61 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2017
    1. These innocent arts furnish amusement & happiness to those who, having time on their hands, might less inoffensively employ it; needing, at the same time, no regular incorporation with the institution, they may be left to accessory teachers, who will be paid by the individuals employing them; the university only providing proper apartments for their exercise.

      It is interesting that the enjoyment of arts is coupled in the same paragraph as military education. Military exercises are even mentioned to be "practices of manhood" and are seen as a necessity in case of the need to defend oneself, while the arts were seen as activity for amusement of idling. In addition, they mention that the arts are meant to be used "inoffensively" or in other words modestly and appropriately. Today, what is offensive and what is accepted have evolved from what it was 200 years ago in which art that is considered brazen and provocative is not only allowed but exalted in art spaces.

    2. It is therefore greatly to be wished, that preliminary schools, either on private or public establishment, would be distributed in districts thro the state, as preparatory to the entrance of Students into the University.

      It was not enough to construct the University of Virginia as a prestigious educational institution and a fountain of knowledge overflowing for all of its students, but primary and secondary schools were also needed in Virginia in order that the particular skills needed for succeeding at the university could be nurtured early on. It was rather thoughtful of the University to invest in building primary schools in order that the students would not have to travel far from their families in between schooling, thus they would be closer to home and save money as well. Centuries ago in America, family was a huge part of the nation's culture, and thus Thomas Jefferson strove to cherish this by making Virginia an all around state of learning where parents can raise their families. It is astounding that these stride still resonate today as Charlottesville is not only seen as the heart of the nation's education and history but also as a "nice place to raise your kids."

    3. spirit of order & self respect, so congenial with our political institutions, and so important to be woven into the American character.

      This is another interesting statement to consider. It is obviously true that it is important to instill self respect and order in a country, but it's intriguing to think about how it came to be a reality. Looking back and seeing the struggle that women and people of minority races went through to get to where we are now, it is hard to admit that the University was not at the forefront of social progression for a long while. Once we started admitting women and people of non-caucasian races, we finally began to move forward in society.

    4. egetable pharmacy will make a part of the botanical course, & mineral & chemical pharmacy, of those of mineralogy & chemistry.

      It is so interesting to see the evolution of the sciences from this time to now. "Vegetable pharmacy" can be compared to (maybe) botany or something of the like, and it is so interesting to think about the fact that there were still plants to be discovered at that time. With global warming and the recent environmental catastrophes, it is saddening to think that there used to be species that existed that are no longer here to be studied.

    5. thus afford to greater numbers the means of being qualified for the Various Vocations of life,

      I believe that UVA still holds on to these values. It prides itself in providing its students with a diverse and thorough Liberal Arts education that isn't strictly centered around one particular vocation. I think its important to learn how to think and problem solve in multiple disciplines, because even though it may not apply to your vocation specifically, it may be something you encounter in every day life.

    6. This would be usefull and sufficient for many not intended for an University education.

      I find this sentence interesting because it just shows how University used to be a thing that not everyone was expected to go to. Now there is a lot of pressure for children growing up in this generation to go to college and surpass their parents. So many high schools teach like they are preparing their children for college because that is the modern day expectation. I like this sentence because it shows us what kind of education they deemed critically important in becoming a well rounded citizens, regardless of whether or not you went to college.

    7. We should be far too from the discouraging persuasion, that man is fixed, by the law of his nature, at a given point: that his improvement is a chimæra, and the hope delusive of rendering ourselves wiser, happier or better than our forefathers were. As well might it be urged that the wild & uncultivated tree, hitherto yielding sour & bitter fruit only, can never be made to yield better: yet we know that the grafting art implants a new tree on the savage stock, producing what is most estimable both in kind & degree

      This says that men are not completely bound by the laws of nature and that through education, man can change their future. If humans become educated they can improve and become better like how a chimæra can shape shift into other animals. It also compares man to a tree and how cultivating a tree can make a new tree that is better than it was before.

    8. It is supposed that such pavilions on an average of the larger & smaller will cost each about $5,000; each dormitory about $350, and Hotels of a single room for a Refectory, & two rooms for the tenant necessary for dieting the students will cost about $3.500 each.

      It is interesting to see how little the pavilions and the dormitories costed back when the school was built. According to an inflation calculator, what cost $5000 in 1815 would cost $66418.63 in 2016, so the Pavilions were relativity cheap using today's prices. The dorms that were $350 would be $4690 which is basically how much first years pay to live in dorms.

  2. Nov 2017
    1. Hebrew, Greek and Latin

      The emphasis throughout this document on a fundamental understanding of classic languages is interesting. Students were expected to learn to read ancient texts through their elementary school or home studies. While obviously still taught and studied, few would consider greek or latin prerequisites for a successful education in today's society. For better or for worse, we have taken a few steps away from the classical curriculum of the past.

    2. It is therefore greatly to be wished, that preliminary schools, either on private or public establishment, would be distributed in districts thro the state, as preparatory to the entrance of Students into the University.

      It's interesting to think about the foundations of a system we have come to take for granted. Much of our life up to this point has been built around a system that allows gradual preparation for higher education with a series of more local schools. This network is a fundamental part of our society, but that was not always the case. When the university's founders met and drafted this document, they had little to base their system on. Outside of a few liberal arts colleges, education in this country was primarily done at home in a narrow range of subjects. The Rockfish Gap Report outlines an approach that would become the driving force of education in this country for centuries to come.

    3. Medicine, when fully taught, is usually subdivided into several professorships, but this cannot well be without the accessory of an hospital, where the student can have the benefit of attending clinical lectures & of assisting at operations of surgery. With this accessory, the seat of our university is not yet prepared, either by its population, or by the numbers of poor, who would leave their own houses, and accept of the charities of an hospital. For the present therefore we propose but a single professor for both medicine & anatomy.

      I feel like this kind of applies to all subjects and areas not just medicine. Each subject needs a practical venue where skills can be applied and honed with the benefit of being carefully guided when needed to. There is also the experimental benefit of being able to apply ones own creativity to their chosen field. By having a practical venue, one can be prepared, kinda like how the article states.

      Additionally, i must note how big of a benefit it is to have a hospital on grounds as we don't need to leave to receive care in emergency. Plus this helps bring the student body together in a sense, because we feel like the hospital was meant for us.

    4. These institutions, intermediate between the primary schools and university, might then be the passage of entrance for Youths into the University, where their classical learning might be critically compleated, by a study of the authors of h

      I feel like this statement basically is saying that high school is the in fact the literal precursor to college. High school/ primary school is what lays down the foundation in study skills and habits,etc. My parents often told me to make good habits in high school because it is more difficult to formulate new and improved habits while at college. I wholeheartedly agree.

    5. Education generates habits of application, order and the love of virtue; and controuls, by the force of habit, any innate obliquities in our moral organization.

      I like this one sentence. It is a really positive way to look at education and the things that it can offer deeper than simply an increase in scholarly knowledge. I also like that it says that education serves to help control any innate weaknesses in our morals. I think that it is safe to say that becoming more educated, through advances in science and social contributions made by minority peoples, helped to alter some of the societal moral weaknesses in regards to these minority people.

    6. which banishing all arbitrary & unnecessary restraint on individual action shall leave us free to do whatever does not violate the equal rights of another.

      This section serves to exemplify that the structure of government and laws are used to promote individual freedom and refrain from violating equal rights of another. This sounds ideal, especially in regards to the ethical/social goals of our university. However, this section does bother me knowing that these "equal rights of another" that they talked about was not truly referring to equal rights of all people. I suppose I will never truly be able to understand how white people and people in power during this time could so easily dehumanize minority groups (African Americans and Women); However, even knowing that that is true does not prevent statements such as these from this time period from evoking frustration within me.

    7. the French is the language of general intercourse among nations, and as a depository of human Science is unsurpassed by any other language living or dead:

      I'm actually unsure if I understand this sentence completely, but from what I am gleaning is quite surprising. "French is the language of general intercourse among nations." I didn't quite realize how many people spoke French for such a statement to be made, how popular it was (but that it was also "unsurpassed by any other language living or dead"). I would presume Latin to be of high importance, although dead, has many words derived from it. Latin was a foundation for meaning and language, but how does French compare? I do know that TJ was quite a popular diplomat when it came to the French, which is the only explanation I can come up with for such high admirations displayed here.

    8. To enable him to calculate for himself,

      I find myself agreeing with this concept, and actually encouraging it. It reminds me of that phrase "Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime." This idea of "enabl[ing]" one to "calculate for himself" and to "preserve" and progress the information given to them, is important for a sustained education. Similar to the quote with the fish, the university aims it's education to give and keep giving for a life time. If they equip their students correctly, this will enable them to this with the right resources. (The repeated use of "him" is a bit off putting, but surely we have progressed since then with our inclusion of more communities).

    9. with whom we shall possibly have great intercourse ere long

      The foresight here is impressive. I can certainly understand the founder's reasoning behind requiring French to be taught; however, the prediction that we will have significant future interactions with a large Spanish-speaking population is truly impressive, especially when you consider that the university and its curriculum was chartered not long after the American Revolution.

      Personally, I think there should be more language requirements at UVA, considering how useful a second language is. What do you think?

    10. Physics or Natural Philosophy

      A few days ago, my physics professor (Professor Neu) was telling me that physics 101 is one of the oldest classes continuously taught here at UVA. In fact, it was even taught by TJ himself, with complete records on student's performances all the way back to the first class. I looked up the definition of natural philosophy, which is basically the philosophical study of the natural world and universe, and is generally considered a precursor to modern science. Its kind of amazing to think about how many times the curriculum must have changed in the last 200 years.

    11. At the District schools or colleges boys should be rendered able to read the easier Authors, Latin and Greek.

      This statement to me shows how times have changed. Back then, Latin and Greek were seen as the “easier languages” while today they are seen as two of the hardest languages to learn. To me this shows how expectations of students has changed. Back then, you were expected to know Latin and Greek whereas today, you are expected to learn a language such as Spanish or French.

    12. Belle Lettres & the fine arts

      “Belle Lettres” is a style of writing seen as light and elegant. I find it interesting that back that writing and fine arts were regarded so highly. Today, society has moved past the fine arts/writing and sees them as “unfulfilling” or “hard to do anything with.” I think this view is something we need to move away from. I feel as if we should go back to regarding fine arts and writing as something to engage in. There is real treasure within fine arts and writing.

    13. elements of navigation and Geography to a sufficient degree,

      This passage illustrates how much times have changed. At one point navigation was taught my university professors and now that concept is laughable. We just use google maps. This works into the larger schema of interest in the rockfish gap report because it is such an obvious illustration of how different the times were. It is easy to take for granted the racist attitudes of the day etc but this helps the reader to better understand the time period this document was written in.

    14. he advantages of this plan are, greater security against fire & infection; tranquillity & comfort to the Professors, and their families thus insulated; retirement to the Students,

      It is so interesting to note how seriously Jefferson took the security and safety of his staff and students. Obviously UVA today's till take security and safety seriously but he never once mentions slaves in this section. I also believe it important to note the fact that the words Professor and Student are capitalized, further emphasizing the difference between whites and blacks at uva in this time.

    15. In the education of youth, provision is to be made for 1. tuition. 2 diet. 3. lodging. 4. government: and 5. honorary excitements.

      This line states what services and amenities are provided for the benefit of the students. I understand how 2-5 are supplied to students to ensure that they get a proper education.I know that tuition is for the benefit of the professors, to give them income for their service. However, I am confused about who pays tuition in this situation, is it the students or the government and donors?

    16. mensuration (useful in so many callings)

      Mensuration is "the measuring of geometric magnitudes, lengths, areas, and volumes". The little aside in the parenthesis not only adds a lighthearted tone to the text but may also provide insight into Jefferson's possible bias toward architecture. As well known, Jefferson was an architect and mensuration surely has been especially crucial to his work. To make structures stable and functional, measures of lengths, areas, and volumes must be made. With this, Jefferson highly valued the importance of quantitative data.

    17. To enlighten them with mathematical and physical sciences which advance the arts & administer to the health, the subsistence & comforts of human life:

      It's interesting to see that currently the University still values this principle. UVA continues the study of mathematical and physical sciences as well as medicine. It has its own medical school and hospital.I personally believe that these skills highlighted in the report are important for making well rounded individuals.

    18. we have proposed no professor of Divinity

      Thomas Jefferson heavily emphasized secular academics and here, does not include a professor of Divinity at the University of Virginia. He reasons there should be a freedom of religion and an equality spread across all religions. By excluding a professor of Divinity, no one no religion faces subordination to the another. Jefferson's course of action here for the University of Virginia, concerning religious equality, directly extends the fundamentals of the US Constitution.

    19. education like private & individual concerns, should be left to private & individual effort; not reflecting that an establishment, embracing all the sciences which may be useful & even necessary in the various vocations of life, with the buildings & apparatus belonging to each, are far beyond the reach of individual means, & must either derive existence from public patronage or not exist at all

      This statement points out the view towards certain studies which is considered not as useful or beneficial to the public. Even till nowadays, some studies are still regarded with this kind of perspective. Many people consider subjects such as, arts, music, and philosophy, as un-applicable for future career and doubt the necessity of their existence. The founders of UVA also put these into consideration and tried to figure out what's the best curriculum for the university.

    20. To expound the principles & structure of government, the laws which regulate the intercourse of nations, those formed municipally for our own government, and a sound spirit of legislation, which banishing all arbitrary & unnecessary restraint on individual action shall leave us free to do whatever does not violate the equal rights of another.

      Through this quote, we can see that even before UVA was established physically, its emphasis has always been on equality. Though somehow contradictory to the previous statement( mainly focusing on white population), this proves the school's prospective is in line with liberty and equality. On the other hand, it also points out that the founders of the schools aimed to model the school to educate people to understand the aspect of freedom and respect each other in order to develop the state Virginia as one that is well-constructed.

    21. 4. The best mode of government for youth in large collections, is certainly a desideratum not yet attained with us. It may well be questioned whether fear, after a certain age, is the motive to which we should have ordinary recourse. The human character is susceptible of other incitements to correct conduct, more worthy of employ, and of better effect.

      This line skims the controversy of whether fear, or other methods are best to keep students in line. The founders seem to lean towards other ways of keeping honor, instead of fear. The idea that pride in one's own character can motivate one to employ correct behavior is emphasized. Fear is described as a "degrading motive" that uses punishment to prevent bad behavior. I, like the founders, believe that fear can prevent bad behavior, but it cannot produce good character. Fear of doing something bad does not make one believe that it is wrong to do.

    22. The affectionate deportment between father & son offers, in truth, the best example for that of tutor & pupil; and the experience & practice of* other countries in this respect, may be worthy of enquiry & consideration with us.

      This line is especially m meaningful to me, because its core concept is something my parents have told me from the beginning of my education. I have always been told that teachers are like our parents. They bestow their knowledge upon us, so that we can put it to good use and learn something from it. This line emphasizes the fact that our elders, both older people and nations, have more experience than the youth, so it is both their responsibility to teach us, and ours to learn.

  3. Oct 2017
    1. They will be more advanced than we are, in science and in useful arts, and will know best what will suit the circumstances of their day.

      I find this quote very interesting. I think it is very relatable even today. The more we discover in both the arts and sciences, the more the world changes and grows. Also, both go hand in hand. I think it's very hard to have one without the other. Science in itself is a form of hard and vice versa.

    2. Some good men, and even of respectable information, consider the learned sciences as useless acquirements

      I find it interesting that back then, some thought that learned sciences were useless. How times have changed. Today there is more of a stress of the sciences. To me this shows how society can change their focus. Today in schools, math and science are the main focus and are highly stressed. Other subjects such as English are not thought of and are often discouraged.

    3. To improve by reading, his morals and faculties.

      I wonder if the founders were purposefully ambiguous in using the words 'morals and faculties' or if they had anything particular in mind. It almost seems as though they understood that America's perception of morality would inevitably change throughout the course of the University's history; nevertheless, the hypocrisy is apparent in this line, as most of these men likely owned slaves and certainly supported systems of inequality and inhumanity that strayed far from any any set of clear morals.

    4. It was the degree of centrality to the white population of the state which alone then constituted the important point of comparison between these places

      These lines are abhorrent in modern society; however, I am not in the least surprised that those deliberating on the specifications of the University took into account the racial demographics of the state. I didn't realize that proximity to the 'white population' would be such a large and important factor, though; it stands out to me that this point is explained in detail while others are lumped under "all other circumstances of the place". I wonder if these men meant wealthy whites who were most likely to attend the college or just the white population in general. Either way, this line is a testament to the casual nature of racism during this time and to how far society has progressed since.

    5. Hebrew

      I was very surprised to see Hebrew on the course list. At this time in American history the jewish population was not very large and it speaks volumes to Jefferson's worldliness that he included this as a possible study at his University. At the time there were many conspiracy theories floating around Britain and the US about how the Jews ruled the world, (this is in part why they were originally offered Israel during world war 1) and it is possible that this is a reason Hebrew was being offered at the university at this time.

    6. To enlighten them with mathematical and physical sciences which advance the arts & administer to the health, the subsistence & comforts of human life:

      This sentence is almost laughable. Jefferson speaks of the comforts of human life while owning slaves. He says his goal is to enlighten his students through mathematics and physical sciences while willfully keeping humans in the dark. He made a point not to give slaves the physical comforts of science or the physical comforts of actual comfort.

    7. and others that education like private & individual concerns, should be left to private & individual effort;

      The thought that education should be left to “private and individual effort” is an utmost privileged form of thought. Education is supposed to be mankind’s great equalizer in that it is supposed to give individuals of all backgrounds both the opportunity to reach their fullest potentials and the chance to even move up in the hierarchy that is classism. In other words, education is supposed to give everyone an equal chance at the “journey” or “means” to the type of life they want to live. This equality cannot be possible if we leave education up to “private and individual effort," and if we do not have at least some form of overarching intervention. This is because on the individual level, each class of people vary in the materials, connections, and means they have to give themselves a wholesome education. The richer individuals have more materials and connections, while the poorer individuals have less, and so leaving education up to them to figure out would mean more division between the classes. The richer individuals will become more educated and thus more powerful, while the poorer individuals become more and more inferior. I’m glad the University creators did not listen to those individuals who held this quote’s opinions, because if we based education on our external differences, our world would not be as inclusive or advanced as it is today. Even today, we have other means to ensure poorer individuals have at least some chance at attaining a higher education, including actions such as scholarships and mentorships. We do not let anyone go unnoticed.

    8. Pride of character, laudable ambition, & moral dispositions are innate correctives of the indiscretions of that lively age

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      In my opinion, this is one of the most important parts of the report. Here, the doctrine states that beneficial motives (morality and ambition) are far better regulators of the youth than fear. This lends itself to two things: first, it provides a foundation for the honor code, in which students use honor as a regulating factor. Second, by implying that students have innate good intentions, it provides for student self governance. A faculty-run governance won't necessarily engage with the student's morals and ambitions, and will lend itself to relying on punishment and fear as a corrective factor. By promoting a student governance, the founders help foster the ideal moral character of a uva student established previously in the report.

    9. to form the statesmen, legislators & judges, on whom public prosperity, & individual happiness are so much to depend.

      The purpose of this quote is to justify just how important education truly is not just to the individual who is getting educated, but to those around him or her as well-- education helps individuals help their communities. Though this is a seemingly positive statement, what is interesting to me is how the positivity ends when you consider this quote’s implications. Jefferson built this university solely with the intent to give white males the opportunity to learn and succeed, meaning that these “statesmen, legislators, and judges” who are supposed to be helping their communities further thrive are only that-- white and male. In solely allowing white males the freedom to become educated and to hence take on these higher positions of authority, this University further insinuated the division between white individuals and other races, implying that the white race is superior to others and that these other races do not have the capabilities to lead their own communities. The point of education is to be the great equalizer and to allow all types of people the chance to help lead their communities, but with Jefferson’s mindset, one of the most accessible types of equalities becomes further impossible. Thankfully, in today’s day and age, we have instances such as affirmative action to help us ensure education actually is the great equalizer, allowing all types of people-- no matter their background-- the opportunity to reach their fullest potentials and to use their educations to aid others.

    10. In conformity with the principles of our constitution, which places all sects of religion on an equal footing, with the jealousies of the different sects in guarding that equality from encroachment & surprise, and with the sentiments of the legislature in favor of freedom of religion manifested on former occasions, we have proposed no professor of Divinity

      It is fascinating how the language of the Constitution was written into this document: it shows how people in those days were quick to evoke Republican rhetoric in their discourse, even when it may not have been necessary. It seems a stretch to ban divinity professors because of the Constitution's limits on religious inequality. The Report's writers may have devised this section of the document in good faith, but to my eyes they cherry-pick constitutional principles to make a statement. There are ways in which the University could have provided for a religion professor without offending the freedom of religion. It could have, for example, proposed several professors from multiple faiths, which would have promoted religious egalitarianism. But I suppose that's wishful thinking given the time this document was written; America was still a fragile democracy at that point, without much leeway for positions that could be made out to be anti-republican. It is amidst that early aura of democratic over-sensitivity that statements like this one were made.

    11. I Languages Antient

      It's interesting how the Classics were so critical to formal education in those days. Boys learned Greek and Latin early on in their academic careers, which carried on throughout college if they attended. Knowledge of the Classics was seen as the mark of a well-educated person. What's changed since then? We don't study Greek and Latin as intently as we used to--I barely even knew UVA offered Greek or Latin, not to mention Hebrew. Students nowadays tend to focus on subjects they think lend themselves best to their career goals. They don't seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and I think the founders of the University would be ashamed if they knew we had forgotten the Classics.

    12. two to four apartments for the accommodation of a professor and his family

      I remember coming to UVA for the first time and hearing my tour guide, Joe, talk about Jefferson's idea of an academic village where students and professors lived amongst one another. That was one of the first things that drew me to UVA: the strong sense of community. And I think that it still holds true today. I'm proud to be part of the Wahoo community because I know that someone will always have my back. UVA may be a great school academic wise, but I think its strong sense of community (which has been there since the very beginning) is what sets this university apart from the rest. Learning what it means to be something bigger than yourself is an invaluable skill, especially in this individualistic society. Even though we are first years, we must take advantage of this inclusive community and work together to raise this university higher and further promote the idea of equality in the society around us.

    13. the incalculable advantage of training up able counsellors to administer the affairs of our Country in all its departments, Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary, and to bear their proper share in the councils of Our National Government; nothing, more than education, adorning the prosperity, the power and the happiness of a nation.

      Previously in the document, the writers discussed the goals of the university in regards to what the students gain from their time at the University of Virginia. Many of these objectives have to do with improving the morals, principles, and knowledge of the students. The writers discussed the bigger picture and the effect that the university would have on the country in the future. They are hoping that the type of education at the university will shape the students into well-rounded, future leaders. I am interested in why the writers' main focus is on the creating future leaders of the country rather than other important occupations. Now the main goal of college students is to get a stable occupation, such as a doctor or an accountant. These goals seem more attainable and realistic than running our country.

    14. Some good men, and even of respectable information, consider the learned sciences as useless acquirements; some think that they do not better the condition of men;

      Even till now, some people still hold the same belief as those mentioned in this statement. Nowadays, many people still consider arts and music as subjects that don't benefit the development of society and disregard the value of those. However, as time passed by, more and more people come to realization that even though these subjects may not help physically improving the society, they have their influence and value to the world and should be respected. It's both a pleasure and surprise to see the founders of the university actually tried to build a school which would provide various subjects for students to explore, regardless of people's views on them.

    15. that of proposing a plan for its buildings; and they are of opinion that it should consist of distinct houses or pavilions, arranged at proper distances on each side of a lawn of a proper breadth, & of indefinite extent in one direction at least, in each of which should be a lecturing room with from two to four apartments for the accommodation of a professor and his family

      It's interesting to see that they had a really detailed plan for the building at such an early stage of the project.After selecting the site, they so quickly developed a plan that not only doesn't the plan includes one of the most important site of the university, the lawn, but also mentions how the classrooms should be arranged. The committee's proposal actually took place in the university and set plan for the accommodation of students and faculty members. This proposal laid out the central part for the university and set the traditions.

    16. all sects of religion on an equal footing

      This lays out an important distinction of a public university which they were trying to achieve: a secular education. This also shows another way in which this document mirrors the nation's founding documents with the separation of church and state. However, those who held power did not represent "all sects of religion on an equal footing;" Christianity was (is?) a dominant religion. I think this transferred over to those who received this education, as well. This phrase has the right intention, but it is not seen through in practice.

    17. men and citizens

      Given the time period, this phrase is more or less redundant. At the time, white, property-owning men were the only people truly deemed to be citizens. By separating "men" and "citizens" gives the illusion of a broader acceptance of other individuals (i.e. women and slaves); it's nothing more than that, though. Their intentions for education were only intended for white males, no matter how they try to rephrase that fact.

    18. To expound the principles & structure of government, the laws which regulate the intercourse of nations, those formed municipally for our own government, and a sound spirit of legislation, which banishing all arbitrary & unnecessary restraint on individual action shall leave us free to do whatever does not violate the equal rights of another.

      This section is frustrating as it explicitly says that one of the purposes of education is to teach students to expound the principles of government and to banish restraint on individual action to leave them free to do "whatever does not violate the equal rights of another", yet it only truly refers to the rights of other white men as women's civil rights and civil rights of African Americans were not recognized at this time. It is frustrating to me as it so blatantly shows the ignorance or blindness of these men to the rights of others. Having the beliefs and desires of equal rights that I do, I could not imagine reading or writing those statements ad only referring to white men of a certain socioeconomic status.

    19. It was the degree of centrality to the white population of the state which alone then constituted the important point of comparison between these places:

      This sentence highlights the pertinent racism within the group of Commissioners. During this time all of the wealthy, important, educated people who did things like build Universities were in fact white men. Although this is generally common knowledge, this sentence draws attention to just how common and accepted this societal racism was. They noted that "centrality to the white population" was indeed the most important factor in choosing location. What is so unfortunate is that this practice isn't completely gone today. It reminds me much of the practice of gerrymandering and redlining that still often occurs in our political system today. Then the intentions were to make services available to white people by location and excluded interest of other ethnicities, and now it is used to benefit political groups (dominated by white men) or to exclude certain ethnic groups.

    20. To understand his duties to his neighbours, & country,

      I think this is a really crucial statement in the Rockfish Gap report because it emphasizes the founders' values of society. Over the past 200 years, we have become an increasingly capitalistic and therefore individualistic nation that pushes away from collectivism. But, as we see here, meeting the needs of the society is one of the primary objectives of the establishment of this University. It is interesting to see how societal values have changed over time. I believe that, although we do want to improve the welfare of our society today, our desire towards achieving individualistic goals heavily outweighs our desire towards fulfilling our "duties to [our] neighbours & country."

    21. In this enquiry they supposed that the governing considerations should be the healthiness of the site, the fertility of the neighbouring country, and it’s centrality to the white population of the whole state

      I wonder what they mean by 'healthiness of the site", do they literally mean the physical characteristics of the site or the lack of things they determine as below them. When I say 'below them', I'm referring to black people and white people who don't fit into their ideology. What characteristics are apart of a growing and successful community in their eyes? I do understand why they would want to put the university central to a white population, because white men were the only ones allowed to attend this university.

    22. within the powers of a single professor.

      I found it interesting that the education initially provided was so limited. All of the courses could be taught by one professor, meaning there is no diversity. You could learn either math or science, with a language. This shows the viewpoint of most scholars back then, the only meaningful careers were in math or science. The humanities were seen as below math and science.

    23. and it’s centrality to the white population of the whole state:

      This further points out how UVA got started. Although slaves built and worked here, UVA was still only for the white population. One can only imagine what it was like back then. Even now, UVA only has a small percentage of blacks attending even though we are many years past this, things have not changed much.

    24. 3. They should be lodged in dormitories, making a part of the general system of buildings.

      UVA wants students to build a learning environment everywehere. When not in the classroom you can learn from others that are in your dorms. This builds more appreciation for the school and their concepts.

  4. Sep 2017
    1. History (being interwoven with Politics & Law[)]

      One interesting point this subject of study makes is that History, Politics, and Law go hand in hand. Our ancestors knew that our history is what guides our future, so past laws will influence future laws. The subjects are not separated like today, but the idea that history intertwines with politics emphasizes the point that the study of man and his past can unlock the ways of the future. For example, if the people reacted negatively to a law passed, people in the future will know not pass such a law again.

    2. These objects would be, To give to every citizen the information he needs for the transaction of his own business. To enable him to calculate for himself, and to express & preserve his ideas, his contracts & accounts in writing. To improve by reading, his morals and faculties. To understand his duties to his neighbours, & country, and to discharge with competence the functions confided to him by either. To know his rights; to exercise with order & justice those he retains; to choose with discretion the fiduciaries of those he delegates; and to notice their conduct with diligence with candor & judgment. And, in general, to observe with intelligence & faithfulness all the social relations under which he shall be placed.

      Although the main point of this sentence is to emphasize the purpose of the Unversity, this sentence also manages to introduce the point of only allowing males to attend the University. It is the assumption that angers me. The dismissive tone of the sentence cleverly hides the significant stance that only males will attend. At the time when the report was written, it was natural to assume that women will not attend places offering higher education. Therefore, the report did not even think it necessary to explicitly clarify, at this point in the paper, that only white males may attend.

    3. Medicine, when fully taught, is usually subdivided into several professorships, but this cannot well be without the accessory of an hospital, where the student can have the benefit of attending clinical lectures & of assisting at operations of surgery

      It is very interesting that they mentioned a school of medicine should eventually be incorporated into the University because we now have a leading medical program at UVA with a hospital super close to campus. It is very interesting that those planning the University 200 years ago had such foresight to think of this.

    4. Education generates habits of application, order and the love of virtue; and controuls, by the force of habit, any innate obliquities in our moral organization. We should be far too from the discouraging persuasion, that man is fixed, by the law of his nature, at a given point: that his improvement is a chimæra, and the hope delusive of rendering ourselves wiser, happier or better than our forefathers were

      This portion of the document is very important to see what our University originally thought education should provide. The founding of this university was to educate those to such an extent that we led better lives then even those who founded our own country. These are very high standard for the university education system as a whole.

    5. The advantages of this plan are, greater security against fire & infection; tranquillity & comfort to the Professors, and their families thus insulated; retirement to the Students, and the admission of enlargement to any degree to which the institution may extend in future times.

      The initial layout of the foundation having such an emphasis on the durability and flexibility of central grounds promotes the fact that Jefferson visioned his university prospering through many generations into the far future. His confidence in the success of the University of Virginia is clearly felt through this excerpt.

    6. It was the degree of centrality to the white population of the state which alone then constituted the important point of comparison between these places:

      This sentence alone encompasses the controversy on racism that has plagued the University of Virginia 'til this day. The fact that the location for which these grounds were built upon was chosen solely based on the "...degree of centrality to the white population..." (meaning the most profitable and nurturing location for white people to flourish, with no regards toward people of color) emphasizes the 19th century's view of racial superiority and the founders' initial intent for inequality. This single sentence painfully and unmistakably claims that this university was founded entirely for the advancement of the white population, and no one else. Today, as Charlottesville, and the University of Virginia, proudly thrives on its growing diversity, this sentence also alludes to some irony.

    7. Also the whole of his Slaves amounting to 57 in number.

      I find the points in this document contradicting. Many of the goals for students is geared towards demonstrating strong morals and respect. Yet the writers add the slaves in a section of the report that lists off plots of land, like the slaves are expendable objects. I am disappointed to see how the people who created such an honorable university could be so inhumane.