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  1. Jul 2024
    1. For now it's impossible to interact with others and move through this world without touching big tech. With this in mind, we are all going to end up using some of those platforms. So what we need are methods to extract the data off those platforms. There are blunt ways like scraping, and potentially captured ways like platform APIs. However, thanks to the explosion of privacy and interoperability-related legislation around the world, most sites have an option to check out all your data.

      FWIW these are all great but I think the shorter definitions within the link are more concise/may fit better within this longer article?

      E.g. "Extract: Copy your data off platforms you don't own."

    2. You can always check out, copy, or scrape your work from other platforms and take ownership.

      Only our own work? Maybe also that of our friends, of our communities, etc.?

    3. If it has to query a backend to load it will one day die.

      What if the backend itself is hosted in a distributed way? E.g. based on, or extending, protocols such as ipfs/hypercore.