77 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
  2. ecourse.auca.kg ecourse.auca.kg
    1. I can’t speak plainer than that

      It's hard to give enough details and be plain at the same time

    2. I think it’s a shame sir, that an intelligent manAnd as well educated as you areShould miss the point so completely

      Pretty funny

    3. Why should you speak! Every word you sayIs painful to me

      "The good way to confront against opposition is not giving a free of speech"

    4. Money, gentlemen, money! The virusThat infects mankind with every sickness

      "Money is a root of all evil"

    5. Do the gods love criminals these days?

      "Do gods even change?"

    6. Or sign, and perhaps from the gods.

      "Funeral has a divine meaning"

    7. there are always menWho can be bought, who will risk anything,Even death, if the bribe is large enough

      "People are ready to almost 'sell' their lives if the value is enough"

    8. But people who serve the State, aliveOr dead, that makes no difference –I shall honour them for their patriotism

      "Patriotism is higher than life"

    9. Equally contemptibleIs the man who puts the interests of his friends,Or his relations, before his country.There is nothing good can be said of him

      "Ruler must care about State in the first place"

    10. My own opinion is well known:The ruler who fears the consequencesOf his actions, or who is afraid to act openly,Or take the good advice of his senators,Is beneath contempt

      One of points of view, which will confront

    1. “It isn’t fair,” she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head.Old Man Warner was saying, “Come on, come on, everyone.” Steve Adams was in the front of the crowdof villagers, with Mrs. Graves beside him.“It isn’t fair, it isn’t right,” Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.

      It's not a lottery, it's a death penalty!

    2. the villagers had forgotten the ritual

      They had forgotten traditions.

    3. . It wasn’t fair

      What? Why?

    4. “Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery,” Old Man Warner said as he went through the crowd.“Seventy-seventh time.”

      Lottely means a lot for him, if he remembers even the number of lotteries

    5. “Pack of crazy fools,” he said. “Listening to the young folks, nothing’s goodenough for them. Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work anymore, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about ‘Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.’ Firstthing you know, we’d all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There’s always been a lottery,” headded petulantly. “Bad enough to see young Joe Summers up there joking with everybody.”

      It's a common type of oldmen, which are always complaining about modern state

    6. The rest of the year, the box was put away,

      This lottery wasn't something exiting and expected

    7. The black box grew shabbier each yea

      No one was carring about this box

    8. no one liked to upset even asmuch tradition as was represented by the black box

      Maybe it's all about forgetting traditions

    1. the other peopleof the tribe began gradually to forget about the war.

      Theme of mankurt's forgetfulness

    2. She had no one with whom to sharethem and so make her grief easier to bear, and there was noone to turn to, except to God himself

      God for her is the only person, with whom she can be honest and share her most horrible thoughts

    3. It was a shameful thing foreveryone

      Bury your close man is an act of honor

    4. it was the duty of their fellow tribesmen tobring home the bodies

      It was more like a cultural or simbolic

    5. it wouldbe better to bury him twice than to be tormented by continualfear, continual pain, continual doubt

      Simbol of funeral has a big role in the play. It refers to the peace in the afterlife.

    6. Naiman-Ana realized thatshe would find no peace until she had searched out in theSarozek that mankurt herdsman and had confirmed for herselfthat he was not her son

      It was important to be sure about one's son's life. It makes her a good mother, because she doesn't ignore even a probability of her son's life

  3. Sep 2023
    1. And some deaths are more honourable than others.


    2. The laws you will break are not of man’s making.

      Thesis: "you may break the law if you're following the bigger rule"

    3. He is my brother. And like it or notHe’s yours too.

      Kinship is important here too

    4. Is not to be buried at all.

      funeral here is important

    5. I have heard that. Nothing elseTo cheer me up, or depress me further

      her limits of a "depression" and "stress tolerance" are here

    6. And suffering,Which was his destiny, is our punishment too

      almost a definition of curse

    1. did you notwith your last breath curse God who has created us all in thatworld which he has deserted?

      what answer would satisfy her?

    2. Zhuan'zhuan chose to annihilatehis memory, destroy his reason, to draw out by the roots thatwhich otherwise stays with a man to his last breath, remaininguniquely his, and which dies with him and which cannot bereached by other people.

      They were not just a bloody killers. They had mush higher goals.

    3. On his own he could replace alarge number of workers

      sometimes benefitial things are not "good" things

    4. The mankurt was the exception: he wasabsolutely impervious to any incitement to revolt, quiteinnocent.

      when you don't know the reasons, why you should fight, you won't, which is kind of logical

    5. First of all their heads were completely shaved andevery single hair was taken out by the root. When this wascompleted, expert Zhuan'zhuan butchers killed a nearbynursing mother camel and skinned it. First they removed theheavy udder with its matted hair. Then they divided it intoseveral pieces and, in its still warm state, stretched it over theshaven heads of the prisoners. At once it stuck in place like asticking plaster, looking rather like a present-day swimmingcap. The man who was subjected to the ensuing torture eitherdied because he could not stand it, or he lost his memory ofthe past for ever. He had become a mankurt, or slave, whocould not remember his past life.

      The process of "mankurtization"

    6. Those who were sold into slavery inneighbouring lands were considered fortunate, because sooneror later they could escape and return to their homeland. But amonstrous fate awaited those whom the Zhuan'zhuan kept asslaves for themselves

      Sometimes there are such situations, when "being sold" is just will considered as a fortune

    1. And here it comes,in plain view,the onslaughtsent by Zeusfor my own terror.Oh holy Mother Earth,oh sky whose light revolves for all,you see me. You seethe wrongs I suffer.

      Did he foresee this?

    2. This was determined a long time ago

      He chose his fate a long time ago

    3. don’t serve me the cold truth warmed up with false words.There is no sickness worse than that.

      "blind hopes" are betrayal act, aren't they?

    4. When you are freed, I’m confident of this,you will be no less strong than Zeus himself

      because sufferings make him (us) stronger (?)

    5. You may not know this. Ask no more.

      There are some knowledges that you must not know

    6. I’ll sum it up for you in one short word:All human arts were founded by Prometheus

      Role of Prometheus

    7. Whatever it is,I fear it.

      Even in hell there are some things that you (should be) afraid

    8. and taught them how to reason.

      he gave the ability of thinking (and foreseeing)

    9. be willing to meetwhat is new, for a new master rules the gods now.

      describes Okeanos as an adaptive person, who won't attack if his interests are undeer pressure, he would rather change his interests

    10. I gave men power to stop foreseeing their death.

      Prometheus's main motivation

    11. No one opposed this scheme except for me;I was the one who dared; I saved those death-bound creaturesfrom being destroyed and scattered into Hades.

      Prometheus alone influenced on Zeus and saved the humanrace

    12. My mother, though, Themis, Gaéa—she’s calledby many names—had given me foreknowledge

      Story of his main power

    13. I know full wellno power can stand against Necessity

      His destiny was unavoidable so he chose the best

    14. or by some guileful ruseanother seizes his unconquerable throne

      Maybe he thought up his prediction thanks to Chorus

    15. f he had banished me—beneath the earth,beneath the House of Hades,down to the endless depths of Tartaros—and bound me there in chains of adamant,no god, no other beingcould feast on my misfortune.But here I hang up high,a plaything for the winds to buffet,and for my enemies to gloat on

      Main reason why he was punished demponstratively

    16. no law but that of willful rule,and all who once were great he now destroys

      it is how Zeus's harshness manifests itself

    17. I knew it all before.All that shall be, foreseen and clearly known

      he chose these sufferings for the main goal

    18. Oh sky, oh soaring winds and brightness of the air!Oh river-springs and countless laughter of the ocean’s waves!Oh Mother Earth! Oh Sun, all-seeing brilliant eye!

      Looks like he is praying

    19. wish my skill were someone else’s lot.

      handicraft is not his wanted talant, he just got this talent and can't avoid it

    20. Yes. But to disregard the Father’s words,how can that be? Do you not fear that more?

      Kratos is like an "executive man"

    21. Kinship holds fearsome power. So does good fellowship

      Hephaistos is like a "family-man"

    22. His power is new,and everyone with newborn power is harsh.

      New power must to show off?

    23. Not of my own will but compelled

      He's more like a victim here

    24. Necessity compels me to it:It’s a grave thing to slight the Father’s word.

      Hephaistos understands the rules, but unlike Kratos he doesn't like them

    25. “threefold tidal wave of misery”

      Looks like a warning that "even in hell it can get much worse"

    26. a virgin birth

      Reminds the prodigy about "messiah" and Mother Marie

    27. But I don’t have the courage to chain a god

      Even if he is a god and that, who was robbed, he doesn't feel anything good from this punishment. He has other values, but still makes his job

    28. he may learnto love the tyranny of Zeusand quit his friendship with the human race

      He knows the true reason of bounding: tyranny of Zeus and Prometheus's friendship with humans. He doesn't appreciate same values. He likes Zeus's tyranny

    29. It was your flower he stole, the bright and dancing fire,and gave its wonderworking power to mortals

      He sets Hephaistos against Prometheus. He doesn't care about kinship, he worries only about Zeus's words

    30. The liberating hero, unnamed in this play, will beHeracles

      But he didn't kill Zeus, did he?

    31. to give Io hope-—an instance of the “blind hopes” he broughtto humanity as an antidote to the finality of death

      One of the most important characteristics of Prometheus is "caring" about human's anxiety

    32. his fate is harder to bear than hers. He cannot die. His “suffering willcontinue without end

      "Disadventage of being immortal"

    33. Okeanos is the prototype of the friend in high office who is eager to helpbut compromised by self-interest

      Role of Oceanos

    34. chorus, theyspeak for the polis, reflecting the people’s commonly held values

      Role of chorus

    35. he does not speak until after they have left

      Maybe he felt his fault or his words could make evething worse

    36. To read the cosmic debate as drama, we need to consider who isspeaking, who is listening, and what is at stake for each of the speakers infinding the right words at the right moment, or the consequence of failing todo so

      If one wants to understand the message, one need to pay attension at speacker, listener and words

    37. Prometheus Bound is, like all Greek tragedy, a political as well as areligious play

      Main idea of play is political & religious

    38. But speech is action

      About speach

    39. “drama,” in Greek, means “action,

      About drama

    40. That idea probably derived from KarlMarx’s lifelong fondness for Prometheus as an archetype of revolutionarywill

      Maybe it was the reason of October revolution

    41. Nietzsche sawin him the prototype of the artist, “the great genius for whom even eternalsuffering is a slight price.”

      The smarter one is getting, the more sufferings are following him