- Nov 2024
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it isn't just about alleviating their own personal suffering it's also about alleviating Universal suffering so this is where the the bodh satra or the Christ or those kinds of archetypes about being concerned about the whole
for - example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt - adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
adjacency - between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER - adjacency relationship - When I heard John Churchill explain the second turning, - the Mahayana approach, - I was already familiar with it from my many decades of Buddhist teaching but with - those teachings in the rear view mirror of my life and - developing an open source, non-denominational spirituality (Deep Humanity) - Hearing these old teachings again, mixed with the new ideas of the individual / collective gestalt - This becomes an example of Indyweb idea of recording our individual evolutionary learning journey and - the present self meeting the old self - When this happens, new adjacencies can often surface - In this case, due to my own situatedness in life, the universal compassion of the bodhisattva can be articulated from a Deep Humanity perspective: - The Freudian, Klinian, Winnicott and Becker perspective of the individual as being constructed out of the early childhood social interactions with the mOTHER, - a Deep Humanity re-interpretation of "mother" to "mOTHER" to mean "the Most significant OTHER" of the newly born neonate. - A deep realization that OUR OWN SELF IDENTITY WAS CONSTRUCTED out of a SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP with mOTHER demonstrates our intertwingled individual/collective and self/other - The Deep Humanity "Common Human Denominators" (CHD) are a way to deeply APPRECIATE those qualities human beings have in common with each other - Later on, Churchill talks about how the sacred is lost in western modernity - A first step in that direction is treating other humans as sacred, then after that, to treat ALL life as sacred - Using tools like the CHD help us to find fundamental similarities while divisive differences might be polarizing and driving us apart - A universal compassion is only possible if we vividly see how we are constructed of the other - Another way to say this is that we see others not from an individual level, but from a species level
- example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt
- adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
- Sep 2023
for: Donald Winnicott, human INTERbeing, human INTERbeCOMing, Deep Humanity, DH
title: For Donald Winnicott, the psyche is not inside us but between us
author: James Barnes date: May 18, 2020
comment: insight
- adjacency
- between
- Donald Winnicott
- Deep Humanity concept of human INTERbeCOMing
- adjacency relationship
- when James Barnes wrote that Winnicott's psychoanalysis is based on a unitary conception of self and other,
- that resonated deeply with me
- due to my own spiritual journey in
- non-duality as well as
- Deep Humanity conception of human INTERbeCOMing
- when James Barnes wrote that Winnicott's psychoanalysis is based on a unitary conception of self and other,
- between
- adjacency
- source: early morning discussions
- this morning, after deep discussion, my partner posted a picture of Donald Winnicott on my WhatsApp and I googled Donald Winnicott and found, read and resonated deeply with this article:
Winnicott also had a strikingly different notion of the agent of psychological change.
- for: Winnicott, Freud, comparison, comparison - Winnicott - Freud, transitional space, Bardo, evolution
- paraphrase
comparison: Winnicott, Freud
Winnicott had a strikingly different notion of the agent of psychological change than Freud.
- Winnicott
- His psychotherapeutic model was developmental, one that sees.
- the therapeutic relationship and
- the original parent-child relationship(s)
- as analogous.
- Thus, just as he saw the development of the child as being fundamentally tied
- to the immediate, visceral relationship with the mother in the experiential unit.
- His psychotherapeutic model was developmental, one that sees.
psychotherapeutic change was all about the relationship between - client and - therapist.
- This was later conceptualised as a shift
- from a ‘one-person’ psychology
- to a ‘two-person’ psychology.
- This was later conceptualised as a shift
- Freud was focused on rational interventions from the outside
- This gave way in Winnicott to a co-creative journey occurring in the area in between,
- which was much more about who one was and what one did, than what one thought or said.
- In his book Playing and Reality (1971),
- Winnicott called the location of this experience ‘transitional space’,
- alluding to its dynamic, insubstantial quality,
- but also to its nature as a place of becoming.
- It is, he said, a place we both
- create and that
- creates us
- a paradox that we must accept and not try to resolve
- where unformulated possibility replaces
- fixed identities, and
- experience is necessarily co-constructed.
- Winnicott
- Winnicott's transitional space is like
- the Tibetan concept of the Bardo
- the biological concept of evolution
- Winnicott's transitional space is like
Winnicott’s concept of psychopathology was very different from Freud’s.
- for: psychopathology, psychopathology - Winnicott, comparison - Winnicott - Freud
- paraphrase
- comparison: Winnicott, Freud
- Winnicott’s concept of psychopathology was very different from Freud’s.
- Freud
- Freud understood psychopathology in terms of conflicts between:
- the internal drives and
- the external demands of the world
- that what goes wrong is something internal to the person
- only triggered by the outside world.
- This basic idea is still very much alive in reductive psychiatric thinking and CBT, which, following the common dualistic model,
- also locate the problem inside the mind/brain.
- Freud understood psychopathology in terms of conflicts between:
- Winnicott
- By contrast, Winnicott understood psychopathology primarily in terms of trauma or deficit in the relational domain,
- which in turn follows from his inherently interpersonal understanding of the psyche.
- Crucially, what goes wrong is not to be located in the individual per se,
- but in the experiential units that the person was and is involved including, by extension,
- the sociocultural milieu in which they find themselves.
- Freud
- Winnicott’s concept of psychopathology was very different from Freud’s.
He wrote of culture – its artifacts and its activities – as extensions of the transitional phenomena of childhood, themselves rooted in the original mix-up with the parent. He thought that the very worlds we inhabit and take for granted are always partly of our own making.
- for: constructivism, constructivism ,- Winnicott
- comment
- Winnicott could appreciate that we play a significant role in constructing the world we inhabit
‘There is no such thing as a baby … if you set out to describe a baby, you will find you are describing a baby and someone.’
for: Donald Winnicott, quote, quote - Donald Winnicott, quote - human INTERbeing, human INTERbeing, human INTERbeCOMing, white - humans INTERbeCOMing, DH, Deep Humanity, altricial, mOTHER, non-duality
quote: Donald Winnicott
- There is no such thing as a baby … if you set out to describe a baby, you will find you are describing a baby and someone.
- what Winnicott says here is the essence of:
- the Deep Humanity concepts of
- the individual / collective gestalt and
- human INTERbeCOMing,
- the Buddhist concepts of:
- emptiness,
- non-duality in the human realm,
- Indra's net of jewels in the human realm and
- Thich Nhat Hahn's INTERbeing
- complexity
- the Deep Humanity concepts of
- what Winnicott says here is the essence of:
, a fundamentally unitary conception of self and other.
- for: human INTERbeCOMing, human INTERbeing, DH, Deep Humanity, Donald Winnicott
- He (Donald Winnicott) largely circumvented the subject-object dualism inherent in the Freudian model of mind (which both the Ego-psychologists and the Kleinians subscribed to) and
- espoused, or at least regularly insinuated, a fundamentally unitary conception of self and other.
- He (Donald Winnicott) largely circumvented the subject-object dualism inherent in the Freudian model of mind (which both the Ego-psychologists and the Kleinians subscribed to) and
comment -The Deep Humanity definition of the individual / collective gestalt identifies the indivisible nature of the individual and collective.
- It can also need called the ' self / other gestalt' and both are really another way to articulate non-duality in between members of the same species
- a ' unitary conception of self and other' is yet another way to articulate this same thing
Save Share Tweet EmailJames Barnesis a psychotherapist, lecturer and writer with a background in psychoanalysis and philosophy. He has a psychotherapy practice in Exeter, UK, and sees clients remotely.Edited by Christian JarrettSyndicate this idea Save Share Tweet EmailFor Donald Winnicott, your psyche isn’t just in your head – it emerges from your relationships with others and the world
for: human INTERbeing, human INTERbeCOMing, DH, Deep Humanity
- Human INTERbeCOMing
- comparison - Winnicott - Freud
- constructivism
- comparison
- Deep Humanity
- constructivism - Winnicott
- Winnicott
- quote - humans INTERbeing
- evolution
- Donald Winnicott
- psychopathology - Winnicott
- James Barnes
- quote - Donald Winnicott
- DH
- Bardo
- psychopathology
- altricial
- quote
- transitional space
- Human INTERbeing
- quote - human INTERbeCOMing
- Non-duality
- Jul 2022
bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link
The ‘ideal’ is nothing other thana representation of social conditioning and the installation of a personware module into the newbornhuman that tries to accord what is with what the social system projects. We acknowledge of course thatsome mediation is always needed. The baby sees the world and the social world in particular throughthe eyes of the parent and only afterwards autonomously. This mediation is crucial to the cognitivedevelopment of the person and cannot happen without a personware. But the personware can beconstructed such that it empowers the individual and does not subjugate it to the social demands.
!- definition : good enough * From Donald Winnicot, a parent who is "good enough" is actually healthier for the child than the standard "ideal" parent. * A "good enough" parent does not force the child to choose between two aspects of wellbeing, both of which are necessary.