2 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the atman as i 00:20:34 said it's the witness the agent the enjoyer most importantly it's distinct from our body and mind it's their uh it's their owner and it's a permanent continuous thing unlike our bodies and minds which 00:20:48 are changing from moment to moment so they've got this kind of momentary impermanence but also as you may know they each come to an end we die um but the idea is that the self just 00:20:59 persists and goes on and on um and most importantly most most importantly when we identify the atman we're identifying what you are your essence or your core and so we might 00:21:13 think i change a lot my thoughts change my political preferences change my food preferences change my friends change but i remain the same as a self
!- explanation of : Atman -the thing that remains the same while everything else changes
- Jun 2022
nesslabs.com nesslabs.com
Plan for distraction. If you find it hard to stay focused, don’t fret: it’s completely normal. Our mind is designed to be distracted, to keep on scanning the room around us for new information — or potential danger. Instead of beating yourself up, try to plan your work around your goals and triggers. If your goal is to write a report for an upcoming meeting, you will need a few hours of uninterrupted work. What triggers could get in the way of your focus? Is it your phone, chatty colleagues? Adapt your workspace to minimize these distractions, whether it’s leaving your phone in another room, blocking distracting apps, or locking yourself up in a meeting room with a “do not disturb” post-it note.
From NessLabs "TEA framework of productivity". This is a not very useful overview on planning for Distraction (lose the door, wae headphones, ect)