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  1. Mar 2018
    1. Earning Dollars From Content Writing Content Writing Takes a Special Set of Skills   A growing number of entrepreneurs hope to make money with Web sites. But these sites need content, which is where freelance content writers come in. Writers who scour the Web will discover a host of sites covering everything from retro martini glasses to high-tech window tinting. These sites all have one thing in common: They constantly need fresh content to boost their rankings among search engines.

      Without this content, these sites won't claim visitors. And without visitors, the owners of these sites won't get any of the ad revenue they crave.

      That's why so many Web site owners are hiring freelance writers today. They need professionals to fill their Web sites with content.

      This is an opportunity for freelance essay writers. But it's also an area of writing that writers should approach cautiously: Content writers who aren't careful may end up spending long hours writing tedious stories for little money.

      The Content Writing Business Content-writing jobs aren't always the most fulfilling. Writers may be called upon to write a package of five 350-word stories on food compressors or juicers. They may be hired to write 10 articles on golf laser rangefinders.

      The good news for writers is that they can complete these assignments without having to conduct interviews or do much research. The bad news is that the people hiring content writers often want to pay them notoriously low wages.

      Freelance writers who visit job-bidding sites may be surprised to find Web site owners hoping to pay writers $1 for every 400-word story they can churn out. This kind of work can quickly wear writers out.

      Good Content Writing Jobs are Available This doesn't mean that writers can't earn solid extra money by writing content stories. In fact, there are plenty of good content-writing opportunities to be found. Writers just have to exercise the same caution they'd show when applying for any type of freelance-writing job.

      The key to making decent money as a content writer is for freelancers to only accept assignments on topics about which they already know. This allows writers to hash out a story quickly. In content writing, the more writers can write, and the faster in which they can do it, the more dollars they'll earn.

      It's also important to set a baseline. Writers should determine the lowest possible per-word amount for which they are willing to write. They should then refrain from taking on assignments that fall below that threshold.

      To find content-writing jobs, writers can search the Web's most popular job boards, places like Freelance Writing Gigs and About Freelance Writing. These sites routinely list content and SEO writing jobs. Writers can also find content jobs at craigslist.org.

      Be Realistic The secret to succeeding at online content writing is for writers to have realistic expectations. They shouldn't expect to make a fortune writing short articles about classic cars or weightlifting.

      Writers also shouldn't expect to make a full-time writing income from their content work. Many writers actually rely on content writing to provide a boost to their traditional freelance-writing income.