26 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. Having described the NAs themselves, Lett moves on to discussseveral important reliability and validity issues that should be ofconcern to needs analysts everywhere, but which have very rarelybeen discussed in the NA literature. These include the use ofconvenience samples of subject matter experts, the lack of readyexternal criteria for assessing the validity of analyses, the lack ofindependence of proficiency level ratings obtained via the collabora-tive group process, possible response bias, and the halo effect. Heidentifies potential solutions to several of the problems, e.g., stratifiedrandom sampling, use of surrogate or partial test-retest and modifiedsplit-half procedures for improving reliability, and relating DLIgraduates' language proficiency ratings to supervisors' field reportson their subsequent job performance in predictive validity studies. Hepoints out, however, that the increased costs in time and personnel,among other problems, would often render them inadequate, or insome cases preclude their adoption altogether.

      example of NA (à voir)

  2. Mar 2023
    1. Second, he shows howtriangulation by sources (scholars, company representatives, domainexperts, and documents) and methods (unstructured and structuredinterviews, introspections, non-participant observation, and ques-

      otro ejemplo de NA

    2. ence, methodo-logical issues in NA constitute a major focus of this volume, andcontributors include explicit discussion of their very varied method-ologies in their chapters

      in this book

    3. ery language courseshould be considered a course for specific purposes, varying only(and considerably, to be sure) in the precision with which learnerneeds can be specified

      long- quote

    1. nage everydaamong most migmigrants only pthe Netherlands).general logic amWhen looking atmore integrated isince we studiedthro

      language proficiency in host country....results

    1. Results

      questions - interesting

    2. They gradually became more involved inthe teaching process and participated more actively. Drawing from their ownvoices:

      description of a class notes: what happened

    3. Our data analysis meth-ods were qualitative thematic analysis and critical discourse analysi

      to check , too

    4. 2 MethodologyConcerning the research methodology, both projects were team-based and inter-disciplinary


    5. e conductedneeds analysis (Long 2005), which was perceived in a more societal way

      buscar article about it to theory

    6. The two projects had four main characteristics

      example: description of courses

    7. A qualitative approach was adopted using interviews, focus groups, ethnograph-ic observation, and written reports. B

      QUALITIVE APPROACH -to analize the case

    1. Mears emphasizes the connection between researcher and participant, seeking to breakdown barriers between researcher and participants through empathy and the developmentof an insider perspective.

      method: empathy

  3. Feb 2023
    1. rnanen, Mirja, Tatjana Rynkänen & Sari Pöyhönen. 2015. Kielen käyttö ja oppiminenaikuisten maahanmuuttajien integroitumisen ja identiteettien rakennusaineena[‘Language use and learning in integration and construction of identities among adultmigrants’]. In Teppo Jakonen, Juha Jalkanen, Terhi Paakkinen & Minna Suni (eds.),AFinLA vuosikirja 73: Kielenoppimisen virtauksia – Flows of language learning. 56 – 72.Jyväskylä: Finnish Association for Applied Lingu


    2. Well, it’s better for me to say also in Eng-lish, I can refresh my English and can keep it alive” (Laura, volunteer)

      good quote

    3. In general, the informants learnt Finnish by participating in various activi-ties and events organised in the workplace.

      eg activities that help to integration

    4. How do migrant NGO practitioners learn andmaintain languages in the workplace?”


    5. “Crawlers, footers and runners”: language ideological attributions to adultlanguage learners in a Dutch as L2 classroom 37


    6. Integration ... needs language, the language of the workplace”:The contribution of work-related second language learning to the integrationof adult migrants 303Table of Contents / Sommaire XIII

      plus ou moins context

    7. Language skills and employment status of adult migrants in Europe

      plus ou moins context

    8. Research-driven task-based L2 learning for adult immigrants in times ofhumanitarian crisis: results from two nationwide projects in Greece


    9. Les besoins langagiers des adultes migrants : une notion complexe àappréhender

      ver tecnique

    10. L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes : la mise en œuvre despolitiques publiques dans la région suisse alémanique de Zurich

      politique d'interpretation

    11. Integration trajectories of adult (im)migrants in minority and minoritizedcontexts: Ottawa and Barcelona 97

      para la técnica



    1. Los alumnos que cuenten con una preparación plurilingüe tendránmayor facilidad de integración en la realidad actual internacionalizada, conuna visión plural de la sociedad (Kramer y Nugent, 2014). Serán así individuosy profesionales en un contexto global donde el conocimiento de una lenguaextranjera les brinda una apertura constante a los demás y un vínculo entreculturas diversas. En suma, podrán operar de manera plena comoprofesionales y fomentar la integración y cohesión en los planos profesional ypersonal.

      ver kramer