23 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. R(o.) = JL(y, f(x, o.))dF(x, y).

      Ожидаемое значение Loss, т.о. M[L], а этот интеграл задается по определению.

  2. Oct 2022
    1. показывает какая доля вариативности в данных объясняется лучшей из линейных моделей

      Коэф. детерминации

  3. Sep 2022
    1. C-b x

      Kills active pane.

    2. C-b &

      Kill current window.

    3. split-window

      Split window command.

    4. :neww -dnmynewwindow

      Create a new named window and don't make it the current window.

    5. C-b c

      Create a new window.

    6. :kill-server


    7. tmux ls

      List sessions.

    8. tmux new -Asmysession

      Attach if exists or create a new one.

    9. tmux attach -tmysession

      To attach tmux session.

    10. C-b d

      To detach tmux.

    11. C-b :

      The command prompt.

    12. C-b ?

      Help keybinding.

    13. tmux new

      Create new session.

    14. About tmux
    1. As a workaround you can recompile the client locally. I've just tried it and it's working just fine on Ubuntu 22.04 Clone the repo: git clone git@github.com:Jigsaw-Code/outline-client.git cd outline-client Install node 16 (for example using brew) brew install node@16 Install all dependencies npm install Build the app npm run action electron/build linux Now you have properly working Outline-Client.AppImage and you can run it ./build/dist/Outline-Client.AppImage

      Describes how to build electron app AppImage from source.