26 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. 1C8F.1

      Declare this reason to access user defaults to read and write information that is only accessible to the apps, app extensions, and App Clips that are members of the same App Group as the app itself.

      This reason does not permit reading information that was written by apps, app extensions, or App Clips outside the same App Group or by the system. Your app is not responsible if the system provides information from the global domain because a key is not present in your requested domain while your app is attempting to read information that apps, app extensions, or App Clips in your app’s App Group write.

      This reason also does not permit writing information that can be accessed by apps, app extensions, or App Clips outside the same App Group.

    2. CA92.1

      Declare this reason to access user defaults to read and write information that is only accessible to the app itself.

      This reason does not permit reading information that was written by other apps or the system, or writing information that can be accessed by other apps.

    3. E174.1

      Declare this reason to check whether there is sufficient disk space to write files, or to check whether the disk space is low so that the app can delete files when the disk space is low. The app must behave differently based on disk space in a way that is observable to users.

      Information accessed for this reason, or any derived information, may not be sent off-device. There is an exception that allows the app to avoid downloading files from a server when disk space is insufficient.

    4. 35F9.1

      Declare this reason to access the system boot time in order to measure the amount of time that has elapsed between events that occurred within the app or to perform calculations to enable timers.

      Information accessed for this reason, or any derived information, may not be sent off-device. There is an exception for information about the amount of time that has elapsed between events that occurred within the app, which may be sent off-device.

    5. C617.1

      Declare this reason to access the timestamps, size, or other metadata of files inside the app container, app group container, or the app’s CloudKit container.

  2. Mar 2021
  3. Feb 2021
    1. he’d advised Cuomo Prime Time, Chris Cuomo’s CNN show

      CuomoPrimeTime is now saying they've never been in contact with me about their reporting so I have to protect myself with the truth. I still have great respect for Chris and hope CJR will alter its false report.


    2. he claimed that he’d been offered a job by Politico as a researcher

      POLITICO—told me his bosses wanted my research secretly, without my name on the articles even as a researcher.

      I declined


      I told CJR asked me to be an unpaid, uncredited researcher providing info exclusively to them (I declined). CJR falsely reported I said I was "hired" as a "job."


    3. On his podcast, and in his first Proof book, he makes arguments based on the Steele dossier. (Remember the Steele dossier? You know, the pee tape thing.) The reliability of the Steele dossier is, to put it mildly, in question; a report by Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, found that the dossier was dubious, unvetted, and shady as hell.

      Over and over and over I wrote that 30% of it isn't accurate. I have never said otherwise.


    4. Abramson doubled down, responding to complaints by insisting that his survey of applicants was scientific and trustworthy

      For some reason @CJR claims I called the P&W rankings "scientific." The opposite is true: across six years of doing them—and 75 pages of methodology articles—the rankings were consistently called "probative but non-scientific." Why lie about that?



    5. The first two were best sellers.
    6. Abramson claims that, in the months before, he had been corresponding with Luke Turner, the author of The Metamodernist Manifesto and a creative partner of LaBeouf’s; because of that, Abramson believes that he was an influence on LaBeouf

      Luke Turner admitting I brought Shia LaBeouf to the attention of Luke Turner


    1. Trump’s call with Tuberville to advance his own personal political interests had to be cut short—so Tuberville could be evacuated from the Senate chamber in order to protect his life and the lives of other senators.
    2. The Black Lives Matter canard is so infuriating. 90%+ of Black Lives Matter protests were peaceful, and the <10% that were not saw scattered outbreaks of violence caused by a small minority of protesters, none of whom have been connected to the main Black Lives Matter organization but rather to anarchists of unknown affiliation. There is literally no connection whatsoever between millions of peaceful protestors seeking racial justice and an armed insurrection by far-right militants seeking to tear down American democracy in one fell swoop by storming the United States Capitol.
    3. A startling fact that Rep. Cicilline offers: even Ivanka Trump—Trump’s favorite person in the world after himself and his alter-ego “John Barron”—couldn’t get her father to speak out about the violence as it was unfolding immediately after his speech. Another stunning fact: Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy got in a screaming match over the phone with McCarthy, like Ivanka, also failing to get him to act. Trump simply would not do anything. Not for over an hour and a half, which was an eternity given what was happening at the Capitol.
    1. (h) Knowingly committing or performing with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice any of the following unfair claims settlement practices:
    1. (g) No insurer shall attempt to settle a claim by making a settlement offer that is unreasonably low. The Commissioner shall consider any admissible evidence offered regarding the following factors in determining whether or not a settlement offer is unreasonably low:

      unreasonably low

    2. (b) Upon receiving proof of claim, every insurer, except as specified in subsection 2695.7(b)(4) below, shall immediately, but in no event more than forty (40) calendar days later, accept or deny the claim, in whole or in part. The amounts accepted or denied shall be clearly documented in the claim file unless the claim has been denied in its entirety.

      40 day time limit

    3. (2) if requested by the claimant, promptly provide the claimant with the name of at least one repair individual or entity that will make the repairs for the amount of the written estimate. The insurer shall cause the damaged property to be restored to no less than its condition prior to the loss and which will allow for repairs in a manner which meets accepted trade standards for good and workmanlike construction at no additional cost to the claimant other than as stated in the policy or as otherwise allowed by these regulations; or,

      2695.9(d)(2) If requested

    4. (3) reasonably adjust any written estimates prepared by the repair individual or entity of the insured's choice and provide a copy of the adjusted estimate to the claimant.

      2695.9(d)(3) Reasonably adjust

    5. (1) pay the difference between its written estimate and a higher estimate obtained by the claimant; or,

      2695.9(d)(1) pay the difference

    6. Where an insurer denies or rejects a first party claim, in whole or in part, it shall do so in writing and shall provide to the claimant a statement listing all bases for such rejection or denial and the factual and legal bases for each reason given for such rejection or denial which is then within the insurer's knowledge. Where an insurer's denial of a first party claim, in whole or in part, is based on a specific statute, applicable law or policy provision, condition or exclusion, the written denial shall include reference thereto and provide an explanation of the application of the statute, applicable law or provision, condition or exclusion to the claim. Every insurer that denies or rejects a third party claim, in whole or in part, or disputes liability or damages shall do so in writing.

      Cited in Farmers claim letter

    7. Section 2695.9. Additional Standards Applicable to First Party Residential and Commercial Property Insurance Policies (a) When a residential or commercial property insurance policy provides for the adjustment and settlement of first party losses based on replacement cost, the following standards apply:

      Floor refinishing - Base regulation.

    8. (2) When a loss requires replacement of items and the replaced items do not match in quality, color or size, the insurer shall replace all items in the damaged area so as to conform to a reasonably uniform appearance.

      Floor refinishing - uniform appearance

    9. (1) pay the difference between its written estimate and a higher estimate obtained by the claimant; or, (2) if requested by the claimant, promptly provide the claimant with the name of at least one repair individual or entity that will make the repairs for the amount of the written estimate. The insurer shall cause the damaged property to be restored to no less than its condition prior to the loss and which will allow for repairs in a manner which meets accepted trade standards for good and workmanlike construction at no additional cost to the claimant other than as stated in the policy or as otherwise allowed by these regulations; or, (3) reasonably adjust any written estimates prepared by the repair individual or entity of the insured's choice and provide a copy of the adjusted estimate to the claimant.

      Farmers choice on submission of claim

    10. (b) No insurer shall require that the insured have the property repaired by a specific individual or entity. (c) No insurer shall suggest or recommend that the insured have the property repaired by a specific individual or entity unless: (1) the referral is expressly requested by the claimant; or (2) the claimant has been informed in writing of the right to select a repair individual or entity and, if the claimant accepts the suggestion or recommendation, the insurer shall cause the damaged property to be restored to no less than its condition prior to the loss and repaired in a manner which meets accepted trade standards for good and workmanlike construction at no additional cost to the claimant other than as stated in the policy or as otherwise allowed by these regulations.

      Shall note require Service Master