- Feb 2023
www.lawfareblog.com www.lawfareblog.com
It means that everything AI makes would immediately enter the public domain and be available to every other creator to use, as they wish, in perpetuity and without permission.
One issue with blanket, automatic entry of AI-generated works to the public domain is privacy: A human using AI could have good reasons not to have the outputs of their use made public.
- Jan 2023
pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca
50 titles of public domain works that have been created using Pressbooks and made available in online, epub, pdf and editable formats. Although the primary audience for this collection is students and faculty members in the post-seco
Wow public domain
- Dec 2021
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Special note: moral rights may continue to exist in works that have otherwise entered the public domain. See section 2.1.
4. The copyright holder failed to comply with formalities to acquire or maintain their copyright.
- Nov 2016
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
We also need to recognize the risks of blogging/tweeting, which include opening avenues for abuse. We should not be throwing students into the public domain to discuss sensitive topics without having conversations with them on what they might face and which of these risks they are willing to take, how they would handle it, and how they might support each other. Then we should give them a private option if they so choose.
Social media can be a very unwelcoming place to be. One word that's wrong and it's like you started WWIII. Although a bit exaggerated, ultimately true. Social media, if anything is a modern day battle ground where people are going to get offended by basically anything and everything. That is why it is better that there are warnings before and during conversations in a public domain, so that students may avoid such conflict, or even create a community where everyone feels comfortable to state their opinions without being shot down, while still keeping it public. I wouldn't necessarily think to put them in a private domain, though the option will always be there, only because students deal with a harsh society on a daily basis, behind a digital surface. There at least needs to be some level of trust given to the students that they can handle themselves in a public environment. I do understand that no one willing wants to put their students in a high-risking environment, and I'm certainly not saying that by doing so will you be a great, or even a bad teacher or professor; but what it really is, is that by putting students in a public domain, it gives them a chance and experience to go not only digital skill, but digital literacy. By having students in a public domain, a domain that they have all experienced one way or another through social media sites, and giving them meaningful tasks to do, you will essentially see digital literacy. Students not only gain digital skills, to effectively use technology, but they also gain awareness for not only their fellow peers, but respect for the public domain as well. If the issue is still that of high-risk, then it is the professor and the student's job to make sure that the the risk level is not as high as it might be. For example, as I mentioned earlier, warning students before and during the tasks of using public domains will help bring the risks down. However if the goal is to in fact gain digital literacy as well as digital skill, would not such a high-risk factor actually go down as these are gained, therefore having public domain be the most efficient way to do so?