4 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. For more information about septic pump-outs, contact the Natural Resource Department located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (second floor) located at 101 Chalmers Ct., in Berryville, Va. Hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Lorien Lemmon Conservation Planner & GIS Coordinator (540) 955-5134 llemmon@clarkecounty.gov
    2. Residents Septic Pump Out $(function () { var widgetContext = "widget_3_0_1627"; //start VISPP-4466 var useDesignThemFontSizeCss = window.visionOptions.useDesignThemFontSizeCss; var folderPath = useDesignThemFontSizeCss == true ? window.visionOptions.currentDesignFolderPath : window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath; if (!folderPath) folderPath = window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath; var resizeTimer; var resizeFaqTabs = function () { $(".faq_widget").each(function () { var tabheight = $(this).find(".faq_tab_nav").height(); $(this).find(".faqtab_section").attr("style", "min-height: " + (tabheight - 42) + "px"); }); }; var SetFontSize = function (fontsize) { $("#active_font").attr("href", folderPath + fontsize).attr("data-css", fontsize); var url = window.location.origin + visionOptions.virtualApplicationPath + "Shared/ChangeFontSizeCookie"; var cookieValue = fontsize ? fontsize : "small.css"; var cookieInt; switch(cookieValue){ case("xx-small.css"): cookieInt=1; break; case ("x-small.css"): cookieInt = 2; break; case ("small.css"): default: cookieInt = 3; break; case("medium.css"): cookieInt=4; break; case ("large.css"): cookieInt = 5; break; } $.frontendAjax({ url: url, type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ cookieValue: cookieInt}), success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (data && data.success) { $("#active_font").attr("href", window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath + cookieValue).attr("data-css", cookieValue); } } }); if ($(".faq_tab_nav").length > 0) { clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { resizeFaqTabs(); }, 200); } }; $(".font_larger").on("click", function () { switch ($("#active_font").attr("data-css")) { case "medium.css": SetFontSize("large.css"); break; case "small.css": SetFontSize("medium.css"); break; case "x-small.css": SetFontSize("small.css"); break; case "xx-small.css": SetFontSize("x-small.css"); break; } return false; }); $(".font_smaller").on("click", function () { switch ($("#active_font").attr("data-css")) { case "large.css": SetFontSize("medium.css"); break; case "medium.css": SetFontSize("small.css"); break; case "small.css": SetFontSize("x-small.css"); break; case "x-small.css": SetFontSize("xx-small.css"); break; } return false; }); $(".text_size").on("click", function () { SetFontSize("x-small.css"); return false; }); //end VISPP-4466 $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").click(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").show(); else $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); }); $("div").click(function () { if ($("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) { $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); } }); $(document).click(function (e) { if (!$(e.target).closest("#share").length > 0) { $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").removeClass("click-active"); $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); } }); var shareContainerTimeout = null; $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").bind('mouseover', function () { //If not relate to click event if (shareContainerTimeout) { clearTimeout(shareContainerTimeout); shareContainerTimeout = null; } shareContainerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").show(); }, 100); }); $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").bind('mouseleave', function () { //If not relate to click event if (shareContainerTimeout) { clearTimeout(shareContainerTimeout); shareContainerTimeout = null; } shareContainerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); }, 200); }); $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.feedback_link").click(function () { var windowHeight = 485; if (window.innerWidth <= 648) { windowHeight = 545; } var opts = { title: "Feedback", url: "/Template/GetFeedbackPartial?feedbackUrl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.clarkecounty.gov%2fresidents%2fseptic-pump-out", useFrame: true, height: windowHeight, onClosed: function (result) { if (result != undefined && result.IsOk == true) { $.refreshTempMessage(result.Message); } $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.feedback_link").focus(); }, skin: 'viClientDialog feedback_lightbox', fixed: false }; $.viClientDialog(opts).open(); }); //Safari iOS: No click event $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.send_share_email").bind("click touchstart", function () { var shareEmailTitle = document.itemTitle ? 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An average of 40 percent of wells tested across Clarke County in the 1990s had coliform levels that exceeded water quality standards. Recent studies of Clarke County wells indicate 57 percent of samples have coliform levels exceeding water quality standards, indicating a worsening problem for the groundwater, which is the source of well water.
    1. Water & Sewer $(function () { var widgetContext = "widget_3_0_1161"; //start VISPP-4466 var useDesignThemFontSizeCss = window.visionOptions.useDesignThemFontSizeCss; var folderPath = useDesignThemFontSizeCss == true ? window.visionOptions.currentDesignFolderPath : window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath; if (!folderPath) folderPath = window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath; var resizeTimer; var resizeFaqTabs = function () { $(".faq_widget").each(function () { var tabheight = $(this).find(".faq_tab_nav").height(); $(this).find(".faqtab_section").attr("style", "min-height: " + (tabheight - 42) + "px"); }); }; var SetFontSize = function (fontsize) { $("#active_font").attr("href", folderPath + fontsize).attr("data-css", fontsize); var url = window.location.origin + visionOptions.virtualApplicationPath + "Shared/ChangeFontSizeCookie"; var cookieValue = fontsize ? fontsize : "small.css"; var cookieInt; switch(cookieValue){ case("xx-small.css"): cookieInt=1; break; case ("x-small.css"): cookieInt = 2; break; case ("small.css"): default: cookieInt = 3; break; case("medium.css"): cookieInt=4; break; case ("large.css"): cookieInt = 5; break; } $.frontendAjax({ url: url, type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ cookieValue: cookieInt}), success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (data && data.success) { $("#active_font").attr("href", window.visionOptions.mainFolderPath + cookieValue).attr("data-css", cookieValue); } } }); if ($(".faq_tab_nav").length > 0) { clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { resizeFaqTabs(); }, 200); } }; $(".font_larger").on("click", function () { switch ($("#active_font").attr("data-css")) { case "medium.css": SetFontSize("large.css"); break; case "small.css": SetFontSize("medium.css"); break; case "x-small.css": SetFontSize("small.css"); break; case "xx-small.css": SetFontSize("x-small.css"); break; } return false; }); $(".font_smaller").on("click", function () { switch ($("#active_font").attr("data-css")) { case "large.css": SetFontSize("medium.css"); break; case "medium.css": SetFontSize("small.css"); break; case "small.css": SetFontSize("x-small.css"); break; case "x-small.css": SetFontSize("xx-small.css"); break; } return false; }); $(".text_size").on("click", function () { SetFontSize("x-small.css"); return false; }); //end VISPP-4466 $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").click(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").show(); else $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); }); $("div").click(function () { if ($("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) { $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); } }); $(document).click(function (e) { if (!$(e.target).closest("#share").length > 0) { $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").removeClass("click-active"); $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); } }); var shareContainerTimeout = null; $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").bind('mouseover', function () { //If not relate to click event if (shareContainerTimeout) { clearTimeout(shareContainerTimeout); shareContainerTimeout = null; } shareContainerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").show(); }, 100); }); $("#" + widgetContext + " #share").bind('mouseleave', function () { //If not relate to click event if (shareContainerTimeout) { clearTimeout(shareContainerTimeout); shareContainerTimeout = null; } shareContainerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!$("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").hasClass("click-active")) $("#" + widgetContext + " div#share").find("ul").hide(); }, 200); }); $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.feedback_link").click(function () { var windowHeight = 485; if (window.innerWidth <= 648) { windowHeight = 545; } var opts = { title: "Feedback", url: "/Template/GetFeedbackPartial?feedbackUrl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.clarkecounty.gov%2fgovernment%2fwater-sewer", useFrame: true, height: windowHeight, onClosed: function (result) { if (result != undefined && result.IsOk == true) { $.refreshTempMessage(result.Message); } $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.feedback_link").focus(); }, skin: 'viClientDialog feedback_lightbox', fixed: false }; $.viClientDialog(opts).open(); }); //Safari iOS: No click event $("header#" + widgetContext + " a.send_share_email").bind("click touchstart", function () { var shareEmailTitle = document.itemTitle ? 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The Clarke County Sanitary Authority is a governmental corporation created by the Board of Supervisors in 1988.  Prospect Hill Spring provides water for approximately 400 households and businesses in Boyce, Millwood, and White Post as well as the Waterloo Commercial District. Sewage is processed at the Boyce Sewage Treatment Facility. Inboden Environmental Services Inc. manages the water and sewer systems. Find water quality reports and CCSA forms using the links at left. If using a smartphone, use jump to subpage at top. The Clarke County Sanitary Authority office is located at 129 Ramsburg Lane in Berryville, Va. Hours 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday Sarah Shiley Sanitary Authority Senior Billing Manager-Clerk (540) 955-5185 ccsa@clarkecounty.gov Inboden Environmental Services (800) 648-1010 (office) (540) 325-0748 (emergency) minboden@4ies.com Boyce Wastewater Treatment Plant (540) 837-2092
  2. Jan 2023
    1. 00:40:20 Line that the astronauts bring back in their pictures from space that's the that's the part of the atmosphere that has oxygen the troposphere uh and it's 00:40:32 only five to seven kilometers thick that's what we're using as an open sewer if you could drive a car straight up in the air at interstate highway speeds you get to the top of that blue line in five minutes and all the greenhouse gas 00:40:46 pollution would be below you we're still putting 162 million tons into it every single day and the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600 00:40:58 000 Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the earth that's what's boiling the oceans creating these atmospheric rivers and the rain bombs and sucking the moisture out of the land and creating the 00:41:10 droughts and melting the ice and raising the sea level and causing these waves of climate refugees predicted to reach 1 billion in this Century look at the xenophobia and political authoritarian 00:41:22 trends that have come from just a few million refugees what about a billion we would lose our capacity for self-governance on this world

      !- quotable : Al Gore