7 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2022
Oh I see whats happening, we actually have specs for this but they're not correct
- Mar 2021
www.inuse.se www.inuse.se
Even if the damned thing would be really helpful in the long run, I can't give it the time and attention needed to make it work again ... Not right now. And ultimately never.
- Feb 2021
softwareengineering.stackexchange.com softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
The problem with this is that it creates a strong coupling between your code and the implementation, exactly what the interface was supposed to prevent.
hilton.org.uk hilton.org.uk
In principle, the naming things in code need only be temporary, but names in code stick just like nicknames at school.
- Apr 2020
Having said all that, I think this is completely absurd that I have to write an entire article justifying the release of this data out of fear of prosecution or legal harassment. I had wanted to write an article about the data itself but I will have to do that later because I had to write this lame thing trying to convince the FBI not to raid me.
I could have released this data anonymously like everyone else does but why should I have to? I clearly have no criminal intent here. It is beyond all reason that any researcher, student, or journalist have to be afraid of law enforcement agencies that are supposed to be protecting us instead of trying to find ways to use the laws against us.
- don't turn innocent people into criminals (through bad laws)
- intent to commit/facilitate a crime
- a government for the people?
- journalist rights
- laws/law enforcement agencies are supposed to be protecting us
- absurd
- good intentions
- researcher rights
- fear of prosecution/legal harassment
- chilling effect
- Feb 2017
www.csicop.org www.csicop.org
succeed by convincing juries
Blair-"Whenever a man speaks or writes, he is supposed, as a rational being, to have some end in view; either to inform, or to amuse, or to persuade, or, in some way or other,"