8 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
    1. In the gap region, however, the collagen molecules are oriented approximately parallel to the unit cell c-axis (slightly tilted in the opposite direction to that of the overlap tilt).

      overlap的collagen miolecule倾斜,gap近似平行于c?

    2. microfibrils, which each comprise five 1D-staggered, twisted collagen triple helix molecules.

      molecule-mircrofobril-then fibril

    3. examined the structure of the collagen gap zone by analyzing the 3D electron density map created from existing X-ray data of hydrated type-I collagen fibrils32.


    4. Needles (~2 nm in width and ~10 nm in length, Supplementary Figs. 4 and 5) were observed at the tip of some platelets, which confirms previous observations2,12 and supports the hypothesis that the HAp platelets evolve from needle-like crystals.


  2. Jul 2021
    1. Keerthivasan, S., Şenbabaoğlu, Y., Martinez-Martin, N., Husain, B., Verschueren, E., Wong, A., Yang, Y. A., Sun, Y., Pham, V., Hinkle, T., Oei, Y., Madireddi, S., Corpuz, R., Tam, L., Carlisle, S., Roose-Girma, M., Modrusan, Z., Ye, Z., Koerber, J. T., & Turley, S. J. (2021). Homeostatic functions of monocytes and interstitial lung macrophages are regulated via collagen domain-binding receptor LAIR1. Immunity, 54(7), 1511-1526.e8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2021.06.012

  3. Jul 2018
    1. After one hour of treadmill running, increased collagen synthesis was detected in both Achilles tendons

      Rapid induction of collagen synthesis!