- Oct 2019
psc-cuny.org psc-cuny.org
15 paid office hours/semester
At the lowest adjunct lecturer step from 2017, hourly rate is $71.59. So there would be the compounded 2% for 2018 and 2019 to increase the hourly rate for teaching the class (45 hours of pay for a 3-contact hour class? not sure) + the 15 paid office hours at that new hourly rate...
So for Spring 2020 that would be $3351 + $1117 paid office hours = $4,468 total pay for a 3-credit course.
The 11/01/2022 2% wage increase shall also apply to the hourly rates for individuals employed in the teaching adjunct titles specified in paragraph IV below whose hourly rate of pay as of 08/25/2022, as a result of previous CUNY employment as a teaching adjunct, exceeds the hourly rate of pay resulting from the application of a single rate of pay for their title effective 08/25/2022, as specified in paragraph IV below.
Trying to translate this into plain language: if someone getting annual 2% increases goes over the new $5500 rate they will get the Nov 2022 increase. If you are not yet at $5500 rate you will not get the Nov 2022 2% increase because you will be bumped up to $5500. Is that right?
Effective the start of the Spring 2020 semester
Paid office hours (at hourly rate) kick in right away (Spring 2020). Teaching hours will still only get 2% raises until Fall 2022, when steps are eliminated and replaced with a single hourly rate.