- Oct 2018
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3. As things are now,10those who have composed Arts of Speechhave worked on a small part of the subject; for only pisteis11are artis-tic (other things are supplementary), and these writers say nothingabout enthymemes, which is the “body” of persuasion,12while theygive most of their attention to matters external to the subject
Enthymemes are concluding a premise where one is left out or assumed to be known. This is the majority of all persuasion and Heinrich touches on this as well. It is a syllogism with the obvious logical bridge left out.
If successful,the interlocutor led the respondent into a contradiction or logically indefen-sible position by means of definition and divisions of the question or bydrawing analogies, much as Socrates is shown doing in the earlier Platonicdialogues;
Just how Heinrich describes dealing with the very political family member at Thanksgiving.
i. Inductive argument, called paradigm, or example,drawing a particular conclusion from one or moreparallelsii. Deductive argument, called enthymeme, or rhetoricalsyllogism, drawing a conclusion from stated orimplied premises
Inductive/deductive reasoning are the only types of reasoning that we can do. Heinrich discusses this as well.
By composing speecheson such themes (as described in his Antidosisand elsewhere), hesought to condition students’ moral behavior so that they would thinkand speak noble, virtuous ideas and implement them in civic policy,thus providing a response to claims that rhetoric was an art of decep-tion and flattery
To be able to use rhetoric to pursue actions that are moral and just is something that all of the great leaders of our time have done. Specifically Abraham Lincoln, who used the n word but in the end freed slaves. Actions speak louder than words.
They were, hecomplains, concerned only with judicial rhetoric and its parts andneglected deliberative oratory, a finer genre, and they gave too muchattention to arousing emotions to the neglect of logical argument.
Pathos and ethos are the most powerful.
Their rivalries and argumentscontrast with values commonly found in Middle Eastern and FarEastern cultures, where strong central governments discouraged orprevented public debate (and where organized athletics did notdevelop).
Just how Heinrich's argues in TYFA. A society must be willing to have debates and discussions to truly be free.
The “end”82of each of these is different, andthere are three ends for three [species]: f
For each "subsection" of rhetoric, the end goal of the argument is different
for we do not give the samejudgment when grieved and rejoicing or when being friendly and hostile.
PATHOS, however, plays a big role in rhetoric as well
character is almost, so to speak,the most authoritative form of persuasion.
He is saying that ethos(credibility) is the most effective way to persaude somebody. This aligns with modern views as well
As aresult, if all trials were conducted as they are in some present-daystates and especially in those well-governed [the handbook writers]would have nothing to say;
Like to summary said, Aristole is strictly focusing on logos arguments
“Pleasant speech increases persuasiveness....Pleasantwords are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to thebody.”
Similar to general standards today. Making the audience comfortable with yourself/making them trust you