8 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2018
pidapalooza18.sched.com pidapalooza18.sched.com
- observation: new people come into community, discuss new ideas, discussion dies down
- but we also look at these new tech & discuss their applicability
- "phone" is identified by several IDs
- hashes talk about accession, not about for example location
- CIIDRA = IDs for construction industry
- "immutability" in programming isn't necessarily useful for persistence
- issues with DOI: What does it mean to "own" an identifier?
- DOIs can be handed over to other organisation
- ownership is multi-faceted: content, domain, infrastructure to keep it available, etc.
- same for "trust": intention vs. execution
- "distributed": membership organisations, server locations, decision taking
- efforts of hacking around social issues are doomed
- governance needs human interaction
- blockchain for PIDs is antisocial & elitist
- observation: new people come into community, discuss new ideas, discussion dies down
pidapalooza18.sched.com pidapalooza18.sched.com
- aligning incentive between policy creator & follower needed, like in Hamurabi's code
pidapalooza18.sched.com pidapalooza18.sched.com
- data silos: maybe we know them, but like a city covered by fog, we can't easily look deeply => solution ideas: NCATS Data Translator Knowledge Map
- How many FTEs are spend reconciling IDs from different sources?
- [ ] considered packaging & publishing scripts to avoid re-scripting?
- no qualifiers for relatedTo means merging opposing data becomes common
- something similar to https://github.com/pandoc-scholar/pandoc-scholar#semantic-citations needed
- instead: https://github.com/monarch-initiative/kboom
- http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.2001414
- [ ] Why PIDs needed for licenses? creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0 is URL & ID in one, no?
- http://reusabledata.org/
pidapalooza18.sched.com pidapalooza18.sched.com
- difficult to calculate impact / ROI of big scientific machinery
pidapalooza18.sched.com pidapalooza18.sched.com
- p hacking or "garden of forking paths" washes random cases of significances up as scientific findings
- remedy: pre-registering studies & methods
- allTrials in medicine, now social sciences
- discussion at BITSS: which PIDs to use?
- pre-registrars require rather many fields, compared to repositories
- still, people do fill these out => several hundred studies pre-registered each
- sounds like RIOjournal, but community-owned registrars have better reputation there => better to introduce PIDs there, than to introduce them to new journal
pidapalooza18.sched.com pidapalooza18.sched.com
- conference acronyms not unique
- some conferences don't have publishers
- some are predatory / fake / mock
pidapalooza18.sched.com pidapalooza18.sched.com
- audience consensus: little discussion necessary about whether blogs should have DOIs, concrete implementations needed
- manual DOI registration possible, but of little use
- API call better, but integration from blogging software necessary
- SEO also requires exposing metadata => interests align
- schema.org/BlogPosting suggested
- https://blog.datacite.org/ uses JSON-LD
- https://wordpress.org/plugins/schema/
- sitemap needed so that indexer can find the posts to then extract metadata
- beta testers from institutions that already register DOIs welcome
pidapalooza18.sched.com pidapalooza18.sched.com
- building tech, syntax & metadata is comparatively easy
- How to create social context for acceptance of identifiers?
- [ ] But why was that possible for several PIDs, but not for keeping URLs stable in the first place?