- Jan 2023
irisvanrooijcogsci.com irisvanrooijcogsci.com
In this age of AI, where tech and hype try to steer how we think about “AI” (and by implication, about ourselves and ethics), for monetary gain and hegemonic power (e.g. Dingemanse, 2020; McQuillan, 2022), I believe it is our academic responsibility to resist.
When hype is used to influence public opinion, there's a obligation to resist. (Vgl [[Crap detection is civic duty 2018010073052]], en [[Progress is civic duty of reflection 20190912114244]]) Also with which realm of [[Monstertheorie 20030725114320]] are we dealing here with this type of response? In the comments on Masto it's partly positioned as monster slaying, but that certainly isn't it. It's warning against monster embracing. I think the responses fall more into monster adaptation than assimiliation, as it aims to retain existing cultural categories although recognising the challenges issued against it. Not even sure the actual LLM is the monster perceived, but its origins and the intentions and values of the company behind it. Placing it outside the Monster realm entirely.