7 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. It’s Peak Season for Tamales in Los Angeles by [[Tejal Rao]]

      Highlighting the importance of the tamal in culture

    2. tamal (singular) or tamale from Nahuatl tamalii<br /> tamaladas - tamale making events/parties<br /> tamaleras - people who make tamales

      flour - masa harina<br /> masa preparada - ready made dough<br /> slaked lime (aka "cal")

      alternate names for customized tamal: pasteles, hallacas, humitas

    3. a brilliant range of tamal-like parcels go by other names — pasteles, hallacas, humitas.
    4. The Mesoamerican dumpling, made with nixtamalized corn dough and a variety of fillings, has been around for thousands of years. Called tamalli in Nahuatl, a language spoken by Indigenous peoples in Mexico and Central America, it’s still referred to in its singular as a tamal, or tamale.