5 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. Implement restrictive defaults (potentially allowing an explicit bypass) I understand that easy usability and rich out-of-the-box functionality is likely essential to this library's appeal to its users. Nevertheless I'd like to propose making the authorization properties ransackable_[attributes/associations/etc.] empty sets by default, forcing the developer to explicitly define whitelists for their use case. To soften the usability blow, a new ransack_unsafe(params[:q]) or ransack_explicit(params[:q], ransackable_attributes='*', ransackable_associations=(:post, :comment)) method could be introduced to offer developers a shorthand to bypass or override the whitelists for specific queries (after they've had to read a warning about why these methods can be dangerous).
  2. May 2021
  3. Feb 2021
    1. An array value such as [:params] passed to :input will result in the configured task only “seeing” the provided list of variables. All other values are not available, mimicking a whitelist.