 tonnes of waste forms the centrepiece of Berlin’s waste disposal. It went into operation in 1967, and has since been successively extended and refitted many times. With the com­missioning of the new Line A in September 2012 (together with the decommissioning of Lines 5 to 8), the MHKW now has a total of five incineration lines (Line A and Lines 1 to 4). It operates in a continuous three-shift system.

      BSR - Waste to Power

    2. The waste management strategy for Land Berlin also addresses the high-quality recycling of building materials. Every year, about 1 million tonnes of recycling concrete is generated in Berlin. An on-going investigation of the environmental and climate impacts of mate­rial flows in Berlin has shown, among other things, that the utilisation of recycled con­crete in the building industry could make an important contribution to increasing resource efficiency.

      Recycled Concrete

    1. Last week Stefka Wiese from GreenGasDrive was with us. The startup wants to make GreenCNG available nationwide for public and private fleet customers in the CNG filling station network. It should be made climate neutral, especially from waste biogas. In addition, GreenGasDrive advises on upcoming investment decisions and utilization optimization


    1. Oliver Lang visited us from Sonnenrepublik . His start-up offers various solutions to use sunlight for power generation. For example in the form of sustainable, mobile solar panels for on the move, industrial sunshades with built-in solar cells as well as W-Lan function or even larger, customized solar panels

      SONNENREPUBLIK - Customizable-Mobile Solar Panels

    1. Nikolaus Starzacher from Discovergy visited us last week . The start-up has developed its own smart meter gateway, which not only measures and displays the power consumption live, but can even recognize some of the appliances used in the household based on specific consumption data. With the help of real-time data, more transparency is created and users can precisely optimize their power consumption. For example, by replacing old appliances which - now recognizable - consume a lot of energy with new ones or choose a different time of day with more favorable electricity prices for the use of a washing machine or dishwasher. The Discovergy user interface works both in the browser and via an app on the smartphone or tablet. There is also the option to subscribe to evaluations or to receive notifications when exceptional consumption is perceived.

      DISCOVERGY - Full transparency and control over energy consumption and production

    1. The DIGINET-PS research project involves the development and implementation of a connected urban infrastructure test field along a stretch of Straße des 17. Juni between Ernst-Reuter Platz and the Brandenburg Gate, designed to advance and validate automated and autonomous driving and its broad range of individual areas under real-life traffic circumstances. The test infrastructure is intended to provide central, regional and supra-regional companies and R&D institutes with the opportunity to field test automated driving within an authentic urban setting. This will establish Germany’s first pilot project to build a digital test field for automated driving in highly complex traffic situations. DIGINET-PS will contribute to implementing Berlin’s smart city strategy in the area of mobility and will also support the state’s Digital Agenda.

      DIGINET-PS: The digitally connected protocol route – urban test field for automated and connected driving in Berlin

    1. The ELEKTRA research project seeks to develop an energy-efficient, hybrid-powered inland push boat. The project will demonstrate hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in combination with accumulators on inland waterway vessels in order to test the technology under operating conditions. Focus AreasElectric heavy-cargo shipsBZ drive

      The ELEKTRA research project seeks to develop an energy-efficient, hybrid-powered inland push boat

    1. The research project eMobility-Scout deals with the conceptualization, implementation and testing of a cloud-based IT solution for the operation of electric vehicles and for sharing charging infrastructures among different businesses. In doing so, eMobility-Scout is considering the interest shown by many companies and institutions for simple and smart integration of electric vehicles into their fleets. Solutions for diverse areas of application in commercial mobility are being developed and tested, while taking logistical, economic and ecological aspects into account. Experienced project partners and affiliates, as well as renowned end users, are contributing extensive knowledge to the project. The results of the research project for IKT EM III should also gain substantial recognition in the public sphere.

      eMobility-Scout - cloud-based IT solution for operating electric vehicles and sharing private charging infrastructures

    1. Berlin’s urban tourism sector has been growing for years. The demand for sustainable and green vehicle solutions for city tours is rising accordingly. Within this project, BCT City Tour GmbH and its subsidiary POKRA Omnibus Werkstatt GmbH is converting diesel-powered double-decker buses to exclusively electric drive systems.

      Electrification of double-decker buses for tourism purposes

    1. StromPager can remotely control consumer appliances such as night storage heaters and heat pumps, small generation plants for regenerative energy or combined heat and power in the distribution network. Charging stations for electric vehicles can also optimize network utilization through fast and dynamic regulation. Replacement of audio frequency round control In Berlin, about 30,000 consumer devices are currently controlled by audio frequency ripple control (TFR) or time switches. The transmitters and receivers that have been in use for many years reach the end of their service life. Your continued operation, maintenance and replacement are complex and not efficient. Against this backdrop, we searched with regional project partners for new ways to securely and reliably transmit switching commands. With the Berlin-based companies e * message and Bosch Software Innovations, we developed all elements necessary for the function, such as receiver modules, IT platform and associated software. Since September 2014, we are the first distribution system operator to use the existing pager paging network for the controller.

      StromPager - the radio-based control technology - is an innovative and efficient solution for switching on and / or adjusting stages of loads and generating units

    1. A fully integrated logistics concept to establish environment and climate friendly supply chains in urban districts is going to evolve from the project. Co-creation processes, which are supported by online tools, are being used to develop the concept. The development and testing of sustainable business and deployment models is the goal of Distribut(e) and this will be addressed through the development of a shared e-logistics system in Klausenerplatz and at Mierendorff-Insel. The system will relate to a specific district (Kiez) in Berlin. A digital dialogue platform will be set up for the purpose of ordering local goods and for the booking of cargo bikes. Other low-threshold service offerings will be developed using Urban Design Thinking and will be integrated into the operating model.Focus Areas Integrated shared e-logistics at Mierendorff-Insel and at KlausenerplatzUrban Design Thinking: Formats for the co-creation process for sustainable urban district logisticsEfficiency enhancement in the delivery of goods in the ‘last mile’Mobile and online participation: Promotion of local production chains and activation of local stakeholders such as small to medium sized companies and local residentsIdentification of new sharing and value-in-use conceptsHigher standards in terms of the transparency, sovereignty, security and efficiency of data on the online platform

      Distribut(e): Green city district (Kiez) supply chains for the city of tomorrow

    1. The project's objective is the introduction of electric vehicles featuring innovative charging techniques inpublic transport and the demonstration of the use of inductive charging technology during ongoing operations. Berlin's public transport association, the BVG, intends to establish an electric bus line including an inductivecharging infrastructure. The battery capacity in buses can be reduced to a size of 90 kWh, thanks to opportunity based charging.

      E-Bus Berlin

    1. Smart meter Smart electricity meters, so-called "smart meters", measure and document the energy used in real time and allow the customer individual energy management. Explore now consumer producer Storage Loaded unloaded Consume feeding to save Use energy To overview function getQueryVariable(variable) { if(window.location.search.length > 0) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) { var pair = vars[i].split("="); if (pair[0] == variable) { return pair[1]; } } alert('Query Variable ' + variable + ' not found'); } } //var adobeEdgePage = 'overview'; var adobeEdgePage = 'smartmeter'; if(getQueryVariable('p') !== undefined) { adobeEdgePage = getQueryVariable('p'); } .edgeLoad-edgeStage { visibility:hidden; } AdobeEdge.loadComposition('https://www.stromnetz.berlin/resources/stromnetz-berlin/smartgrid/animations/'+adobeEdgePage, 'edgeStage', { scaleToFit: "width", centerStage: "horizontal", minW: "0", maxW: "924px", width: "924px", height: "680px" }, {"style":{"${symbolSelector}":{"isStage":"true","rect":["undefined","undefined","924px","680px"],"fill":["rgba(255,255,255,1)"]}},"dom":{}}, {"style":{"${symbolSelector}":{"isStage":"true","rect":["undefined","undefined","924px","643px"],"fill":["rgba(255,255,255,1)"]}},"dom":{}}); Smart meters can measure the used and the generated energy. The data is transmitted to the network operator so that they can be used in the billing of grid usage, feed-in and delivery by the electricity supplier. The measured values ​​can also be accessed via various platforms, eg. Web pages and smart phone apps. The customer thus has an up-to-date overview of his electricity consumption and, if necessary, his generation. But the electricity supplier can also use the consumption data to design tailor-made power products, thereby optimizing power consumption and energy costs. Smart meters make the use of energy more transparent to the customer compared to today's measurement.