- Jun 2020
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Further reading
I think it would be helpful to more clearly structure the course around some expected readings. This is a helpful list to draw from. Learners could be given options within the expected readings for a given topic.
Open Science and reproducible research
This material might do better earlier in the module, or as a sidebar. It seems out of place here.
Creating your digital profile
I recommend moving this out of the principles module. This is deep into application territory. These activities only seem relevant to people who engage in scholarly publishing. We have defined our audience more broadly than that.
McKiernan et al. (2016
Consider treating this as an assigned reading, with questions for reflection or discussion.
GO TO TASK 1: Defining how Open Science affects you
There are some good ideas for activities here starting at Putting this into practice. For the open badge MOOC, we should more clearly structure the alternatives.
Also, I recommend skipping the R-Markdown and impostor syndrome introductions. For a principles course, we want the focus on ideas, not tools. There are many more open tools available now than when the MOOC was first created. Let people use the tools of their own choice and focus on having them engage with the ideas behind the principles.
your CV
Our audience as we have defined it includes people who don't have a CV.
statistically illiterate
Our audience as we have defined it includes people with no background in statistics.
impact factor
Need more explanation for a general audience.
Principles of Open Science
This is the heart of the proposed moodle open badge course. This section would benefit from specific examples, learning activities, and self-checks. Case studies and comparisons will help make these ideas concrete for learners.
Image license: CC0 1.0 Universal; Patrick Hochstenbach
Add alt text. Use TASL (Title Author Source License) citation format.
Figurative language like this is not recommended when writing for a global audience where English is often not the first language.
Barriers and limitations for Open Science
Mention barriers, limitations, challenges specifically in learning outcomes.
If these things are all true,
This phrase is hard to interpret. The preceding statements are statements of values. They are normative statements rather than positive statements. It would make more sentse to talk about the extent to which they are realized rather than being true or false.
It is usually helpful to frame learning outcomes (or objectives) with more specific verbs than understand. This version of Bloom's taxonomy suggests some ways to be more specific within the scope of understanding: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/blooms-taxonomy/
Also, it may be good to push to some higher levels beyond understand. Let's look for opportunities to achieve learning outcomes in Analyze and Evaluate levels.
Ironically, the only current peer-reviewed research article to systematically attempt to define Open Science is paywalled, so we do not include it here. Sigh. (DOI, for those interested: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.12.043)
Set up a personal profile for defining your impact
I recommend moving this outcome to another part of the MOOC. This outcome is more applied than would typically be included in a principles course. Also, this objective is not relevant to the entire broad audience we have defined for Module 1.
Melanie Imming, & Jon Tennant. (2018, June 8). Sticker Open Science: just science done right. Zenodo. https://zenodo.org/record/1285575#.XDebSM17lPY
Add alt-text to images to make them accessible to people using screen readers.
The organization is somewhat confusing here. This section does not appear in the outline. It is somewhat unexpected to have something before the introduction. If there is material before an introduction, it could be called a preface or prologue.
This is the first of 10 core modules
Clarify what aspects of the MOOC are currently available in what formats.
You have probably landed here because you have a nagging feeling that something about the way modern research is conducted and shared is not quite right.
Do we want to make this assumption about the audience?
Did you also now that this is so important, that it is even in the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights?
I think this would be a strong, inclusive, and universal opening to the MOOC.
Science is everywhere, science is all around us. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and we show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. (Fishburne, 1999)
I recommend taking a different approach to the introduction. This passage from The Matrix is tied to a specific culture and time. Also, the meaning of the phrase red pill has taken on political connotations. People reading this today may find it counterintuitive that they are expected to identify with the red pill.