- Oct 2019
psc-cuny.org psc-cuny.org
an initial appointment to a professorial title
A librarian question: does this include someone hired on a full-time instructor line who gets the 2nd masters to be eligible for tenure-track line and is appointed to assistant professor in Fall 2020? Seems like this applies in that situation.
Additional Teaching Adjunct Pay
Lots of questions of what the dollars will look like in Spring 2020. Here is a summary of pay increase with the extra office hours at the lowest title currently at $71.59/hr, 1 contact hour=15 paid hours, adding 2% increase for 2018 and 2019 makes $74.48/hr in Spring 2020:
Teaching one 3-credit course: Fall 2019: $3,222 | Spring 2020: $4,469 (39% increase) - 4 contact hours
Teaching one 4-credit course: Fall 2019: $4,295 | Spring 2020: $5,586 (30% increase) - 5 contact hours
Teaching two 3-credit courses: Fall 2019: $7,517 - includes 1 office hour, so 7 contact hours | Spring 2020: $8,938 (19% increase) - 8 contact hours
Teaching three 3-credit courses: Fall 2019: $10,739 - includes 1 office hour, so 10 contact hours | Spring 2020: $13,406 (25% increase) - 12 contact hours
15 paid office hours/semester
At the lowest adjunct lecturer step from 2017, hourly rate is $71.59. So there would be the compounded 2% for 2018 and 2019 to increase the hourly rate for teaching the class (45 hours of pay for a 3-contact hour class? not sure) + the 15 paid office hours at that new hourly rate...
So for Spring 2020 that would be $3351 + $1117 paid office hours = $4,468 total pay for a 3-credit course.
The 11/01/2022 2% wage increase shall also apply to the hourly rates for individuals employed in the teaching adjunct titles specified in paragraph IV below whose hourly rate of pay as of 08/25/2022, as a result of previous CUNY employment as a teaching adjunct, exceeds the hourly rate of pay resulting from the application of a single rate of pay for their title effective 08/25/2022, as specified in paragraph IV below.
Trying to translate this into plain language: if someone getting annual 2% increases goes over the new $5500 rate they will get the Nov 2022 increase. If you are not yet at $5500 rate you will not get the Nov 2022 2% increase because you will be bumped up to $5500. Is that right?
Effective the start of the Spring 2020 semester
Paid office hours (at hourly rate) kick in right away (Spring 2020). Teaching hours will still only get 2% raises until Fall 2022, when steps are eliminated and replaced with a single hourly rate.
this is an increase from 240
Article 15.3, Section “Graduate Assistant B,”
Current language: " If a Graduate Assistant B also holds an adjunct or other hourly position, his or her total combined assignment may not exceed 240 contact teaching hours or 450 hours of non‑teaching assignment during the work year. "
12 contact hours shall be equivalent to the number of clock hours that would be necessary to provide full reassigned time to a faculty counselor or a faculty librarian for 15 weeks
With a 35-hour work week, 12 contact hours works out to 525 hours of reassigned time for junior faculty librarians. If hired before Fall 2020, receive 1050 hours over the first 5 years. After Fall 2020, would receive 787.5 hours to be used in first 5 years, then 262.5 over first 3 post-tenure years.
It is understood that stipends will be awarded for projects that are not part of the faculty member’s normal workload or responsibilities
How would this work for faculty appointed in the libraries, who work a 35-hour week? Is it a form of reassigned time? Overtime? Thinking...
18 contact hours
Those hired before Fall 2020 receive 24 contact hours of reassigned time for the first five annual appointments, with none post-tenure. This is a real change.
Article 15.1 (e)
"(e) Effective September 1, 2006, untenured Assistant Professors, untenured Associate Professors and untenured Professors (including those employed as faculty counselors or as faculty librarians) who receive an initial appointment to a professorial title on or after September 1, 2006 will receive twenty-four (24) contact hours of reassigned time (inclusive of the reassigned time provided for in 15.1 (d) (1) above), to be used during their first five (5) annual appointments, in order to engage in scholarly and/or creative activities related to their academic disciplines. Assignment of such reassigned time will be made by the college pursuant to guidelines designed to encourage scholarship."
CUNY Committee on Academic Technology
Article 20
Article 20: Complaint, Grievance, and Arbitration Procedure https://psc-cuny.org/contract/article-20-complaint-grievance-and-arbitration-procedure
Article 22.5
Article 22.5
"22.5 In recognition of the non‑promotional status of the Higher Education Officer series titles the parties agree that
(a) Upon the recommendation of the appropriate supervisory personnel in recognition of excellence in performance or increased responsibilities a member of the instructional staff in any of such titles may, upon approval of the Board, be granted an additional Movement within Schedule in the same title.
(b) Effective August 25, 2016, Assistants to HEO, HEO Assistants or HEO Associates who have completed one or more years of service at the top salary step in their respective salary schedules shall be eligible for a discretionary assignment differential of $2,500, to be added to their annual base salary, based upon excellence in performance or increased responsibilities within the title. Eligible employees may be nominated by their supervisors or may nominate themselves to receive the differential. Initial review of nominations shall be performed by the labor-management committee as constituted in Section 15.4 (f). Positive recommendations from the labor management committee shall be forwarded to the College HEO Committee; positive recommendations from the College HEO Committee shall then be forwarded to the President or the President’s designee for decision, subject to approval of the Board."
Lecturer Title Series Salary Schedules (Article 24.6):
Assistant to Higher Education Officer Salary Schedule (Article 24.6)
College Laboratory Technician Title Series Salary Schedule (Article 24.6)
Article 26
Article 24.2 (b)
"(b) An Adjunct in a teaching or non teaching title who on July 1, shall have served six semesters University-wide over a period of the preceding three years and who has not received a movement within schedule during that period shall receive a movement within schedule to the next higher dollar amount. For the purpose of this paragraph, a semester shall include summer session. Salary schedules for Non teaching Adjunct I - V have been added to Article 24, which contains rates applicable to employees who are remunerated at a rate of 60% of the adjunct or hourly rate."
the current language of Article 15.2 (b)
"(b) Adjunct Professors, Adjunct Associate Professors, Adjunct Assistant Professors, Adjunct Instructors and Adjunct Lecturers who are assigned a teaching workload of six (6) or more contact hours at the same college, will be paid at the appropriate teaching adjunct rate of pay for one (1) additional hour per week in order to engage in professional assignments related to their academic responsibilities, such as office hours, professional development, participation in campus activities and training. It is understood that the professional hours for adjuncts provided herein shall not be counted toward the maximum adjunct teaching hours in section 15.2 of this Agreement. This provision does not apply to full-time instructional staff who teach a course as a multiple position."
- Aug 2017
programminghistorian.org programminghistorian.org
Library > Application Support in Finder and check if a “GitHub for Mac” folder is located there
If you need to dig in Finder to locate your "GitHub for Mac" folder, press the Option key while clicking the Go menu to see the "Library" folder for your username.
gem install jekyll
Same permissions issue here for me; typing
usr/local/bin/gem install jekyll
worked. -
gem install rubygems-update
For whatever reason, I got a permissions error at this point. Instead of adding sudo, as Amanda's note instructs, I found that typing
usr/local/bin/gem install rubygems-update
did the trick. I'm using OSX El Capitan 10.11.6 and a not-recently-updated Xcode.