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  1. Nov 2022
    1. Preserving web content never really left my mind ever since taking screenshots of old sites and putting them in my personal museum. The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine is a wonderful tool that currently stores 748 billion webpage snapshots over time, including dozens of my own webdesign attempts, dating back to 2001. But that data is not in our hands. Should it? It should. Ruben says: archive it if you care about it: The only way to be sure you can read, listen to, or watch stuff you care about is to archive it. Read a tutorial about yt-dlp for videos. Download webcomics. Archive podcast episodes.

      Should people have their own webarchive? A long list of pro's and cons comes to mind. For several purposes a 3rd party archive is key, for others having things locally is good enough. For other situations having a off-site location is of interest. Is this less a question of webarchiving and more a question of how wide the scope should be of one's own 3-2-1 back-up choices? I find myself more frequently thinking about the processes at e.g. the National Archive in The Hague, where a lot comes down to knowing what you will not keep.