3 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. As you can see, it has sliced along axis 0, the first axis. A slice, therefore, selects a range of elements along an axis. It can be helpful to read the expression arr2d[:2] as "select the first two rows of arr2d."

      Slices follow a similar logic than indexing in NumPy array's. array[:2] selects a range of elements along a single axis,, but array[:2, 1:] does it along two axis.

  2. Dec 2022
    1. How should you design your drills? That depends on the area you want to drill. Can it be easily isolated from the rest of your project? If so, try time-slicing, where you isolate one step in a more involved process and repeat the step until you’ve perfected it.

      Take the thing or Subject you want to learn, and break it into separate parts. Then apply Time-slicing, a sort of Tunnel Vision on one particular part of the overall subject or thing.

  3. May 2020