- Nov 2016
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Technology can help organize learning
Technology doesn't organize. Teachers organize. The technology is a tool.
To remain globally competitive and develop engaged citizens, our schools should weave 21st century competencies and expertise throughout the learning experience.
See article George, M., Pope, C., & Reid, L. (2015). Contemporary Literacies and Technologies in English Language Arts Teacher Education: Shift Happens! Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 15(1). Retrieved from http://www.citejournal.org/volume-15/issue-1-15/english-language-arts/contemporary-literacies-and-technologies-in-english-language-arts-teacher-education-shift-happens
1. Technology can enable personalized learning or experiences that are more engaging and relevant. Mindful of the learning objectives, educators might design learning experiences that allow students in a class to choose from a menu of learning experiences—writing essays, producing media, building websites, collaborating with experts across the globe in data collection—assessed via a common rubric to demonstrate their learning. Such technology-enabled learning experiences can be more engaging and relevant to learners.
I've done some of this work and it's fantastic. It would be easier to get my peers to follow my lead if the ESSA guidelines support the removal of the punitive aspects of standardized testing. Punitive top down evaluation inhibits the types of innovation that the tech policy seeks to implement.
Technology-enabled learning environments allow less experienced learners to access and participate in specialized communities of practice,
If they are less experienced learners, won't their computer/technology skills be effected, too?
A school with connectivity but without robust science facilities can offer its students virtual chemistry, biology, anatomy, and physics labs—offering students learning experiences that approach those of peers with better resources.
Isn't there data that supports the hands-on value of learning this kind of content? How would this differ from watching a film or reading a book with pictures?
can access high-quality online mentoring and advising programs
Is this true? Won't students get the mentoring and advising programs their families or school districts can afford? Like all the other services?
Physical Spaces and Technology-Enabled Learning
What does and should a classroom look like? How does this fit with "traditional schooling?" How can we make this change on school budgets?
Technology-enabled learning allows learners to tap resources and expertise anywhere in the world, starting with their own communities.
Is this true? Is there data that supports it? I wonder what other resources don't get funded when technology is? Does this presume all students benefit from the same learning experiences?
With high-speed Internet access, a student interested in learning computer science can take the course online in a school that lacks the budget or a faculty member with the appropriate skills to teach the course. Learners struggling with planning for college and careers can access high-quality online mentoring and advising programs where resources or geography present challenges to obtaining sufficient face-to-face mentoring. With mobile data collection tools and online collaboration platforms, students in a remote geographic area studying local phenomena can collaborate with peers doing similar work anywhere in the world. A school with connectivity but without robust science facilities can offer its students virtual chemistry, biology, anatomy, and physics labs—offering students learning experiences that approach those of peers with better resources. Students engaged in creative writing, music, or media production can publish their work to a broad global audience regardless of where they go to school. Technology-enabled learning environments allow less experienced learners to access and participate in specialized communities of practice, graduating to more complex activities and deeper participation as they gain the experience needed to become expert members of the community.2
The concern with lists such as these is that it assumes that high quality tech sources that are relevant to district requirements, state standards, AND student interests are just lying around the internet waiting to be picked up. In addition it ignores human factors. For instance, in my experience, students struggling to plan for college will often struggle and be resistant to educational technology.
I think this graphic, especially the active use section is incredibly helpful. It clearly demonstrates the difference between using technology for technology sake and "how to" use it to transform learning and engage globally. This is a graphic that needs to be shared and referred to all of the time.
Digital games can allow students to try out varied responses and roles and gauge the outcomes without fear of negative consequences.28 Accumulating evidence suggests that virtual environments and games can help increase empathy, self-awareness, emotional regulation, social awareness, cooperation, and problem solving while decreasing the number of behavior referrals and in-school suspensions.29 Games such as Ripple Effects and The Social Express use virtual environments, storytelling, and interactive experiences to assess a student’s social skill competencies and provide opportunities to practice. Other apps help bridge the gap between the virtual environment and the real world by providing just-in-time supports for emotional regulation and conflict resolution. A number of apps are available to help students name and identify how they are feeling, express their emotions, and receive targeted suggestions or strategies for self-regulation. Examples include Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame; Smiling Mind; Stop, Breathe & Think; Touch and Learn—Emotions; and Digital Problem Solver.
This is interesting, but the games make more sense as tool toward larger goals rather than to set the goal of building non-cognitive competencies through tech. I'd love this in a resource list. I'm not comfortable with it in policy.
3. Technology can help learning move beyond the classroom and take advantage of learning opportunities available in museums, libraries, and other out-of-school settings.
Learning for students is connected - I love this! Our classrooms are not the only place for learning anymore
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Teachers also can take advantage of these spaces for themselves as they navigate new understandings of teaching that move beyond a focus on what they teach to a much broader menu of how students can learn and show what they know.
This sentence seems to suggest a shift in our foundational (and society's shared?) understanding of what it means to be a teacher. Especially at the high school level, content area expertise is valued and prioritized. What would this mean for teacher prep programs? A greater focus on learning design and new literacies?
As schools continue to invest heavily in education technology, there is a pressing need to generate evidence about the effectiveness of these investments and also to develop evaluation tools that developers and practitioners can use to conduct their own evaluations that take less time and incur lower costs than do traditional evaluations.
Crucial not only to determining effectiveness of learning design and teaching, but also to putting the focus much more on the learning than the tools.
should focus explicitly on ensuring all educators are capable of selecting, evaluating, and using appropriate technologies and resources to create experiences that advance student engagement and learning
Designing curriculum/lessons/experiences using these technologies is missing here. Also, the amount of PD time for teachers seems to be shrinking. Important to integrate technology into content area PD so it's not perceived as separate. There's often too much focus on buttonology and not enough on pedagogy when it comes to digital learning and PD.
Planning a lesson on how elevation and other environmental influences affect the boiling point of water, Jennie Magiera realized that many of the students in her fourth-grade class in Cook County, Illinois, had never seen a mountain. So Magiera reached out to her network of fellow educators through social media to find a teacher in a mountainous area of the country interested in working with her on the lesson. Soon, Magiera and a teacher in Denver were collaborating on a lesson plan. Using tablets and online videoconferencing, the students in Denver showed Magiera’s students the mountains that they could see outside of their classrooms every day. After a discussion of elevation, the two teachers engaged their students in a competition to see which class could boil water faster. By interacting with students in the other class, Magiera’s students became engaged more deeply in the project, which led them to develop a richer understanding of ecosystems and environments than they might have otherwise.
What a great example of extending a classroom beyond the four walls in a school building. With tech these students were able to witness, firsthand, a scientific principle by "being" in two locations at once!
for some teachers this is a shift
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removing barriers
Who wouldn't support this goal, but when I think about it, I end up in a chicken and egg loop: do we work to eliminate poverty to provide more equitable access or do we provide more equal educational experience to reduce poverty? Of course the answer is yes, both. But where to begin?
schools are faced with a growing need to protect student privacy
wondering what the students and teachers roles are in this; choice/agency as a learning making decisions about privacy
Across the board
really? do we know of examples we could share here where these conversations or work with new teachers is happening well and/or emerging?
About This Plan
Nice graphic here:
The focus on providing Internet access and devices for learners should not overshadow the importance of preparing teachers to teach effectively with technology and to select engaging and relevant digital learning content.
Quite a burden being placed on teacher education programs to teach effective practices
Okay, personal rant ... What part of the brain do you not use when you are being social and emotional? I've never understood this.
Anyway. ;)
learning enabled by technology
So often we are thinking the other way around: How can I find a parallel in technology that would give youth an experience in learning similar to what they get in the classroom? I actually this is a great way to begin to design learning experiences for student, and what we find is that we sometimes end up with even richer materials and wider/deeper connections with others when we move enable learning with technology. Still starting with what works without the tech makes sense often.
Sophisticated software has begun to allow us to adapt assessments to the needs and abilities of individual learners and provide near real-time results
Teachers do this already. In what ways does the technology improve or shift things here? Important to remember that this is what teachers do. See this article: http://datasociety.net/pubs/ecl/PersonalizedLearning_primer_2016.pdf
Research on the effectiveness of technology-enabled programs and resources is still limited, and we should build capacity to generate evidence of individual-, program-, and community-level outcomes.
Yup - asks us to rethink assertion above about teacher candidates gaining experience through their teacher ed programs - if we don't know what are effective practices, what's going on in teacher ed programs about integration technology?
In addition, the roles of PK–12 classroom teachers and post-secondary instructors, librarians, families, and learners all will need to shift as technology enables new types of learning experiences.
I think this sentence puts the technology in the drivers seat instead of the other way around.
Through pre-service teacher preparation programs and professional learning, educators are gaining experience and confidence in using technology to achieve learning outcomes.
Where is the data that supports this?
Technology increasingly is being used to personalize learning and give students more choice over what and how they learn and at what pace, preparing them to organize and direct their own learning for the rest of their lives.
Will this involve collaborative learning or just student directed learning?
These stakeholders include leaders; teachers, faculty, and other educators; researchers; policymakers; funders; technology developers; community members and organizations; and learners and their families
I think this sentence is interesting ... opens up the possibilities beyond the classroom. What are the visions for this? How does this really become possible?
Our schools, community colleges, and universities should be incubators of exploration and invention.
What supports will they need to do this?
When carefully designed and thoughtfully applied, technology can accelerate, amplify, and expand the impact of effective teaching practices.
Will there be examples?
informal learning experiences
What constitutes an informal learning experience here?
can be
Or it can do the opposite. It can reify longstanding practices, diminish and undermine relationships between educators and students, widen the gaps between wealthy and poor students, and lock students into step-by-step online curriculum.
Technology can support accessibility through embedded assistance—for example, text-to-speech, audio and digital text formats of instructional materials, programs that differentiate instruction, adaptive testing, built-in accommodations, and other assistive technology tools.2
This use of technology really becomes complicated when technology is banned in a classroom because some administrators and teachers worry about classroom management and lessons that involve technology.
Assessment approaches have evolved but still do not use technology to its full potential to measure a broader range of desired educational outcomes, especially non-cognitive competencies.
Again. What? Why would a technology-based assessment be the most appropriate way to assess perseverance and motivation? We're still working on rich implementation of the things this introduction seems to believe are already done. The "work ahead" list feels like it was generated by a bunch of people who believe more about technology than they know about classrooms.
However, a digital use divide separates many students who use technology in ways that transform their learning from those who use the tools to complete the same activities but now with an electronic device
This seems to point to the SAMR framework. Much work to do with educators around designing transformative digital learning experiences vs. substituting the pencil with a device.
Technology-enabled assessments
Referring only to standardized tests that are computer adaptive or more broadly to all kinds of assessments? In many instances of well-designed tech integration, the process can become the product (research writing) and the process can also be part of the assessment, a move potentially made easier with certain tech platforms tools. For example, Google docs shows revision history, Cightlighter tracks students decisions about what to annotate, etc.
Few schools have adopted approaches for using technology to support informal learning experiences aligned with formal learning goals.
What does this mean? So far my biggest red flag is the tech will do everything for everyone approach.
educators need to use technology effectively in their practice
Will this document provide a definition of what is effective use of technology in one's educational practices?
However, a digital use divide separates many students who use technology in ways that transform their learning from those who use the tools to complete the same activities but now with an electronic device
I think that this is very important and speaks to the struggle I mentioned in our introductions. Professional Learning is needed to help teachers integrate ways to transform their students' learning, not just use tech instead of paper.
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Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) Develops Mobile App for Communicating With Parents
I'm wondering why there isn't more attention locally on this local innovation. Is it working? Are families using it? Should other local districts take it up?
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Rather than viewing technology as an add-on component to support learning, leaders should take stock of current systems and processes across learning systems and identify those that can be augmented or replaced by existing technologies.
formal and informal learning
Technology should not be separate from content area learning
Not just technology and not just content. We should view professional learning through the TPACK framework (http://www.matt-koehler.com/tpack/tpack-explained/ ). Technology knowledge, content knowledge, and pedagogy are interrelated.
ducators and researchers will need to work together to determine the most useful dissemination methods for easy incorporation and synthesis of research findings into teachers’ instructional practices.
We need to address the gap between research and practice
equity of access to transformational learning experiences enabled by technology
Love this careful distinction: tech is not enough, and tech can provide learning experiences for youth that can't be attained without technology.
transformational learning experiences
Such a big and broad term. What might examples of transformational learning experiences look like? My first glance at the "learning" chapter didn't bring these immediately to light.
to ensure equity of access to transformational learning experiences enabled by technology.
There is a presumption here that technology is transformational and, I presume, this assumption will frame the entire document
the flagship educational technology policy document for the United States.
Wow I wonder what that means! If it's "the ship in a fleet that carries the commanding admiral," then I can expect to see other tech policy ships, and who is our admiral? Seriously, it would be great if this kind of leadership existed.