- Mar 2020
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Malcolm Brown, Mark McCormack, Jamie Reeves, D. Christopher Brooks, and Susan Grajek, with Bryan Alexander, Maha Bali, Stephanie Bulger, Shawna Dark, Nicole Engelbert, Kevin Gannon, Adrienne Gauthier, David Gibson, Rob Gibson, Brigitte Lundin, George Veletsianos, and Nicole Weber
Visit the primary 2020 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report authors on Twitter. You can also browse and subscribe to a Twitter list that collects all the Horizon Report contributors that I could find from the 2020 and 2019 reports.
- Malcolm Brown: @mbbrown
- Mark McCormack: @MarkMcCNash1
- Jamie Reeves: @Jamie_l0u
- D. Christopher Brooks: @DCBPhDV2
- Susan Grajek: @sgrajek
- Bryan Alexander: @BryanAlexander
- Maha Bali: @Bali_Maha
- Stephanie Bulger: @sdccdBulger
- Shawna Dark: @ShawnaDark
- Nicole Engelbert: @nengelbert
- Kevin Gannon: @TheTattooedProf
- Adrienne Gauthier: @ajgauthier
- David Gibson: @davidgibson
- Rob Gibson: @rgibson1
- Brigitte Lundin: @brigittelundin
- George Veletsianos: @veletsianos
- Nicole Weber: @nwebs
However, there is skepticism about AI’s ability to replace human teaching in activities such as judging writing style, and some have expressed concern that policy makers could use AI to justify replacing (young) human labor.
Maha describes here the primary concern I have with the pursuit of both AI and adaptive technologies in education. Not that the designers of such tools are attempting to replace human interaction, but that the spread of "robotic" educational tools will accelerate the drive to further reduce human-powered teaching and learning, leading perhaps to class-based divisions in educational experiences like Maha imagines here.
AI and adaptive tool designers often say that they are hoping their technologies will free up time for human teachers to focus on more impactful educational practices. However, we already see how technologies that reduce human labor often lead to further reductions the use of human teachers — not their increase. As Maha points out, that's a social and economic issue, not a technology issue. If we focus on building tools rather than revalorizing human-powered education, I fear we are accelerating the devaluation of education already taking place.
Maha Bali
You can learn more about Maha Bali from her faculty page at the American University in Cairo, on her blog "Reflecting Allowed, and from her Twitter stream at @Bali_Maha.
Political Polarization
And important: the role media plays in political polarization. On this topic, I've found works from the Pew useful, like "U.S. Media Polarization and the 2020 Election: A Nation Divided":
"As the U.S. enters a heated 2020 presidential election year, a new Pew Research Center report finds that Republicans and Democrats place their trust in two nearly inverse news media environments."
Also useful are works from Data & Society like "Media, Technology, Politics: six new pieces on the networked public sphere"
"Although many people are anxious to understand how much influence old and new media had over the US presidential election, the reality is that we will never know comprehensively. We can, though, seek to understand how different cultural and technical factors are shaping the contemporary information landscape."
Climate Change
I wonder if we should promote climate change to be an over-arching meta-trend given how its effects will touch on all the other trends listed?
ifteen social, technological, economic, higher education, and political trends that signal departures from the past
- Well-Being and Mental Health
- Demographic Changes
- Equity and Fair Practices
- Artificial Intelligence: Technology Implications
- Next-Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE)
- Analytics and Privacy Questions
- Cost of Higher Education
- Future of Work and Skills
- Climate Change
Higher Education
- Changes in Student Population
- Alternative Pathways to Education
- Online Education
- Decrease in Higher Education Funding
- Value of Higher Education
- Political Polarization
For sixteen years, the Horizon Report
ExPErt PanEl roStEr
You can browse/subscribe to a Twitter list of Horizon Report contributors past and present.
- Feb 2019
www.nmc.org www.nmc.org
Deone Zell
Deone is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Francisca Yonekura
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Francisca. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Matthew Worwood
Matthew is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Neil Witt
Neil is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Alexandra Williams
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Alexandra. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Catherine Wilkinson
Catherine is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Niki Whiteside
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Niki. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ken Varnum
Ken is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kate Valenti VP Operations
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Kate. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Michael Thomas
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Michael. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
David Thomas
David is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Lori Swinney
Lori is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Nachamma Sockalingam
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Nachamma. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jason Smith
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Jason. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Paul Signorelli
Paul is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Diane Sieber
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Diane. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
William Shewbridge
William is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ramesh Sharma
Ramesh is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Gilly Salmon
Gilly is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jeff Ritter
Jeff is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Michael Reese
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Michael. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ruben Puentedura Founder
Ruben is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jeanne Po
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Jeanne. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Renee Pfeifer-Luckett Director, Learning
Renee is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Doug Peterson
Doug is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Rob Peregoodoff
Rob is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
David Parkes
David is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Sunay Palsole
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Sunay. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Chaohua Ou
Chaohua is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Javier Nó Sánchez
Javier is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kristi Newgarden
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Kristi. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ruth Nemire
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Ruth. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Carol Munn
Carol is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Damian McDonald
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Damian. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Shannon McCarty
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Shannon. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Sheila MacNeill
Sheila is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Danielle Logan
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Danielle. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Joan Lippincott
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Joan. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Meggan Levitt
Meggan is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Mark Lee
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Mark. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Deborah Lee
Deborah is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Fernando Ledezma
Fernando is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jill Leafstedt
Jill is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Victoria Mondelli
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Victoria. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Alexandra Pickett
Alexandra is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan
Robin is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Paul Turner
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Paul. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Nicole Weber
Nicole is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Melissa Langdon
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Melissa. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Lisa Koster
Lisa is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Thierry Koscielniak Chief Digital Officer
Thierry is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jessica Knott
Jessica is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
David Kernohan
David is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
AJ Kelton
AJ is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Amarjit Kaur
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Amarjit. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Dr. Wendi Kappers
Wendi is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jim Julius
Jim is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Connie Johnson
Connie is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Shakir Hussain
Shakir is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Bill Hogue
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Bill. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Richard Hodges
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Richard. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Doug Hearrington
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Doug. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Tom Haymes
Tom is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Syed Mustafa Hassan
Syed is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Heather Haseley
Heather is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kelsey Hall
Kelsey is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Martin Halbert
Martin is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
David Gibson
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for David. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Rob Gibson
Rob is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Aline Germain-Rutherford
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Aline. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Maya Georgieva
Maya is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
James Frazee
James is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kevin Forgard
Kevin is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kenn Fisher
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Kenn. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Yvette Drager
Yvette is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kimberly Eke
Kimberly is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Julie Delello
Julie is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Rebecca Davis
Rebecca is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Janet Corral
Janet is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Deborah Cooke
Deborah is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Chun-Yen Chang
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Chun-Yen Chang. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Stephanie Bulger
Stephanie is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Cheryl Brown
Cheryl is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Malcolm Brown
Malcolm is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Marwin Britto
Marwin's Twitter account is private, so I wasn't able to add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jonathan Brennan
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Jonathan. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Dr. Braddlee
Braddlee is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Mohamad Ridwan Bin Othman
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Mohamad. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Dror Ben-Naim Founder & CEO
Dror is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Helga Bechmann
Helga is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ronald Bergmann
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Ronald. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Elizabeth Barrie
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Elizabeth. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Noreen Barajas
Noreen is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Maha Bali
Maha is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
John Augeri
John is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kevin Ashford-Rowe
Kevin is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Panel of Experts
I've started curating a HorizonReport2019 Twitter list of the folks involved in shaping the 2019 report. Join us in annotating the report preview. I'm adding a note to each name below about my effort to add them to the list. Check out the notes below or visit the list and let me know who is missing!
Kumiko Aoki
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Kumiko. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Serdar Abaci
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Serdar. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jean Amaral
Jean is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Bryan Alexander
Bryan is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
- neilwitt
- conniejohnson
- richardhodges
- martinhalbert
- michaelreese
- jeanamaral
- educause
- kristinewgarden
- malcolmbrown
- stephaniebulger
- nicoleweber
- kelseyhall
- jessicaknott
- drbraddlee
- carolmunn
- jamesfrazee
- nikiwhiteside
- joanlippincott
- michaelthomas
- robinsullivan
- damianmcdonald
- fernandoledezma
- juliedelello
- kevinashfordrowe
- dianesieber
- reneepfeiferluckett
- alexandrapickett
- jeannepo
- lisakoster
- robperegoodoff
- bryanalexander
- elizabethbarrie
- marklee
- jimjulius
- ronaldbergmann
- jasonsmith
- victoriamondelli
- alexandrawilliams
- megganlevitt
- matthewworwood
- deborahcooke
- davidkernohan
- javiernosanchez
- loriswinney
- nachammasockalingam
- dougpeterson
- alinegermainrutherford
- kumikoaoki
- yvettedrager
- deonezell
- experts
- billhogue
- amarjitkaur
- deborahlee
- robgibson
- nmc
- melissalangdon
- horizonreport
- davidparkes
- franciscayonekura
- doughearrington
- mahabali
- rubenpuentedura
- williamshewbridge
- janetcorral
- serdarabaci
- jonathanbrennan
- sheilamacneill
- daniellelogan
- katevalenti
- wendikappers
- catherinewilkinson
- davidthomas
- davidgibson
- cherylbrown
- ajkelton
- shannonmccarty
- kenvarnum
- mayageorgieva
- tomhaymes
- paulsignorelli
- paulturner
- syedmustafahassan
- shakirhussain
- chunyenchang
- rameshsharma
- thierrykoscielniak
- kennfisher
- johnaugeri
- ruthnemire
- noreenbarajasmurphy
- heatherhaseley
- kimberlyeke
- jeffritter
- gillysalmon
- drorbennaim
- kevinforgard
- chaohua
- sunaypalsole
- mohamadridwanbinothman
- eli2019
- helgabechmann
- rebeccadavis
- jillleafstedt
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Despite these options, degree completion in higher education is stymied by factors that go beyond these efforts, and closing the achievement gap continues to be a difficult challenge
I wonder if we need to think beyond digital tools to really address the achievement gap.
the expert panel
I've started curating a Twitter list of the folks involved in shaping the 2019 Horizon Report. Visit the list and let me know who is missing.
ubrics like Quality Matters h
Also look at Open SUNY Course Quality Review OSCQR rubric.
Improving Digital Fluency
Not to beat a dead horse, but just like we should maybe always think of digital literacies in the plural, we should also think about digital fluencies as there is certainly more than one type or kind of fluency.
Growing Focus on Measuring Learning
This topic belongs here, but I would have liked to see an acknowledgement about privacy concerns related to measuring learning. How are we engaging students in the design of this work?
EDUCAUSE2019 Horizon Report Previe
Read annotations on the 2019 Horizon Report Preview from EDUCAUSE. Sign up or log in above to add your own annotations and replies.
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competency- based learning
I see competency-based learning listed under authentic learning along with project-based learning and challenge-based learning. But most of the CBL implementations I've seen actually rely more on automated assessment and regurgitated reading. CBL could be authentic, but is it?
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Four to Five Years
According to the #HorizonReport, by 2030 we should be working on #mixedreality and #robotics in EDU.
- Oct 2018
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Horizon Report 2018 Higher Education Edition
Read annotations on the Horizon Report: 2018 Higher Education Edition from EDUCAUSE. Sign up or log in above to add your own annotations and replies.