86 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2017
    1. If a workman were sure to dream for twelve straight hours every night that he was king," said Pascal, "I believe that he would be just as happy as a king who dreamt for twelve hours every night that he was a workman.""

      "Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. Between a man and a butterfly there is necessarily a distinction. The transition is called the transformation of material things."

    2. His method is lo treat man as the measure of all things

      Dig at both Protagoras and Socrates at the same time.

    3. We call a person "honest," and t\\ifll'.~s) then we ask "why has he behaved so honestly today?" Our usual answer is, "on account or his 1.--.'r\.a. honesty." Honesty!

      Attack on virtue ethics, painting it as circular.

    4. leaf' is formed by arbitrarily discarding these individual differ-ences and by forgetting the distinguishing as-pects. This awakens the idea that, in addition to the leaves, there exists in nature the "leaf': the original model according to which all the leaves were perhaps woven, sketched, measured, col· ored, curled, and painted-but by incompetent hands, so that no specimen has turned out to be a correct, trustworthy, and faithful likeness of the original model.

      Simultaneously acknowledging Plato's cave, and rejecting that there is anything but the cave.

    5. the stone is hard," as if "hard" were something otherwise familiar to us, and not merely a totally subjective stimulation!

      Had this come out later, this would work as functional critique of Wittgenstein's Tractatus in which all logical propositions rest on atomic facts. Whereas Neitzche declares the atoms themselves untrue.

    6. certain sorts of deception.

      Perhaps declaring that society at large is consequentialist, despite what individuals claim.

    7. forms.

      possibly a dig at Plato

    8. flame of vanity

      The tone, and especially the use of the word "flame of vanity" reminds me specifically of the biblical book of Ecclesiastes

    9. would lead it beyond human life

      When applied to rhetoric, this kind of rejection of end goals would line-up with a rejection of the weak defense

    10. deliberately arttS· tic and not natura

      So, his concept of rhetorical style would fall at the opposite end of Aristotle, who viewed ideal rhetoric as complimenting argument as plainly as possible

  2. Feb 2017
    1. well-accepted current usage

      see previous

    2. usage

      Invoking all of Rivers diatribes about grammar and usage

    3. reputable, na-tional

      Extra eye-rolls

    4. effectiveness

      Weak Defense

    5. eneral categories and abstract features,


    6. speaking to writing

      This switch from orality to literacy has a hint of struggle implied here. With Ong in mind, I'm imagining a hyper-literate culture as an extension of other forms of marginalizing forces.

      Obsession with literacy, particularly when opposed to orality, has a nasty supremacist taste to it.

    1. hrone of reason.

      This is quickly becoming a very, very multifaceted argument against patriarchal exegesis. Starting with inconsistencies in how the literal text is interpreted, and then using the text itself to contradict the patriarchal exegesis, finally an analogy is used to make the patriarchal exegesis equal to bad medicine.

    2. In Genesis, the Lord says to Cain, the elder brother, speaking to him of Abel, "Unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him," but our exegetes do not find here divine autho· rization of an elder brother's supremacy, and yet they construe the same expression when the Lord speaks to Eve, as the assertion, for all time,

      Back in ye olde days in Sunday school, I always had this kind of thought in the back of my mind. It always seemed weird having our pastor fixate on passages like that, and declare them biblical law, and then proceed to a different passage and be like "lol, k, that's just a story tho." I was pretty indoctrinated back then, so it says something that I picked up on that. I think maybe everyone does. It's like an open secret or something.

      Kind of like the text was playing patriarchal smoke-signals.

    3. Male interpreters read texts literally where

      I feel like this is way too relevant in modern protestant theology. Literalism becomes a fetish when it supports the underlying, repressive cultural rhetoric of a group in power.

    4. ten

      What the actual fuck? Someone took the time and thought "fuck it, let's put this in legal writing"

      Even in the 19th century, how was that a thing?

    5. Susan B. Anthony

      "I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman" - Susan B. Anthony

      I am always reminded of this quote when Anthony comes up, as it captures the nature of the early feminist movement compared to later, more inter-sectional movements.

    6. At first, women needed all-female audiences in order to find the courage to speak

      This relates to what we were talking about last Thursday, regarding the assumption in the rhetorical tradition of white men that there is automatically an audience before any rhetorical considerations are to be made.

      This serves as an example that finding an appropriate audience is also a part of rhetoric as opposed to what many of the enlightenment rhetoricians assumed.

    1. She hath both sown the seeds more sparingly, and rendered a higher culture requisite for bringing them to perfection

      This guy's whole schtick includes morality in rhetoric, and yet he's expressing downright inhumane arguments just to make a point. Like, he's going out of his way to be an asshole about his theory. Seems a little bit "frivolous"

    2. belong only to the ornamental part

      Translated: the parts which people like myself partake in

    3. savages

      see previous

    4. Even

      Honestly, Fuck this guy

    5. ignorant peasants

      I wonder if all of these guys got together one day and decided that classism was absolutely necessary to write about rhetoric. Like, they just decided altogether, "hey, let's rag on these uneducated peasants in every single piece of work that we write"

    6. false and frivolous taste

      There is a constant sense of moral fright wrapped in these thinkers' rhetoric.

    7. writing and discourse

      I'm going to nitpick, but it's a little disappointing that he relegated communication to two mediums. Even without technologization, there could have been a little bit more inclusiveness here.

    8. Destitute of this power, reason would be a solitary, and, in some measure, an unavailable principle.


    9. "polite"

      As opposed to "problematic"

    10. sublime

      Discussion of the sublime (in which such a thing is defined in any respect) always strikes me as inherently reactionary

    11. cultural relativism

      I once had an adjunct philosophy 101 instructor who had a serious bone to pick with cultural relativism. But the criticisms we read straw-manned the theory quite a bit using knit-picky logic.

    12. practice the virtues. Second, one must have knowledge of the subject of the discourse and. as support for that knowledge, a gencrnl familiarity with polite literature. Third comes industriousness; fourth, good models; fifth, practice; and sixth, study of rhetorical theory.

      Numbered lists

    13. moral improvement.

      Macintyre would have a field day

    14. Lord Karnes
    1. relation

      This reminds me of Aristotles ten categories, which, incidentally include "relation"

    2. tion, hath a more powerful effect than prox-imity of time. Duration and space are two things, (call them entities or attributes, or what you please,) in some respects the most like, and in some respects the most unlike to

      So space and time are a part of his rhetoric. Coolio

    3. The elder, reg-ular in her features, and majestic both in shape and mien, is admirably filled for commanding es-teem, and even a religious veneration: the younger, careless, blooming, sprightly, is entirely formed for captivating the heart, and engaging love.

      Unnecessary analogy that reinforces patriarchy. Oh and the whole numbered categories thing.

    4. ll is impossible for a thing to he and not lo he at the same lime."

      Again, But quantum physics, yo. And fuzzy logic, and stuff.

    5. I am cert.iin that I sec, and feel, and think, wh,ll I actually sec, and feel, and think.

      Obligitory Descartes note

    6. one thing we intuitively con-clude the existence of another

      But Quantum physics, yo

    7. men not accustomed to inquiries of this kind,

      This is getting painful to read

    8. "Whatever has a begin-ning has a cause"

      This particular tidbit reminds me of one of Augustine's arguments for the existence of God (the causal chain)

    9. Eloquence

      In this case, eloquence is emergent of the speaker and hearer. Kind of like orgchem.

    10. Pure logic

      How pure can logic get? we talking symbolic?

    11. ignorance or to vanquish error

      Very Kantian

    12. materials for the fancy


    13. some en


    14. reducible to four

      Numbered categories are fun. It's like the numerologically significant headcounts in folklore tales. But bleeding into the writings of enlightenment thinkers.

    15. any paraphrase must be consid· ered an interpretation.

      This could also be expanded to any non-original consumption of rhetoric. If time, place, and medium are considered a part of the potency of rhetoric.

    16. educated class

      Reminds me of the "Must speak English," Trumpkin crowd. Linguistic polity being corrupted into democracy etc...

    17. acit consent o

      Language as a social contract?

    18. scheme:

      This chart reminds me of Emerson's semiotic triads. Very structured, rigid, mathematical.

    19. connexion

      can we go back to spelling that like that

    20. move the will to ethical action.


    21. scientilic reasoning, but rhetoric is the proper

      Sounds a lot like Cartesian dualism, if it were applied to rhetoric. The analogy would go that Campbell's "scientific reasoning" would be like the body of argument (From what I'm reading, Campbell's rhetoric is teleological) while "rhetoric" (as used in this case) would be a... Soul/psyche. Or reverse.

    22. able to in-form and argue

      This drips with an obsession with potency. Which in turn tells a little bit about where Campbell is coming from

    1. blame,

      Actually, if I remember correctly, there was actually a tribe which lived in the Australian Bush and had a language which didn't recognize the concept of guilt/blame.

    2. There are certain terms in every language, which import blame

      There is an implied sense of import to this fact, which may or may not be superficial

    3. prejudices may prevail

      Take this out of context, and it's really relevant right now.

    4. questions of fact

      Has a sort of legalistic ring to it.

    5. "Jove of literary fame

      reminds me of a Franzen essay

    1. "true" knowledge.

      Again, assuming this exists outside of rhetoric. Q question

    2. common experience and common sense.

      But how common though? In Disability Theory, we discussed the fact that Locke conveyed horrendously Eugenic views of the disabled as a sort of a footnote in one of his works. Makes me insta-skeptical

    1. innovations of the Renaissance

      We were discussing the failures of the renaissance in a different class, and at some point we concluded that the "renaissanceness" that comes from the period mostly came from a bunch of the same people patting eachothers backs or something.

    2. obfuscation

      Jesuitical sophistry, if you will

    3. self and its thought,

      Think;am. yay!

    4. one had to address all the faculties.

      Reminds me of the view of rhetoric as a tool that the weak defense holds

    5. memory, imagination, and reason.

      Trichotomy, this reminds me of the divisions that Pierce makes between various signs and signifiers in his letters

    6. rea!.onin

      This seems to be in the same vein as the notion that reason exists outside of rhetoric, whole and pure and whatnot, but with with new packaging

    7. perception,


    8. revolutions in sci-ence, philosophy, und politics.

      I'm reminded of McIntyre, who claimed that the "revolutions" of enlightenment ethics were instead a failed attempt at reconstructing bits and pieces of classical ethics into what superficially appeared new and novel

    1. body and in the soul

      Shoutout to Ignatius

    2. read, Seneca said, but also to write

      Noting orality/literacy dichotomy. How would this apply to consumption/production in other forms of media? For instance, the rhetoric of orality and literacy wouldn't be as cleanly divided in the modern multi-media landscape, where the two are often presented together, or with other novel means of conveying rhetoric.

    3. ponder evil

      Three Monkeys

    1. ThePepsiCocorporateheadquartersinPurchase,NewYork,wasnotcalled"thecampus"

      The terminology of academics being assimilated into the corporate world provides an ironic model for how theory affects reality.

    2. Ofthetwo,Burke,theGreatAmplifier,

      More titles for academics

    3. PlatoniczealofAllanBloomtothesupercilioustreasonofAnthonyBlunt.

      I love the heroic and treacherous terminology when referring to the two academics

    4. Reason

      Assuming reason can exist without the former

    5. goodkind;thebadkind

      This reminds me of how the phrase "duckspeaking" is described in 1984. "depending on who is speaking, and whether what they are saying is in following with the ideals of Big Brother."

    6. goodandbad


    7. departmentmeeting

      And alas, the dramatic build-up falls apart at this point.

    8. Iwokeuponenight,lit-erallyinthemiddleofthenight

      ...A little bit dramatic. I dig the story-telling device at the start of an essay though

      "It was a dark and stormy night...." [insert generic epiphany] ..."here's the "Q" question, kids."

    9. Theanswerusuallyreturnedwhenconsideringthemovementfrombooktoscreenhasbeenthefirst

      This actually reminds me of a think piece about sound in which the conclusion was that older audio technology "sounded" better due to the artifacts created by the outdated recording technology. Perhaps then, the "downsides" of older technologies create an underlying rhetoric while the user engages with the medium.

      The "faults" of books are that they take up physical space, and are subject to damage. Likewise, they affect the senses more so than an e-book, beyond what is conveyed in their text. In that case, people used to using books would suddenly lose an entire rhetoric specifically related to the physical aspects of books. This would most certainly be jarring.