3 Matching Annotations
- May 2019
www.proteinatlas.org www.proteinatlas.org
annotation parameters include an evaluation of i) staining intensity (negative, weak, moderate or strong), ii) fraction of stained cells (rare, <25%, 25-75% or >75%) and iii) subcellular localization (nuclear and/or cytoplasmic/membranous).
How are the expression levels for tissues derived from the primary annotations?
For cancer tissues, two cores are sampled from each individual and protein expression is annotated in tumor cells.
- Oct 2014
ac.els-cdn.com ac.els-cdn.com
In the present study, the impact of PC on the activity and feedback regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) impaired in depression has been studied in the model of shock-induced depression in rats.
Shock induced depression