220 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Our practice is about experiencing an underlying wholeness, an underlying perfection and joy that is part of our lives regardless of their content. But like Bodhidharma’s answer, this is very deeply counter-intuitive to most of us, yet we have to figure out what it means to practice without turning it into a version of self-improvement.

      for - quote - it takes practice to recognize the wholeness and completeness already here, and don't turn our practice into "self-improvement" because that is an indication of falling into illusion that wholeness isn't present - Barry Magid

      quote - Our practice is about experiencing - an underlying wholeness, - an underlying perfection and joy - that is part of our lives regardless of their content. - But like Bodhidharma’s answer, this is very deeply counter-intuitive to most of us, - yet we have to figure out what it means to practice - without turning it into a version of self-improvement.

  2. Apr 2019
    1. excess toxicities withparticular cytotoxic therapies

      indication for genetic testing



  3. Oct 2017
  4. Apr 2017
  5. Mar 2017
    1. Neoplastic Diseases
    2. Polyarticular-Course Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
    3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
    4. Psoriasis
    5. non-metastatic osteosarcoma
    6. non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
    7. lung cancer
    8. mycosis fungoides
    9. epidermoid cancers of the head and neck
    10. breast cancer
    11. maintenance therapy
    12. meningeal leukemia
    13. acute lymphocytic leukemia
    14. hydatidiform mole
    15. chorioadenoma destruens
    16. gestational choriocarcinoma
    1. biopsy proven “minimal change” nephrotic syndrome
    2. Carcinoma of the breast
    3. Retinoblastoma
    4. Adenocarcinoma of the ovary
    5. Neuroblastoma
    6. Mycosis fungoides
    7. acute myelogenous and monocytic leukemia
    8. chronic granulocytic leukemia
    9. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    10. Multiple myeloma
    11. Burkitt’s lymphoma
    12. histiocytic lymphoma
    13. mixed-cell type lymphoma
    14. Hodgkin’s disease
    15. Malignant lymphomas (Stages III and IV of the Ann Arbor staging system)
  6. Feb 2017