- Jan 2023
www.itsairborne.com www.itsairborne.com
Excellentd list of IAQ interventions
jessicawildfire.substack.com jessicawildfire.substack.com
Believe it or not, opening a window can actually disrupt that airflow and create sideways spread. If you’re going to open windows, install a baffle (basically a vent) to direct outside air downward.
Aitflow must be upwards, out not at all!
Reading list with summaries for ventilation & filtration, from a writer's POV (not scientist's)
- Dec 2022
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Schools rejecting corsi-boxes bc of "official" FUD
twitter.com twitter.com
Nice slides carousel for corsi boxes
twitter.com twitter.com
Simulated picture of an aerosol blob. Better video inside, but the size of the virus vs aerosol is, according to Prof. Jimenez is underestimated. Nice thread in general.
- aerosol size: 0.25um (from this tweet explaining video's simulation)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Brilliran video back from June 2020 busting myths of how filters (not) work. Wan der Waals forces, electromagnetic pre-charge of fibers, etc.
- Images from the video also in this twitter thread:
- Wealth of references in the video description.
- 0:25-1:00: myth busting "sieve" filter.
- 2:50: electrostatic cat image.
- 4:42: diagram with particle size-ranges.
twitter.com twitter.com
Accurate mass weights of molecules (O, CO2 10's of Da) vs covid-19 virions 6 billions of Da vs aerosol 160bn Da).
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Professors :Prof. Linsey Marr (Virginia Tech, Fellow ISIAQ)Prof. Shelly Miller (CU Boulder, Fellow ISIAQ)Prof. Kimberly Prather (UC San Diego, Fellow AAAS & AGU, NAE & NAS, CAICE Director)Prof. Charles Haas (Drexel University, Fellow NAE, AAM & SRA)Prof. William Bahnfleth (Penn State, Fellow ASHRAE, ASME & ISIAQ, Chair of ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force)Prof. Richard Corsi (Portland State, President ISIAQ Fellows)Prof. Julian Tang (Univ. of Leicester & UK National Health Svce, Clinical/Academic Virologist/Physician, Fellow RCP-Virology)Prof. Hartmut Herrmann (Dept. Head, Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), University of Leipzig; Head Joint Working Party ‘PM’ of GDCh, KRDL and ProcessNet).Prof. Krystal Pollitt (School of Public Health, Yale University, Chair of Health-Effects Working Group AAAR)Prof. Javier Ballester (Engineering School, Universidad de Zaragoza, and LIFTEC - Joint Centre Univ. Zaragoza/CSIC)Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez (CU Boulder, Highly Cited Researcher (h-index = 124), Fellow AAAR & AGU).
Professors authoring pub infos on this FAQ.
- Shelly Miller 2n speaker in EPA's IAQ webinar.
Essential FAQ material for COVID-airborn.
Local file Local file
Position paper of the Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschu
on understanding the role of aerosol particles in
SARS-CoV-2 infection
- author: Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (Association for Aerosol Research)
- link
The air throughput ofthe unit is more important than the pure efficiency of the filter.
MERV13 is better tha HEPA (according to GAeF).
drive.google.com drive.google.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Excellent video for fomites paranoia.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the ventilation we see here there the black line is is when there is no no effect we see many things that help that we will talk about later for example masks produce transmission
slide: smoke trapped between plexiglass barriers, increase transmissions in schools.
Important covid presentation from Prof Himenez
www.reichelt.com www.reichelt.com
Bluetooth-only CO2 sensor in EU shop (expensive from 60€-->80€).
breathesafeair.com breathesafeair.com
Nice review of the cheapest (~60€) but still accurate NDIR Aranet4 replacement.
www.huahangfilter.net www.huahangfilter.net
Is it like these the real F7 filters?? (wit plastic enclosure and 1'' thick)
en.ventilatory.net en.ventilatory.net
Professional shop for ventilation stuff & fans but expensive.
- Nov 2022
Table of Filter Classes/standards: - G/F: EN 779 2012 - E/U: EN 1822 - MERV: ASHRAE 52.2
www.getair.eu www.getair.eu
SmartFan from getair (Kofinas system) for ventilation+heat-recovery.
twitter.com twitter.com
Twitter account (moving to mastodon) of a talkative air quality engineer.
masto.ai masto.ai
User with significant presentations, advises & links on health and ait-quality.
Mastodon hashtag for covid-airborn stuff
www.itsairborne.com www.itsairborne.com
Bookmarks and FAQs with instructions & advises for cleaning air & protecting.
- Apr 2022
Interesting list of good NDIR & PAS CO2 sensors.
- Feb 2022
community.home-assistant.io community.home-assistant.io
Awair Element,
Hass information for DIY CO2 & PM sensors for the covid-era.
www.getawair.com www.getawair.com
Rare combination of air-quality sensor: CO2 + PM2.5. Connectivity: WiFi & Bluetooth.
www.co2.click www.co2.click
Model C: Connected CO2 sensor with integrated battery and storage New 2022 enclosure design with modular wallmount and deskstand options Starting at 199.00$ CAD (+tx)
Health sensors better be FOSS.
www.semanticscholar.org www.semanticscholar.org
A bit big module for CO2+Zigbee monitoring
- Jan 2022
cleanaircrew.org cleanaircrew.org
www.artsound.gr www.artsound.gr
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Despite lively discussion on the role that UV-based technologies can play in reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission [[27], [28], [29], [30]], available data on its use and impact are still scant, setting-specific and heterogeneous in terms of study design and assessed outcomes
Scientific data on UV & airborn diseases still lagging behind other precautionary methods.
www-nature-com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca www-nature-com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca
an UV-C dose of just 3.7 mJ/cm2 was sufficient to achieve a more than 3-log inactivation
Good to know measure of effectiveness.