5 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. Durante años, los inventos han ampliado los poderes físicos de las personas en lugar de los poderes de su mente. Argumenta que están a la mano los instrumentos que, si se desarrollan adecuadamente, darán a la sociedad acceso y dominio sobre el conocimiento heredado de las épocas. La perfección de estos instrumentos pacíficos, sugiere, debería ser el primer objetivo de nuestros científicos.

      Esto es buenísimo para la innovación de nuevos inventos que pueden beneficiar la humanidad por medio de la imaginación del ser humano pero creo se debe ser limitado debido a la gran imaginación que contiene el ser humano pero dicha imaginación se puede crear ideas buenas, malas y desechables.

  2. Mar 2021
    1. Some basic assessments that can be implemented to identify distortion patterns are gait observations, overhead squat, pushing and pulling motions, and static posture analysis. With any postural assessment—static, dynamic or transitional—UCS can be observed by watching head position relative to the shoulders, and the arms and shoulder blades relative to the ribs.

      Alguns exemplos de como avaliar

    2. First, it can serve as a stand-alone phase of training that will help the client achieve better postural control and endurance. Second, it can be applied as the movement preparation for a workout.
    1. Over time this forward head position leads to ligamentous creep deformation having lasting neurophysiological effects. This was demonstrated with a feline study that found the creep deformation that occurred over the first 30 minutes did not recover with 10 minutes of rest and was present up to seven hours later. 5 The other finding of this research was even more alarming: the primary risk factor was not the load but rather the duration of the load. The implication of this is concerning given we spend an average of 2.8 hours a day using our mobile device.

      Argumentou a ocorrência frequente de deformações nos ligamentos do pescoço com uma carga leve, porém duradoura sobre essas fibras.

    2. “Posture effects and moderates every physiological function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse, and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture