- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die extremen Niederschläge der letzten Wochen im französischen Nordwesten, vor allem im Departement Pas-de-Calais, führen auch zu einer Überfüllung der Grundwasserspeicher. Das abfließende Wasser kann zu die Überschwemmungen verlängern, nachdem die Niederschläge aufgehört haben. Erklärender Artikel in der Libération.. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/inondations-dans-le-pas-de-calais-les-nappes-phreatiques-goutte-deau-qui-fait-deborder-la-vase-20231114_LPHYWOAFT5BJNMHJUHWLDG3ZOM/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Extreme Regenfälle sorgen seit Monaten in großen Teilen Frankreichs für Überflutungen. Sie folgen auf eine lange Trockenperiode. Der Wechsel von Trockenheit und starken Niederschlägen entspricht den Prognosen der Klimaforschung für das Wetter in Frankreich später in diesem Jahrhundert. Ob die Extremwetter-Ereignisse der letzten Monate eine direkte Folge der globalen Erhitzung sind, ist wissenschaftlich umstritten.
- 2024-04-22
- phenomenon: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- France
- expert: Eric Sauquet
- event: extreme rains in France
- process: increasing risk of floodings
- expert: Christine Berne
- institution: Météo France
- by: Margaux Lacroix
- event: extreme precipitations in France spring 2024
- Florence Habets
- expert: Françoise Vimeux
- Jul 2023
Local file Local file
The first proper war correspondent was a jolly, well-fed, clubbablecard-playing Irish bon vivant from County Limerick named WilliamHoward Russell.
William Howard Russell was one of the first foreign war correspondents. He was particularly known for his coverage of the 1850's Crimean War; his descriptions of the wounded there urged the arrival of Florence Nightingale.
- May 2019
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
uring World War I as a chemist at Hammersley Paper Mill and then won a scholarship to Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, where she earned a doctorate in biochemistry in 1923
High school- top of her class, earning her a scholarship to Goucher College (1918, studied zoology and chemistry).
World War I- worked as a chemist at Hammersley Paper mIll, earned a scholarshiip to Yale University (1923, doctrates in biochem).
1937–38, as a Guggenheim fellow at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, she invented a means of isolating and purifying the active substance in tuberculin
Post doctoral research at University of Chicago Taught Pathology (Sprague Memorial Institute) and Biochem (UPENN's Henry Phipps Institute)
University of Uppsala (Sweden) 1937-38 as a Guggenheim fellow, invented technique to isolate and purify active substance in tuberculin----- protein substance from tuberculosis causing bacillus Myobacterium Tuberulosis Produced first purified protein derivative tuberculin, enabled first reliable tuberculin test
1941, US adopts as standard test 1952, World Health Organization adopts standard test
Still in Use today
1958- retired from teaching. Served as a consultant to the United States Public Health Service
- Director of Cancer Research Laboratory @ Mound Park Hospital (aka Bayfront Medical Center) St. Petersburg
1990- Inducted into National Women's Hall of Fame
- Aug 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Region Capital Area (km2) Area (sq mi) Population Nominal GDP EURO billions (2016)[148] Nominal GDP EURO per capita(2016) [149] Abruzzo L'Aquila 10,763 4,156 1,331,574 32 24,100 Aosta Valley Aosta 3,263 1,260 128,298 4 34,900 Apulia Bari 19,358 7,474 4,090,105 72 17,800 Basilicata Potenza 9,995 3,859 576,619 12 20,600 Calabria Catanzaro 15,080 5,822 1,976,631 33 16,800 Campania Naples 13,590 5,247 5,861,529 107 18,300 Emilia-Romagna Bologna 22,446 8,666 4,450,508 154 34,600 Friuli-Venezia Giulia Trieste 7,858 3,034 1,227,122 37 30,300 Lazio Rome 17,236 6,655 5,892,425 186 31,600 Liguria Genoa 5,422 2,093 1,583,263 48 30,800 Lombardy Milan 23,844 9,206 10,002,615 367 36,600 Marche Ancona 9,366 3,616 1,550,796 41 26,600 Molise Campobasso 4,438 1,713 313,348 6 20,000 Piedmont Turin 25,402 9,808 4,424,467 129 29,400 Sardinia Cagliari 24,090 9,301 1,663,286 34 20,300 Sicily Palermo 25,711 9,927 5,092,080 87 17,200 Tuscany Florence 22,993 8,878 3,752,654
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
102.41 km2
Water Pollution Low 38.46
CO2 Emission Index: 3,060.62
122.73 142.91 Time Index (in minutes): 34.00
Mortgage as Percentange of Income: 49.26% 92.60%
www.internetlivestats.com www.internetlivestats.com
39,211,518Internet Users in Italy (2016*)Share of Italy Population: 65.6 % (penetration)Total Population : 59,801,004 Share of World Internet Users: 1.1 %
www.transparency.org www.transparency.org
Score 50 / 100
Quality of Green and Parks Low 29.17 High 73.08
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Garbage Disposal Satisfaction51.92 Moderate
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
ealth Care System Index: 65.07
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 62.24
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
35 Italy 0.814
- Jun 2018
blog.sens-public.org blog.sens-public.org
Mais nous pouvons aussi occuper cet espace institutionnel avec des initiatives plus collectives – que l’on pense à ce qu’a fait dans ce domaine François Bon, avec remue.net d’abord et publie.net ensuite, que l’on pense encore au travail de Florence Trocmé avec Poézibao, ou à des collectifs comme Poème sale, ou à des initiatives universitaires comme le répertoire des œuvres hypermédiatiques réalisé par l’NT2.
Les poissons-pilotes de la révolution numérique.
- Feb 2017
ebooks.adelaide.edu.au ebooks.adelaide.edu.au
n Florence, a rich and famous city of Italy in the province called Tuscany,
Florence was a prominent wealthy city in this time. Cervantes uses accuracy in mentions of this city even as a side story. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=dmpMcyeEX5EC&oi=fnd&pg=PP11&dq=florence+italy+history&ots=42mXVMTzJE&sig=xUVIM3YmkozvPJuF-AuJojgYBqc#v=onepage&q=florence%20italy%20history&f=false
- Jul 2016
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
- May 2015
ecdaproject.org ecdaproject.org
the banks of the great_____ river
Might this be the Niger?
see The Encyclopedia of Geography: Comprising a Complete Description of the ... By Hugh Murray, William Wallace, Robert Jameson, Sir William Jackson Hooker, William Swainson (Book III, p.1269, note: 5420-1Link to reference