2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. 剛剛 在 一英英字典裡 看到 這個例句, 我很是納悶.We're dealing wiht decades of bad decisions that are coming back to roost now.一般來說, 若我要翻譯, 看到of我會由後往前翻, 但這裡的 decades of bad decisions 若這樣翻, 會很奇怪. 所以 來請教大家.

      這應該是填鴨式教育(rote learning)的遺害吧?看到「of」就自動由後往前翻,分明就是不問理由,只被教導要這樣做、這樣解題,我彷彿可以聽到某某國中英語老師或某補習班名師如此耳提面命:

      看到 A of B,意思就是 (屬於)B 的 A B 要先翻出來 不要問爲什麼,老師是教你如何秒殺 OF 介系詞。

      This is a doozy of an example of rote learning. 這是最棒的一個填鴨式教育的範例。

  2. Apr 2016
    1. Koranic school

      My understanding of what happens in Koranic schools is very limited but friends in Mali have described a process by which they had learnt the Koran by heart before they knew the meaning of any of the words. Something similar has been discussed in terms of the Bhagavad Gita.