55 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
  2. Apr 2024
  3. Jan 2024
    1. also remember "non-conventional" wars like "weapons of mass migration", targetting north america and western europe. the young white males in america and europe will be drafted for "already lost wars" against russia/hamas/ethiopia (suicide mission), and the young black males (migrant invaders) will finally conquer the young white females, creating the "brown race" of slaves for the global elite (the same elite that is preaching the "racism is bad" gospel)

  4. Dec 2023
    1. its easy to get lost in complexity here, but i prefer to keep it simple: our *only* problem is overpopulation, which is caused by pacifism = civilization. *all* other problems are only symptoms of overpopulation. these "financial weapons of mass destruction" (warren buffett) have the only purpose of mass murder = to kill the 95% useless eaters. so yes, this is a "controlled demolition" aka "global suicide cult". most of us will die, but we are happy...

      financial weapons of mass destruction: the useful idiots believe that they can defeat risk (or generally, defeat death) by centralization on a global scale. they want to build a system that is "too big to fail" and which will "live forever". they use all kinds of tricks to make their slaves "feel safe" and "feel happy", while subconsciously, everything is going to hell in the long run. so this is just another version of "stupid and evil people trying to rule the world". hubris comes before the fall, nothing new. their system will never work, but idiots must try... because "fake it till you make it" = constructivism, mind over matter, fantasy defeats reality, ...

      the video and soundtrack are annoying, they add zero value to the monolog.

  5. Nov 2023
    1. haha, china and russia and friends are shitting all over your "scientific models".<br /> the ONLY problem is "too many humans", aka overpopulation, caused by pacifism.<br /> these "save the world" policies are collective suicide for the 95% useless eaters. byee!

  6. Jan 2023
  7. discovery.ucl.ac.uk discovery.ucl.ac.uk
    1. For example, someone who is the main wage earner ina household may feel a failure because of their belief that they should always be able to provide fortheir family. In contrast, according to the femininity script, someone who aspires to a happy familylife more than a happy work life may lose their job but still find fulfillment in the home.

      It is true that males derive more satisfaction from their success at work and females from their success at building family.

    2. As hypothesized, men scored significantly higher onthe overall male script than women. However, there was almost no difference between men andwomen’s scores on the overall female script.

      Men have more gender pressure than women. It can be argued that men have more social pressure in general.

  8. Dec 2022
  9. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. mournful thought of any continuance

      Continuance of life? could this be a brief mention of suicide??

      I do think Emma is wondering how she can continue to live without her companion and best friend with only her father for company

  10. Aug 2022
    1. "It's very well known that after the age of 40 things might go much better for people with Borderline Personality Disorder - their symptoms might become much milder."
  11. Jun 2022
    1. “It’s direct, indisputable, empirical evidence that this kind of common claim that ‘the only thing that stops a bad guy with the gun is a good guy with the gun’ is wrong,” said Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama, who has studied mass shootings for more than a decade. “It’s demonstrably false, because often they are stopping themselves.”
    1. 1980s: "I always typed a few hours a day on a heavy and noisy IBM typewriter. Before converting to the Apple faith, I wrote down every interesting idea or possibly useful datum on 5 × 8 cards that I kept in card-boxes. But I used them only sparingly to write papers of books, for they were just random collections. Once an unknown American scholar phoned me to announce that he was about to commit suicide because he had failed to craft a general theory of ideas out of thousands of cards that he had filled in the course of a decade. He had been a casualty of dataism, the idea that knowledge of anything is just a collection of bits of knowledge." (pp. 273–274)

      Anecdotal evidence of contemplation of suicide based on over-collection of notes without creating a clear thesis or use for them.

      I'm curious who the colleague was and what or how their note taking system wasn't working for them. Most likely the inability to link ideas to each other, lack of clear examples of others doing the practice to help guide them?

  12. Feb 2022
  13. Nov 2021
    1. Nicholas Christakis, the Yale professor of medicine and sociology who was at the center of a campus and social-media storm in 2015, is also an expert on the functioning of human social groups. He reminded me that ostracism “was considered an enormous sanction in ancient times—to be cast out of your group was deadly.” It is unsurprising, he said, that people in these situations would consider suicide.
  14. Oct 2021
  15. Jul 2021
  16. Mar 2021
  17. Feb 2021
    1. Nick Brown. (2020, November 27). A researcher reads an online news article about a family suicide in another country and writes it up more or less verbatim as a ‘case report’, with a spurious reference to homicide. WTF @wileyglobal? 10.1111/ppc.12686 News article (trans by Google in pic): Https://t.co/uPZeRPN4jg https://t.co/tHW1XQGRyl [Tweet]. @sTeamTraen. https://twitter.com/sTeamTraen/status/1332413218271195137

  18. Nov 2020
  19. Oct 2020
    1. I can't help but wonder what Jonah Goldberg's review of this book will be given his prior effort earlier this year?

      I'm also reminded here of Mark Granovetter's ideas that getting a job is more closely tied to who you know. One's job is often very closely tied to their identity, and even more so when the link that got them their job was through a friend or acquaintance.

  20. Sep 2020
  21. Jul 2020
  22. Jun 2020
  23. May 2020
  24. Apr 2020
  25. Dec 2019
    1. Seneca

      Seneca the Younger (c. 4 BC – AD 65) was a Roman Stoic philosopher, moralist, and dramatist. He was forced to commit suicide by Nero after allegedly plotting the Emperor's death.

  26. Jun 2019
    1. “I felt like it wasn’t taken care of and it didn’t feel any safer to me and it didn’t feel any safer to (my son),”

      In most cases, many parents in this situation can understand all too well with the safety of their child. According to the school, the case is resolved with a slap on the wrist for the offender. Amy and her son still feels unsafe. Jacob would have to go to school everyday with fear waiting for the next bad thing to happen. Aside from that, parents must also fear the risk of suicide and the mental well being of their child? The result of a case being "resolved."

    1. On the other hand, Camus focused most of his philosophy around existential questions. The absurdity of life, the inevitable ending (death) is highlighted in his acts, his belief that the absurd – life being void of meaning, or man's inability to know that meaning if it were to exist – was something that man should embrace, his anti-Christianity, his commitment to individual moral freedom and responsibility are only a few of the similarities with other existential writers.[69] More importantly, Camus addressed one of the fundamental questions of existentialism: the problem of suicide. He wrote "There is only one really serious philosophical question, and that is suicide" Camus viewed the question of suicide as arising naturally as a solution to the absurdity of life.[70]
  27. Apr 2019
    1. Being a teenager is hard; there are constant social and emotional pressures that have just been introduced into the life of a middle or high schooler, which combines with puberty to create a ticking time bomb. By looking at the constant exposure to unreasonable expectations smartphones and social media create, we can see that smartphones are leading to an increased level of depression and anxiety in teenagers, an important issue because we need to find a safe way to use smartphones for the furture generations that are growing up with them. Social media is a large part of a majority of young adults life, whether it includes Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, or some combination of these platforms, most kids have some sort of presence online. Sites like Facebook and Instagram provide friends with a snapshot of an event that happened in your life, and people tend to share the positive events online, but this creates a dangerous impact on the person scrolling.​ When teens spend hours scrolling through excluisvely happy posts, it creates an unrealistic expectation for how real life should be. Without context, teenagers often feel as if their own life is not measuring up to all of their happy friends, but real-life will never measure up to the perfect ones expressed online. Picture Picture Furthermore, social media sites create a way for teenagers to seek external validation from likes and comments, but when the reactions online are not perceived as enough it dramatically alters a young adults self-confidence. This leads to the issue of cyberbullying. There are no restrictions on what you can say online, sometimes even annonimously, so often people choose to send negative messages online. Bullying is not a new concept, but with online bullying, there is little to no escape as a smartphone can be with a teenager everywhere, and wherever the smartphone goes the bullying follows.This makes cyberbullying a very effective way to decrease a youth's mental health, in fact, cyberbullying triples the risk of suicide in adolescents, which is already the third leading cause of death for this age group.

  28. Oct 2018
    1. After an attempt to commit suicide she stated “I couldn’t keep on like that. I was killing myself, I was dying.” She found hope in her daughter and other women.

      En el libro dice que el suicidio es un problema social y que es una de las causas principales de muerte en jóvenes. LEn este caso, Liliana decidió enfocarse en aspectos positivos de su vida.

      En Puerto Rico los suicidios aumentaron 20% en 2017 y esa cifra es alarmante. ?que aspectos podríamos cultivar cultural y socialmente para desarrollar una mejor salud mental en el país? https://www.elnuevodia.com/noticias/locales/nota/lossuicidiosaumentanun20en2017parapuertorico-2446113/

  29. Aug 2018
    1. He believed that anomie is common when the surrounding society has undergone significant changes in its economic fortunes, whether for better or for worse and, more generally, when there is a significant discrepancy between the ideological theories and values commonly professed and what was actually achievable in everyday life. This was contrary to previous theories on suicide which generally maintained that suicide was precipitated by negative events in a person's life and their subsequent depression.

      Is this what America is experiencing in the midst of Donald J. Trump's new Republican party?

      I'm left wondering if there is a potential link to Jonah Goldberg having used the word Suicide specifically in the title of his recent book? Neither Durkheim nor anomie appear within the text however.

  30. Apr 2018
    1. he first seven major shooting cases—Loukaitis, Ramsey, Woodham, Carneal, Johnson and Golden, Wurst, and Kinkel—were disconnected and idiosyncratic.

      Seven though? In such a short time period? These must have known about prior ones or else perhaps the theory doesn't hold as much water.

      Similarly suicide could be added as a contagion that fits into this riot model as well.

    1. he women in Schreiber’s study recovered fully fromdepression only after they realized that they did not need tobe totally capable, always “strong,” while the Black West-Indian Canadian women in this study continued to experiencedepression periodically, at the same time, managing it by beingstrong

      SO the women who realized that they didn't need to be strong were able to fully recover from depression

      the women who manage the depression by being strong still experienced this periodically- maybe even more so.

      Sarah was trying to manage by being strong- so strong that she didn't need her father "quote from landlady" but in her attempt to be strong she was losing her mind, will to live, and hair



  31. Feb 2018
  32. Mar 2017
    1. DC’s only option was to focus on the fact that its movies had the brooding, “real” heroes, the ones with dysfunctional home lives and drinking problems who only come out at night. (Shout out to Suicide Squad!)

      That's one way to look at it.

  33. Oct 2016
    1. and among the top three most popular sites for suicide in the world.[

      There were around 30 suicides documented every year for Aokigahara. However, there are 70 suicides in Japan a day on average. As a single site it might be "popular" but it is a tiny percentage of total suicides in Japan.

  34. Feb 2014
    1. But Spargapises, the son of the queen Tomyris, after the wine wore off and he recognized his evil plight, asked Cyrus to be freed from his bonds; and this was granted him; but as soon as he was freed and had the use of his hands, he did away with himself.

      1.213 Spargapises kills himself after Cyrus cuts his bonds.