8 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. Uncovering secrets of the proteome: Alternate RNA decoding & Protein asymmetry shaping cell fate

      This presentation "Uncovering the secrets of the human proteome" was given in May 2024 at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Barnett Institute. It focused on progress in proteomics and two new discoveries: 1. Alternate RNA decoding results in stable and abundant proteins in mammals 2. Proteome asymmetry in mouse and human embryos before fate specification

      The vastness and complexity of the human proteome have hampered its exploration. New mass spectrometry technologies are transcending those limitations and allowing for large gains in sensitivity, sequence coverage, spatial and temporal resolution. I will discuss the conceptual drivers of this progress and provide examples of how it will advance our understanding of the human proteome and enable better therapeutics.


  2. Feb 2022
  3. Aug 2020
  4. May 2019
    1. annotation parameters include an evaluation of i) staining intensity (negative, weak, moderate or strong), ii) fraction of stained cells (rare, <25%, 25-75% or >75%) and iii) subcellular localization (nuclear and/or cytoplasmic/membranous).

      How are the expression levels for tissues derived from the primary annotations?

    2. For cancer tissues, two cores are sampled from each individual and protein expression is annotated in tumor cells.
  5. Oct 2016
    1. blast

      BLAST finds regions of similarity between biological sequences. The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance.