- Feb 2021
course.oeru.org course.oeru.org
Reflect on differ
May not be measurable!
Technology will not replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.
Is there awa to make this bold? Also improve on the image probably with teacher using technology in the learning/teachng process.
course.oeru.org course.oeru.org
Add the web address/
Uploading on the web may be a problem.
course.oeru.org course.oeru.org
9. Padlet
Padlet as tool would be the most suitbale in terms of HE learning/teaching process. Given that it allows easy flow of dicussions and collaborative works.
course.oeru.org course.oeru.org
If you or your students do not have access to a tablet or smartphone, consider the following resources:
Preparedness of technology enhanced learning could be pegged to availability/accessibility to the gadgets listed i.e. tablet, smartphone etc.
course.oeru.org course.oeru.org
curious and creative
Creativityseems to be tied to innovative. I will suggevst that innovation be added to curious, creative and innovative.
Mary Lou Cook
Looks like the images are collected on https://wikieducator.org/. Is okay to have the images hosted in their original source and create a link?
course.oeru.org course.oeru.org
new ways of doing things
Well expressed though hands-on could be used to explicitly make reference to experimental teaching.