- Jan 2020
www.aeseducation.com www.aeseducation.com
A curriculum can mean a lot of different things to different people involved in education. The standard definition is a collection of lessons, assessments, and other academic content that’s taught in a school, program, or class by a teacher.
CCHE640 Curriculum constructing
- Apr 2019
eds.b.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu eds.b.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu
Specifically, the current study sought to develop a catalog of activities and issues that faculty senate leaders perceive to be important in helping colleges and universities provide community support and service.
The role of faculty senates in community development.
- Jan 2019
www.onlineschoolscenter.com www.onlineschoolscenter.com
25 Surprising Facts About Online Education
Great resource for sourcing facts.
Finding Our Voice: Instructional Designers in Higher Education
Good article written with information gathered from instructional designers at a symposium, about their roles, responsibilities and concerns and suggestions for the industry.
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
15 Ways To Use Twitter In Education (For Students And Teachers Alike)
How Twitter can be integrated into online learning as a learning tool that supports the Microlearning theory.
- Dec 2018
www.studocu.com www.studocu.com
EDF 411 Comparative Education Notes-1-1
comparative education readings
www.itdl.org www.itdl.org
ETC 645
- Nov 2018
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The author's research method is based on a comparative analysis of educational environments based on Virtual Reality (VR) and respectively on Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) as particular immersive environments for developing student's 3D spatial skills, their cultural awareness and also for enabling self-training and social and professional collaboration.
"The author's research method is based on a comparative analysis of educational environments based on Virtual Reality (VR) and respectively on Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) as particular immersive environments for developing student's 3D spatial skills, their cultural awareness and also for enabling self-training and social and professional collaboration. "
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
However, Sykes et al. (2008) considered that the above two types of VR were originally developed for commercial and business use. In contrast, an SIE emphasizes its educational objectives by carefully incorporating pedagogy into the immersive spaces. Regardless of the original purposes for which VLEs were designed, researchers in the computer-assisted language learning (CALL) field have tried to employ pedagogical principles and practices that are innovative and theoretically grounded to understand the pedagogical values of VLEs in language learning.
This article examines the different types of VR tools that existed in the past, are currently being used and predictions for the future of SIEs (Synthetic Immersive Environments), in education.
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
Another approach, however, can dramatically impact the effectiveness of blended learning professional development.
Although a relatively new concept in adult learning, blended learning in professional development can impact the effectiveness of PD and provide greater learning opportunities for students through well trained teachers.
ts.madison.k12.wi.us ts.madison.k12.wi.us
Technology is ever changing, opening a door to effect meaningful change in the education sector. For these changes to be adequately implemented, it is important to provide the necessary professional development training for all stakeholders involved in the teaching and learning environment.
www.schoology.com www.schoology.com
Why not let teachers take the lead? Through the formation of teacher-led professional learning communities, teachers can create and discuss instructional techniques within an environment characterized by ongoing supportive mentorship and turn the single session workshop into a powerhouse for instructional improvement.
Professional development that promotes engagement and interaction amongst peers will support mentorship and create an atmosphere for instructional improvement.
annhayesbell.org annhayesbell.org
Application of Adult Learning in Technology Training
ISTE and adult learning technology training evaluations.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
“The schools that do it well tie professional development around technology into a larger framework of learning goals and the mission of the school,” says Inman. “They’re looking for growth over time as technology is integrated into the classroom. They don’t look at it short-term, even if they’re training for a specific tool.”
This article shares the benefits of having technology integrated into professional development for three high schools in separate states. It highlights the benefits reported from small to large school districts and what technology specialists should consider when providing PD for adult learners with busy schedules.
www.iste.org www.iste.org
As with many teaching strategies, there are common methods in usingtechnology that can be applied across various academic disciplines and grade levels.
It's always key that technology supports teaching strategies and enables learners to develop technology rich skills (fluency) whilst independently developing critical thinking, promoting collaborations, and providing a reflective experience across all disciplines.
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
When technology integration is at its best, a child or a teacher doesn't stop to think that he or she is using a technology tool -- it is second nature. And students are often more actively engaged in projects when technology tools are a seamless part of the learning process.
This article presents key points to implementing technology into the classroom and for clear purposes. Technology should support curriculum and not overshadow it with all its bells and whistles.
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
Even though features of effective PD for technology integration have been identified in research studies (e.g., O’Hara, Pritchard, Huang, & Pella, 2013; Smolin & Lawless, 2011), teachers continue to report technology PD as not effective to support their use of technology in classrooms
Effective teacher PD should help teachers understand, adapt to, and implement technology into their teaching practice with ease and comfort so as to further support the student learning environment. This paper addresses the various concerns, levels of support, experiences and methodology for effective participation of teachers in technology PD.
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
Successful schools create “learning communities that are committed to continuous improvement, collective responsibility, and goal alignment” (Learning Forward, 2015a, para. 1), and instructional coaching offers one model of professional development that is focused on improvement through learning communities.
This paper examines the use of technology, specifically peer video coaching for inservice teachers. The use of technology in coaching is said to offer real time discussions and feedback from coaches around the world improving the traditional model of professional development.
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
Understanding how people learn, then, should inform the process by which we support learners, both teachers and students, in moving toward that goal.
This article speaks to the theory and facilitation of professional development through technologies geared towards educators. It provides a scenario study of teachers examining their classroom instructions in order to achieve the desired learning outcomes using a problem based approach. It provides the context, method and use of technology.
blogs.shu.ac.uk blogs.shu.ac.uk
Reflection is well suited to situations where students are on placements, internships or otherwise in the workplace. This is because a formal reflection process helps the students to take time to think about what they have learned in their working environment, perhaps with little conscious thought, and how it fits with their existing knowledge from their studies and past experience. The reflections can also help serve as a record of learning that can be drawn upon in later assessments.
This article provides support to the reflection principle in several learning theories.
teachonline.ca teachonline.ca
9 themes to explore the multiple ways that Pockets of Innovation are developed and adopted for each of these applications and link to examples from Ontario, Canada and around the world.
A broad range of publications that present examples of good practices in several aspects of online teaching and learning throughout Canada and around the world.
teachonline.ca teachonline.ca
Today's students grew up in a world where technology is a natural part of their environment. Their expectation is that technology is used whenever appropriate to help them learn, develop essential informational and technological literacy skills, and master the fluency necessary in their specific subject domain.
This article shares relevant information about pedagogy trends and how such is being shaped by the integration of technology within the teaching and learning experience. It highlights key elements contributing to the development of this 'new' pedagogy, its impact on instructional delivery and course design, as well as three emerging pedagogy trends. Great source for faculty interested in distance education.
Successful Community College Professional Development Models
This article discusses some challenges and solutions of providing professional development in community colleges, specific to North Shore Community College, located in Massachusetts.
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
Both of these learning theories have a place in the spectrum of adult learning for the next generation of learners, however, with the increasing influence of social media and other connecting forces, and with the advent of Smartphone technology, communities are emerging where a clustering occurs of similar affinities (areas of interest), coupled with technology that is allowing an open environment of interaction, sharing, dialoguing and thinking together (Siemens, 2005).
This article provides comparisons and contrasts between andragogy and transformative learning theory. It examines how the next generation of adults will learn, interact and share, therefore creating a more customized learning experience and adding personal meaning to the lives of the learners. 8/10
www.irma-international.org www.irma-international.org
“when their (adults) attention is gained and fixed, they soon learn: their age makes no great difference, if they are able, by the help of glasses, to see the letters” (Pole, 1968, p. 3).
Satisfying an immediate need is a key component of adult learning.
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Have We Really Transformed Higher Education?
A video interview of experts in the field of higher education sharing their views on the changes taking place in education, the impact of digital learning, the degree of transformations taking place because of non-traditional students (adult learners, online, etc.), retention concerns and the need for instructional design services.
www.pacer.org www.pacer.org
The key to teaching adults is understanding how they learn. Focus your attention on the group’s special characteristics. Don’t ignore adults’ needs, insights and skills when planning an educational experience
A trainer's manual that explains how to effectively engage different types of adult learners and how best they learn. It identifies the 'what's in it for me?' factors, key in motivating adult learners and having them actively participate in their own learning experience.
www.ijbhtnet.com www.ijbhtnet.com7.pdf1
As technology becomes integrated into the teaching/learning process, the role of the classroom teacherchanges noticeably. Classroom teachers become facilitators who assist students in constructing their own understandings and capabilities in carrying out tasks on computer technologies. The shift from lecture and recitation, which often still occurs in secondary classrooms, to coaching automatically supports a constructivist approach to learning; computer encourages the teacher to play the role of a coach (Collins 1991).
This article provides multiple definitions and principles of the constructivist approach and its impact on technology and learning in classroom situations. The design of instructional practices that engages the experiences, collaborative discourses and reflections of the adult learner.
www.andrews.edu www.andrews.edu
In other words, learning in context is paying attention to theinteraction and intersection among people, tools, and context within alearning situation. More important, for adult educators who plan and teach,it is understanding how to plan and design programs for adult learners thatwill profoundly shape learning.
This chapter seeks to define context based learning, it's impact on instructional design, delivery and technology integration methods that seek to enhance the teaching and learning experiences of adult learners.
www.physiology.org www.physiology.org
learning theories are considered a source of verifying instructional strategies as well as a foundation for the selection of specific strategies. The theories provide information about the relationships among strategies, context, and learner characteristics for better integration, and, most importantly, learning theories allow for reliable prediction of the effectiveness of the selected instructional strategies.
This article proposes that faculty and instructors in higher education should have a knowledge of learning theories, specifically behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism to effectively design learning instructions and outcome.
journals.uair.arizona.edu journals.uair.arizona.edu
These changes will create a worldwide need for a reexamination of the way in which education is delivered to students (Wagner, Hassanein & Head, 2008).
This article examines the significance of technology in higher education, the challenges and application of andragogical approaches, and the benefits of a systematic model of intentional technology integration.
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
To be effective, teachers must not only demonstrate a knowledge of how to integrate content or concepts within a particular discipline, but they must justify that this method is having a positive effect in their classroom as evidenced through student learning. Integration can only be justified when students’ understanding of the content is enhanced (Lonning, 1997).
This article presents an anecdotal description of a Ohio State University Education program and faculty's attempt to integrate technology in a single course for preservice teachers. It highlights the student population, data sources, study results, developmentally appropriate practices, integrating technology to fit particular concepts and theories of learning, and suggestions for technology meeting the needs of college education programs.
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
Research about adults as learners can inform the design of effective digital learning experiences.
This article highlights the potential for technology to play a supporting role in providing learning opportunities for low-skilled adults in the United States. It attempts to identify six andragogy principles that may determine the most appropriate digital learning space and instructional activities for this population.
tech.ed.gov tech.ed.gov
9OFFICE OFEducational TechnologyThe Role of Technology in Designing a Student-Centered Approach to Higher EducationJust as rapidly changing technology has created new and constantly evolving job types and com-petencies requiring new skills, it has facilitated significant progress in accommodating the needs of a broader range of students. It can also revolutionize the delivery of education, allowing access to higher education for greater numbers of students at lower cost and with more flexibility.
This report conducted by the U.S.A. Office of Educational Technology seeks to identify the role of technology in adult education now and in the future, in an attempt to make it more student-centered. Technology is revolutionizing the learning environment, changing and challenging the principles and systems that currently exist in higher education.
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Current technology takes this a step further as modern annotation tools combine, in one platform, both the social sharing/dialogue and the ability to engage in ways beyond the text.
This article offers insight as to how technology can be used to build and support reading resources of postsecondary students, their critical thinking and collaboration skills. Opening the platform for adult learning and technology environments, this can prove very useful, especially to online students who read through multiple digital pages of articles, journals and research published.
scholarworks.wmich.edu scholarworks.wmich.edu
In a visual arts classroom,a teacher can photograph current student work and communicate “I CAN”statements and current learning targets to parents and students(see Table 2).Veteran teacher, art education blogger and curriculum developer Heather Crockett explains(2013):In a nutshell, I CAN statements are simple sentences designed by the teacheror the department.(Secondary folks often choose something a little different, such as “As an artist, I will...)Either way, these statements are based off the power standards or learning objectives from the curriculum, but they are writteninstudent-friendlylanguage.I CAN statements break down lofty objectives into learning targets students can read and understand.They cover specific learning for each lesson, and there can be more than one I CAN statement for eachPowerStandard.The neat thing about I CAN statements is that if they are used consistently and accurately, they can help students become more responsible for their learning and more reflective of their own work.I CAN statements also easily transition into assessments and allow for students and teachers to have a better discussion of their work
This thesis paper highlights the appropriate use of technology in the art curriculum. It shares current examples of art teachers exercising learning theory principles to motivate students' performance, reflection and critical thinking skills. Some principles of Andragogy identified in this paper were applied equally to K-12 learning.
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
more than 1,000 U.S. college students, show an overwhelming majority of students feel digital learning technology has positively affected their schoolwork – aiding concept retention and improving grades – and that more than half (53 percent) of students prefer classes that use such tools.
This article briefly offers insight (with statistics) into a digital study trend survey conducted by learning science company McGraw-Hill Education. The results from 1000 U.S. College students reported some benefits of digital learning technology being, positive increase in grades, assisted in test preparations, day to day studying, increased engagement and help in learning new concepts.
www.theinquirer.net www.theinquirer.net
Some of the problems with e-learning can be solved through engaging users in a more creative and motivational way.
This article discusses the possibilities and limitations of emerging technology being integrated into the online learning environment. With people driving the changes in technology, learning will become more accessible, anywhere and at any time for motivate adult learners.
There are many different theories of adult learning, including: andragogy, neuroscience, experiential learning, self-directed learning, and transformational learning. All these theories have one goal: they help you create effective learning experiences for the adult corporate learner.
The author describes how Andragogy, Transformative learning, and Experiential learning can help instructional designers create courses and learning experiences that will be more goal oriented and help adult learners to meet their needs.
conference.pixel-online.net conference.pixel-online.net
This paper identifies the beliefs held by two transformative learning theorists, Boyd (1998) and Mezirow (1997). The former believes that a transformative learning experience has a emotional component acting as a catalyst for change, whereas the latter believes in a more rational component for change to occur in an individual's view of life and their relation to the world.
ijcim.th.org ijcim.th.org
Success in online learning comes about by understanding the needs as well as the readiness of major players in the online learning environment.
This paper attempts to identify an appropriate assessment tool for learner and faculty readiness in order to develop a successful e-learning environment, where learning and teaching is actively fostered and supported by each stakeholder (administration, student, faculty) involved.
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
Adaptive learning provides methods and learning paths that are unique to each learner. Furthermore, through inbuilt efficiencies, adaptive learning helps the organizations to meet their business and training goals.
One size does not fit all when it comes to corporate teaching and learning. This article speaks to the theory and principles of Adaptive learning in corporate training, where teaching methods are adjusted according to the leaner's performance.
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
17 Tips To Motivate Adult Learners
The author highlights 17 useful tips for motivating adult e-learners. The tips are primarily based upon learning principles, and encourages the use of technology to facilitate collaborations, discussions, sharing, engagement and active learning. Ultimately assisting the learner with navigating the learning space with better interest.