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  1. May 2024
    1. ave a cosmic responsibility, as James Lovelock argued. In his latest book “Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence”, Lovelock says that the new forms of digital life we are developing will replace us: first they will collaborate with us because they will need us, then they will take control of their evolution and leave us behind. They will be the ones to conquer the stars and bring the universe to life. I like to think that this is the destiny and will of the universe: that intelligent life expands faster than biological life can.

      Prisco connects to [[Novacene by James Lovelock]] here wrt the evolutionary path any A(G)I will take. (Vgl [[AI begincondities en evolutie 20190715140742]] ) Leaves out [[AI heeft dezelfde natuurwetten 20190715135542]] btw which limits that evolutionary path, and AI might well be too bored because of it to do anything worthwile.