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  1. Oct 2022
    1. Anxiety Makes Me Feel Like I am Losing My MindAnxiety, Mental Health, Therapy, Treatment<img width="550" height="321" src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/anxiety-makes-me-feel-like-i-am-losing-my-mind-550x321.jpg.webp" class="attachment-entry_with_sidebar size-entry_with_sidebar wp-post-image" alt="i feel like i&#039;m losing my mind" /> Table of Contents Help! Anxiety Makes Me Feel Like I am Losing My MindI Feel Like I’m Losing My MindDifferent Types of Anxiety DisordersHow to Manage AnxietyHolistic Therapies That Help Manage StressElevation Behavioral Health Provides Expert Treatment for Anxiety  Help! Anxiety Makes Me Feel Like I am Losing My Mind Anxiety can be so hard to live with. Constant worry and stress keep you in a state of constant fight-or-flight mode at the slightest little trigger. You may try to reason with yourself, that the stress triggers are no big deal. Your brain, though, is locked and loaded to take you through the spectrum of anxiety symptoms. You just can’t seem to break the stress cycle. Many who approach a doctor with their complaints about their symptoms have truly suffered. They are seeking ways to manage the stress so they can live a normal, happy life. This goal is very possible to reach with the right treatment plan. Anxiety treatment can help reduce when you find yourself expressing am I losing my mind and help reduce the daily struggle and greatly improve your life. <img class="alignright wp-image-28337" src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/losingmind.jpg.webp" alt="i'm losing my mind" width="300" height="634" srcset="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/losingmind.jpg.webp 568w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/losingmind-142x300.jpg.webp 142w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/losingmind-488x1030.jpg.webp 488w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/losingmind-334x705.jpg.webp 334w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />I Feel Like I’m Losing My Mind Anxiety disorder is a broad grouping of mental health disorders, each with excess worry or fear driving it. Anxiety disorders are very common, with 40 million people struggling with one each year. This disorder is different from the common fear you might feel before having to make a public speech. We all have felt afraid from time to time, like when we are pushed out of our comfort zone. Anxiety disorders, though, are very intrusive. Constant stress can be so difficult to manage that it impacts one’s lifestyle, career, health, and friendships. What It Feels Like On one hand, when someone suffers from this problem, something will trigger a cascade of symptoms. There are many types of anxiety and each has its own unique features. The basic anxiety symptoms include: Feelings of dread and fear. Always being on alert for danger. Racing heart. Shaking. Sweating. Fast breathing. Shortness of breath, holding one’s breath. Stomach upset, diarrhea. Feeling jumpy or restless. Insomnia. Headaches. Different Types of Anxiety Disorders There are varied ways that anxiety is expressed. For this reason, there are six types of mental health disorders. The anxiety spectrum includes: Generalized anxiety disorder: GAD features constant worry for much of the day. This can result in headaches, muscle tension, nausea, and trouble thinking. Panic disorder: Sudden and unexplained feelings of intense terror. This can cause a racing heart, shortness of breath, nausea, chest pain, feeling out of my mind, dizzy. May lead to social isolation to avoid having an attack. Social anxiety: Intense fear of being judged or critiqued. Fear of being embarrassed in public. Causes social isolation. Specific phobias: Irrational fear of a certain thing, place, or situation. To manage this fear, the person will go to great measures to avoid triggers. Trauma disorder: PTSD is about never getting over trauma, even months later, It can lead to avoidance of people, places, or situations that trigger thoughts of the event. Flashbacks, nightmares, or repeated thoughts of the trauma stoke the symptoms. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: OCD involves worries about things like germs, causing harm, or a need for order. This drives compulsive behaviors in an attempt to manage the symptoms of anxiety caused by the fear. How to Manage Anxiety Do the symptoms of anxiety make you feel like you’re losing your mind? If so, it is time to meet with a mental health worker. At the first meeting, a therapist will assess what type of anxiety you are dealing with. We Can Help! Call Now! (888) 561-0868 He or she will then design a treatment plan that will help you manage the symptoms. The treatment uses a combined approach with psychotherapy, drugs, and healthy actions that help to reduce stress. Therapy for anxiety is based on the type you have. CBT is very helpful for people that struggle with excess worry and fear. It also helps you to notice how your thoughts are driving the panic-type response to a trigger. CBT then guides you toward changing those fear-based thoughts into more positive ones. Once the thoughts are reframed, the actions that follow will also be positive. Anti-anxiety drugs from the benzo group can be helpful for some people. These drugs work swiftly to help calm nerves and relax you. In some cases, antidepressants are used to treat anxiety as well. <img class="alignright wp-image-28339" src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/maninmirror.jpg.webp" alt="feel like i'm losing my mind" width="300" height="634" srcset="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/maninmirror.jpg.webp 568w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/maninmirror-142x300.jpg.webp 142w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/maninmirror-488x1030.jpg.webp 488w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/maninmirror-334x705.jpg.webp 334w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /> Holistic Therapies That Help Manage Stress Holistic therapy self-care for stress actions is now often found in the treatment plan for anxiety. This is because these activities can help improve the treatment outcome. They do this by teaching patients ways to achieve a relaxed state of being. For instance, some of these include: Yoga. Mindfulness. Deep breathing Acupuncture. Massage therapy. Equine therapy. Art therapy Elevation Behavioral Health Provides Expert Treatment for Anxiety  Elevation Behavioral Health is an upscale residential mental health treatment center in Los Angeles. If you feel like anxiety makes you feel like you’re losing your mind, our caring team of experts can help. It is time to seek the treatment you deserve to regain your quality of life. When your outpatient treatment is not giving the results you desire, consider a residential program. Treatment is much more focused, and the home-like setting gives you a chance to heal. Take a break from the stressors or triggers in your daily life. Enjoy our upscale private home and gorgeous setting. Our team will help guide you back to health and wellbeing. For questions about our program, reach out to us today at (888) 561-0868. November 22, 2020/by Elevation Behavioral HealthTags: am i losing my mind, feel like im losing my mind, help im losing my mind, i feel like i am losing my mind, i think im losing my mind, losing my mind, losing your mindShare this entryShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on PinterestShare on LinkedInShare on TumblrShare on VkShare on RedditShare by Mail https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/anxiety-makes-me-feel-like-i-am-losing-my-mind.jpg 366 550 Elevation Behavioral Health https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/logo_ebh.png Elevation Behavioral Health2020-11-22 01:00:132022-07-08 16:31:14Anxiety Makes Me Feel Like I am Losing My Mind

      When Anxiety is too Much I Feel Like I am Losing My Mind

    1. Can a Narcissist Stop Lying Even With Evidence?Behavior, Mental Health<img width="845" height="321" src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/why-do-narcissists-lie-845x321.jpg" class="attachment-entry_with_sidebar size-entry_with_sidebar wp-post-image" alt="why do narcissists lie" /> Table of Contents Why Do Narcissists LieAbout Narcissistic Personality DisorderWhy Someone With NPD LiesLies Often Turn Into GaslightingYou Are the Narcissistic Supply SourceBreaking Free From an NPD LiarElevation Behavioral Health Provides Residential Luxury Mental Health Treatment Why Do Narcissists Lie Are narcissists compulsive liars? Can a narcissist ever stop lying, even when confronted with evidence of their lies? Learn all about narcissistic personality disorder. If you are involved with a narcissist, then you are quite used to being lied to. Their constant lies simply come with the territory. To a normal person, it may be very perplexing to be lied to all the time by someone who purports to care for you. Learn about what the narcissist seems to gain from telling lies all time. About Narcissistic Personality Disorder Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health disorder that stems from an unhealthy and inflated view of self. At least, that’s how it appears on the outside. Inside, though, the NPD really has a very low opinion of him or herself. All of their heinous behaviors are driven by a need to pump themselves up in their own eyes and others’. Individuals with NPD often seek out partners who have certain traits. For instance, they may be a compassionate and sensitive person, but may also be needy and have low self-esteem. Like a leech that latches to a blood source, the NPD latches onto its victim. Over time, the NPD slowly chips away at the victim’s sense of self-worth. Through lies and gaslighting, they put them down and cause them to doubt themselves. Through this emotional abuse, they can control the victim. But because the NPD has no conscience, they never feel regret or remorse for mistreating their partner. Someone with NPD demands constant admiration and praise while keeping their victim from receiving any. A narcissist does not want any competition. Symptoms of NPD include: Lacks empathy or compassion for others. Feels entitled to special treatment. Expects others to fawn over them. Belittles others; talks down to people. Takes advantage of the others’ weaknesses to build themselves up. Self important; arrogant. May hog the conversation. Emotionally detached. Believes that others envy him. Boastful and pretentious. Becomes angry if challenged. Torments the victim with fear. Has a bad temper; sudden angry outbursts. Easily slighted, sensitive to criticism. Doesn’t notice the needs of others. Emotionally stingy. May isolate their victim from friends. Feels insecure inside; self-loathing. Not willing to go to therapy. The NPD will refuse to get help, believing that they are perfect and beyond reproach. Why Someone With NPD Lies Why do narcissists lie… all the time? If you confront them with proof of the lie, they will still attempt to lie their way out of it. What inspires lying? Simply put, the NPD lies in order to inflate his or her own self-esteem. They lie to the other person, to beat them. By inflating truths, they attempt to make their own skills or abilities seem superior to the other person. In other words, they are a boar, the type of person people avoid at a party. We Can Help! Call Now! (888) 561-0868 When the NPD lies, he or she is trying to make themselves appear dominant. They lie for self-gain believing that telling mistruths makes them look smarter than the other person. Having a victim at their side who they can lie to provides them with a constant narcissistic supply, someone that fuels their sickness. When they impress their partner with their lies, they receive a rush or hit to feel better about themselves. Lies Often Turn Into Gaslighting For the NPD, the lies are often a prelude to gaslighting. Gaslighting is a psychological weapon used by some to keep a person emotionally off-balance. When they lie to the person’s face about what may have occurred, they cause the victim to question their own sanity. When the victim confronts the NPD with solid evidence of a misdeed, they will be met with lies. Not only will the NPD lie and deny it ever happened, but they are also likely to attack. This is where the gaslighting begins. They will attempt to twist the event around to become the fault of the victim. You Are the Narcissistic Supply Source There is a reason why the NPD wants to keep their victim around; the victim fulfills a need for them. They fill up their NPD cup daily by sucking the life out of the unsuspecting partner. Thus, the victim is not even aware of the role they play in the illness at first. The NPD will therefore go to great lengths to keep the victim from leaving them. Some tactics they use include: They may cry false tears to elicit sympathy, thus keeping the victim engaged. They may use force or become violent to assert dominance. They may try to manipulate the victim through guilt. They may threaten the victim by taking the money away or causing some type of harm. They make the victim feel bad about themselves so they won’t think they can do any better. They may threaten suicide, although it is an empty threat. Breaking Free From an NPD Liar If you have woken up to realize you are in a relationship with an NPD, you should run, not walk, to the exits. The sad truth is that these people are rarely able to change their ways, mostly because they don’t want to. In their own minds they feel they never do wrong, so why go to therapy? Partner with a therapist who can offer guidance and support as you detach from the NPD. These people can and do become violent when faced with their N-source leaving them. Prepare for the false promises and tears, as they play on your sense of compassion to keep you entrenched in the abuse cycle. So, can a narcissist stop lying, even with evidence of their lies? The answer is very clear: no, they cannot. Elevation Behavioral Health Provides Residential Luxury Mental Health Treatment Elevation Behavioral Health can help someone who is the victim of a narcissist. Our dedicated team is here to guide you toward wellness and discovering new insights. For questions about our program, please call us today at (888) 561-0868. April 27, 2022/by Elevation Behavioral HealthTags: dealing with a narcissist, lying narcissist, narcissist, when narcissist lieShare this entryShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on PinterestShare on LinkedInShare on TumblrShare on VkShare on RedditShare by Mail https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/why-do-narcissists-lie.jpg 687 1030 Elevation Behavioral Health https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/logo_ebh.png Elevation Behavioral Health2022-04-27 18:09:152022-04-27 18:09:15Can a Narcissist Stop Lying Even With Evidence?

      Are narcissists compulsive liars? Can a narcissist ever stop lying, even when confronted with evidence of their narcissistic lies? Learn all about narcissistic personality disorder.

  2. Jun 2022
    1. Sleeping Too Much Due to DepressionBehavior, Depression, Mental Health <img width="550" height="321" src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/sleeping-too-much-550x321.jpg.webp" class="attachment-entry_with_sidebar size-entry_with_sidebar wp-post-image" alt="sleeping too much" /> Table of Contents Is Oversleeping A Symptom of Depression?Some Basic Facts About Depressive DisordersWhat Causes Depression?How Depression Impacts Daily LifeGetting Help for DepressionHolistic Activities Complement Depression TreatmentElevation Behavioral Health Residential Depression Treatment Is Oversleeping A Symptom of Depression? When you feel sad all the time, sleeping becomes an opportunity for relief. Depression depletes your energy anyway, only adding to the desire to lie down and drift off to sleep. When your depressive state leads to sleeping too much, this condition is called hypersomnia, or the opposite of insomnia. Excessive sleeping is a common symptom of major depressive disorder. Escaping emotional pain through sleeping more hours than usual may be a means of self-managing the depression and sleeping too much may be a physiological effect of the reduction of neurotransmitters common among depressed patients. When the symptoms of depression, such as hypersomnia, are so significant that they undermine your quality of life, it is time to seek professional help. Depression is a serious mental health condition that may lead to a daily impairment that can undermine all areas of life. When excessive sleeping has impacted your career or job security, your relationships, or your overall wellbeing, proactive steps to improve psychological health are in order. <img class="aligncenter wp-image-30122 size-large" src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/depression-and-sleep-1030x687.jpeg" alt="depression and sleep" width="1030" height="687" /> Some Basic Facts About Depressive Disorders Depression is the second most common mental health disorder experienced by Americans. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 17 million Americans are afflicted with this debilitating condition each year. Additionally, 2.3 million adolescents struggle with depression, further defining depression as a serious mental health threat today. In fact, suicide is now the second leading cause of preventable death among young people aged 10-34. These statistics underscore the importance of getting professional help for managing this serious mental health condition. There are several different types of depression, with each type expressing unique features. Treatment for depression will be based on which particular type of depression is present. These types of depressive disorder include: Major depressive disorder MDD is the most widely diagnosed form of depression. A diagnosis of MDD results when five or more of the following symptoms are present for two weeks or longer: Persistent feelings of sadness, despair, or emptiness Irritability Feelings of guilt or worthlessness Fatigue Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed Difficulty making decisions or concentrating Sleep disturbances Changes in eating habits, weight changes Thoughts of suicide or death Dysthymia Dysthymic, or persistent depressive disorder, is a type of depression that persists for more than two years. Someone with dysthymia may experience periods of severe depression alternating with periods of mild depression symptoms for more than two years. Postpartum depression A woman who experiences serious symptoms of depression during and/or after giving birth has postpartum depression. The symptoms may be so severe that the mother is unable to care for her child or for herself. They may experience severe fatigue, exhaustion, and anxiety in addition to the intense sadness. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD is related to a woman’s hormonal cycle, and features intensified PMS symptoms, such as angry outbursts, hopelessness, irritability, hypersomnia, excessive crying, and sensitivity to rejection. Seasonal affective disorder Climates further from the equator may lead to depression symptoms that are caused by a lack of sun exposure during the winter months. The individual may experience the symptoms of sleeping too much depression, weight gain, and isolation behaviors in addition to other depression symptoms. We Can Help! Call Now! (888) 561-0868 Bipolar depression This type of depressive disorder features alternating dramatic and unpredictable shifts between depressive and manic moods. The low mood episodes are classified as bipolar depression What Causes Depression? Depression is an extremely complex mental health disorder. Why is it that some people seem to manage serious life events, such as the death of a loved one, a job loss, divorce, or other traumatic events, while others succumb to depression? To date, science has not yet determined the exact causes or factors related to depression, although ongoing research continues to offer new clues. For example, a recent study out of Japan reveals the action of certain protein signaling that may affect mood. The authors, Kobayashi et.al., state, “Taken together these findings suggest that RGS8 participates in modulation of depression-like behavior through ciliary MCHR1 expressed in the CA1 region.” Some of the factors that have been also been identified as contributing to depression include: Genetics. A family history of depression is one of the biggest predictors of the disorder. Individuals with a close relative who suffers from depression will increase the probability for other family members. Brain function. The neural connections, brain cell growth, and brain chemistry are factors in mood regulation. There is some scientific evidence that chemical imbalances in the brain may contribute to the onset of depression. Temperament. Personality traits, such as how excitable or how sensitive we are by nature can factor into depression. Stressful life events. People respond in their own unique way, often based on temperament, to stressful life events. Grief and loss, trauma, abuse, and many difficult life events can result in sustained and chronic depressed mood. Medical conditions. Some health conditions can contribute to depressions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, lupus, stroke, HIV, Parkinson’s disease, and erectile dysfunction in men. Some medications can also cause depression as a side effect of the drug. Substance abuse. Alcohol or drug abuse may precede the onset of depression. The negative consequences that follow a substance use disorder may overwhelm the individual and depression can develop as a result. How Depression Impacts Daily Life Living with depression on a day-to-day basis can have a significant impact on quality of life. In addition to the low mood and persistent feelings of sadness, depression can leave the individual feeling unwell. This combination of symptoms will often result in reduced functioning at work and at home. Sleep disruptions, including sleeping too much or sleeping too little, will wreak havoc with concentration, energy and stamina, memory functions, appetite, and can further intensify feelings of despair. When depression causes a person to literally not want to get out of bed all day it can cause a domino effect in all other realms. Hypersomnia may even lead to excessive absences at work and declining work performance overall. Excessive sleeping also has a negative impact on the family dynamic. When mom or dad is holed up in bed the children who are depending on the parent may not have access to the care they deserve. This places more pressure on the well parent to take up the extra burden, which can have an effect on the relationship. Eventually, the impact of depression will touch all aspects of life. Getting Help for Depression The fundamental treatment protocol for depression involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy: Psychotherapy. One-on-one talk therapy sessions allow the therapist to guide the individual toward resolving unaddressed emotional issues that may be contributing to the depression. These may involve past trauma, childhood abuse, grief and loss, divorce, and other painful life events. Cognitive behavioral therapy is useful for helping to guide patients toward established more self-affirming thoughts that lead to positive thought/behavior patterns. Group therapy sessions, such as a depression support group, can also be beneficial to individuals being treated for depression. Medication. Antidepressant drug therapy is the industry standard for depression treatment. There are dozens of antidepressants on the market today. These include SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, and tricyclic antidepressants. The drugs vary in how they impact brain chemistry, and dosing adjustments or even changing to a different drug is common when trying to find the best fit for each patient. If the severity of the depression is becoming concerning it is appropriate to seek a residential mental health program to receive the highest level of mental health support. Although most individuals struggling with depression realize it is likely a temporary condition that will eventually pass, some may begin to believe things will never change. This can cause some to consider harming themselves. A residential mental health program will offer constant support and monitoring, as well as a more intensive and individualized approach to treating depression. Holistic Activities Complement Depression Treatment Psychiatry has begun to embrace holistic therapies as complementary to traditional treatment modalities for depression, as these activities can help reduce stress and induce feelings of calm. Some of the holistic treatment elements include: Yoga. Yoga involves slow, purposeful physical poses with a focus on breathing. Yoga is known to promote relaxation and reduce stress while also strengthening and stretching muscles, and reducing blood pressure and heart rate. Acupuncture. Acupuncture uses tiny needles to open up energy paths in the body thought to assist in the improvement of mind-body connectedness and wellness. Meditation. Mindfulness meditation is also helpful in training the brain to focus purposefully on the present moment, taking in the various sensory stimuli and focusing on rhythmic breathing. Exercise. The positive effects of getting regular exercise are caused by the release of brain chemicals, such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. Aromatherapy. Certain essential oils have been found to relieve symptoms of depressed mood. These include jasmine, citrus oils, bergamot, and chamomile oils. Nutritional counseling. A diet rich in lean proteins, nuts and seeds, fresh vegetables and fruits, oily fish such as salmon, beans, and whole grains can significantly contribute to mental stability. Depression is a manageable mental health disorder. When the symptoms of depression lead to impairment in daily functioning, obtaining the support of a mental health professional is essential to recovery. Elevation Behavioral Health Residential Depression Treatment Elevation Behavioral Health is a Los Angeles-based residential program that offers intensive mental health treatment for depression. When outpatient interventions have been ineffective in improving quality of life, you may benefit from a more targeted treatment protocol. With deluxe accommodations and a highly attentive clinical staff, Elevation Behavioral Health strives to make the client’s stay a comfortable and healing experience. Elevation Behavioral Health offers a full daily schedule of therapies and adjunctive activities to help individuals struggling with depression reclaim their joy and return to healthy functioning. For more information about our program please contact us today at (888) 561-0868. February 17, 2020/0 Comments/by Elevation Behavioral HealthTags: depression and sleeping too much, sleeping a lot depression, sleeping too much depressionShare this entryShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on TwitterShare on PinterestShare on LinkedInShare on TumblrShare on VkShare on RedditShare by Mail https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/sleeping-too-much.jpg 324 550 Elevation Behavioral Health https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/logo_ebh.png Elevation Behavioral Health2020-02-17 18:03:032022-06-16 21:57:43Sleeping Too Much Due to Depression 0 replies Leave a ReplyWant to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute! 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      Is oversleeping a symptom of depression? Learn about sleeping too much depression

    1. Elevation Behavioral Health Accepting New Clients: Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) and How to Protect Yourself WE CAN HELP, CALL NOW (888) 561-0868 <img src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/logo_ebh.png.webp" height="100" width="300" alt='Elevation Behavioral Health' title='' /> Menu Menu Home About Our Team Mental Health Programs Residential Treatment Outpatient Treatment Transitional Living Conditions Treated Depressive Disorders Mood Disorders Personality Disorders Psychotic Disorders Self Harm Disorders Anxiety Disorders Attention Deficit Disorder Trauma Disorders Suicidal Ideation Dual Diagnosis Tour Our Homes Primary Substance Abuse Residential Primary Mental Health Residential Westlake Agoura Hills Admissions Contact Verify Insurance Blog Menu Menu What to Do When You Have Anxiety About Going to WorkAnxiety, Mental Health, Therapy <img width="845" height="321" src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Anxiety-about-going-to-work-845x321.jpg.webp" class="attachment-entry_with_sidebar size-entry_with_sidebar wp-post-image" alt="Anxiety about going to work" /> Table of Contents Why Do I Get Anxiety About Going To Work?About Workplace PhobiaWork PhobiaWhat Causes Workplace Phobia or Workplace-related Anxiety?How to Treat Workplace PhobiaElevation Behavioral Health Treats Workplace Phobia and Workplace-related Anxiety Why Do I Get Anxiety About Going To Work? The feelings of anxiety do not begin with the morning alarm bell. Nope, the anxiety about going to work is felt throughout the night with fitful, restless sleep. The mere idea of entering the workplace triggers waves of stress that threaten to undermine any effort to be productive and engaged at work, and often result in calling out sick. Workplace phobia, according to a definition published in Psychology, Health & Medicine, is defined as “a phobic anxiety reaction with symptoms of panic occurring when thinking of or approaching the workplace.” Considering the serious consequences of having anxiety about going to work, this particular phobia can be particularly devastating to not only one’s professional life but their personal life as well. Being unable to keep a job due to this type of phobia can have far-reaching and deleterious consequences. This specific source of this type of anxiety has often been lumped in with various other disorders. These include obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder. This fear work is due to the features of workplace phobia disorder, which can be recognized in these other forms of anxiety disorder. Finding a remedy is critical, and will likely involve a combination of therapies to help the individual overcome the dread and fear of going to work. <img class="aligncenter wp-image-30059 size-large" src="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/anxiety-about-going-to-work-everyday-1030x783.jpg.webp" alt="anxiety about going to work everyday" width="1030" height="783" srcset="https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/anxiety-about-going-to-work-everyday-1030x783.jpg.webp 1030w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/anxiety-about-going-to-work-everyday-300x228.jpg.webp 300w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/anxiety-about-going-to-work-everyday-768x584.jpg.webp 768w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/anxiety-about-going-to-work-everyday-1536x1168.jpg.webp 1536w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/anxiety-about-going-to-work-everyday-1500x1141.jpg.webp 1500w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/anxiety-about-going-to-work-everyday-705x536.jpg.webp 705w,https://elevationbehavioralhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/anxiety-about-going-to-work-everyday.jpg.webp 1620w" sizes="(max-width: 1030px) 100vw, 1030px" /> About Workplace Phobia Individuals who have anxiety about going to work may exhibit a higher level of psychosomatic symptoms. These are the physical symptoms that can accompany a mental health condition, including gastrointestinal distress, migraines, pain, headaches, and fatigue, and often result in excessive absenteeism due to sick days. In fact, one 2014 study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine found that 10% of patients with chronic mental health conditions who sought sick leave authorizations for their physical symptoms suffered from workplace phobia. Identifying workplace phobia is essential in turning the ship around and overcoming a disorder that is negatively impacting the quality of life. Employers also benefit from gaining an understanding of this type of anxiety, as loss of productivity related to paid sick days, having to hire temporary workers, and the impact on fellow coworkers are added costs to the business. Work Phobia Intense irrational fear emerges when the individual thinks about or attempts to go to work. The triggering stimuli, such as encountering the supervisor or colleague, can cause symptoms like those of a specific phobia, such as: We Can Help! Call Now! (888) 561-0868 Sweating Hot flashes, chills Trembling Choking sensation Inability to face the trigger (enter the workplace) Chest pain, tightness Dry mouth Ringing in the ears Intensive fear when approaching or considering the workplace Shortness of breath A sensation of butterflies in the stomach Mental confusion, disorientation Rapid heart rate Nausea Headaches Reduction of symptoms when leaving or avoiding the workplace When exposed to the workplace trigger, the symptoms are so uncomfortable and frightening that the anxiety about going to work can result in avoidance behaviors, thus the high rates of sick leave. According to an article published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, There are several subtypes of work phobic, including: Work-related anxiety Work-related panic Work-related social phobia Work-related phobia Work-related generalized anxiety Work-related PTSD What Causes Workplace Phobia or Workplace-related Anxiety? Workplace phobia also referred to as can have various causal factors. Aside from the existence of a disorder such as social anxiety, which can feature workplace anxiety or phobia features, other risk factors might include: Having had a prior work-related experience that was traumatic, such as sexual harassment or bullying Performance-based fears Fear of required oral presentations Ongoing interpersonal issues and conflicts with a superior Family history of social anxiety or phobia Multiple traumas or significant negative life events lead to coping or stress-management issues at work How to Treat Workplace Phobia Treating work-related anxiety will revolve around changing the thought distortions that lead to avoidant behaviors or panic symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps patients identify the dysfunctional thought-behavior patterns and guide them toward reframing thoughts to eventually be able to cope when confronting the work-related trigger. Combining CBT with exposure therapies that help desensitize the patient to the triggering event or situation can yield positive results. Medication also plays a role in the treatment of workplace phobia or anxiety. Drugs that reduce anxiety, such as benzodiazepines or beta-blockers, may help improve the individual’s ability to function in the workplace once again. Certain holistic strategies can assist in the reduction of stress or anxiety symptoms. These might include yoga, guided meditation, deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, getting regular exercise, and reducing caffeine intake. Elevation Behavioral Health Treats Workplace Phobia and Workplace-related Anxiety Elevation Behavioral Health is a luxury residential mental health program located in Los Angeles, California. The team at Elevation has crafted a highly effective treatment protocol for treating workplace phobia or anxiety, using an integrative approach. This includes evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy, adjunctive therapies, such as EMDR, and holistic therapies that provide additional coping skills through mindfulness training and meditation. For more information about our program, please contact Elevation Behavioral Health today at (888) 561-0868. June 26, 2020/0 Comments/by Elevation Behavioral HealthTags: anxiety, Anxiety about going to work, anxiety before work, anxiety going to work, fear of going to work, fear of work, going to work, phobia, work, work phobiaShare this entryShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on PinterestShare on LinkedInShare on TumblrShare on VkShare on RedditShare by Mail