24 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
  2. Mar 2020
    1. Roles and Practices of Educators in Technology-Supported Learning

      This article examines how technology is used in classrooms by educators and students in the every-changing technology realm. I liked how this article addressed the professional development educators need in K-12 classrooms. There are multitude of ways educators can gain additional learning opportunities for themselves or their students via technology. K-12 Educators can share their skills with other educators via online platforms. Rate: 7/10

    1. This article will provide insight into ways in which the education department at OSU-M integrates technology and the educational theories that provide reasons for that integration. As with many new practices, the integration of technology into the elementary education licensure program at OSU-M is a work in progress. The faculty members are constantly revising and adjusting our uses of technology to better meet the needs of the program and our students.

      The article provides insight into how an higher education institution implements learning theories with technology into the classroom. Undergrad programs aim to incorporate coursework aimed to provide opportunities of learning for adult learners. Therefore, this formal setting allows participants to connect technology to program goals, make real-world connections, and prepare preservice teachers. Rate: 8/10

    1. This article provides helpful tools in building a professional work learning environment. The physical environment plays a huge role and can motivate adult learners. Next, the organizational environment adds to the belief of shared decision making. Collaboration is essential and allows for cooperative groups to increase adult learning. Rate: 8/10

    1. The training program diagnoses learning needs and sets objectives through mutual negotiation with each learner. Participants are expected to actively engage in activities, discuss the practical value of their learning, and apply what they learn to their leadership roles.

      This article examines the adult learning theory and how it can implemented into the corporate or professional environment. By understanding how adults learn and think, the desired outcome of an institution can be achieved. In addition, this article provides several case studies that apply to the different types of learners. Rate: 8/10

    1. Adults arecontinuing their education in support of their personal interests and professional goalsmore than ever before. Technology is helping to make this possible through widely accessible online courses and personalized instruction.

      This chapter focuses on how educational technologies in the workplace is becoming more common among adults. After college and adults enter the workforce, they find the needs to continue their education through professional development, on the job training, or online coursework. By offering job skills through technology that's available helps develop critical thinkers. Rate: 8/10

    1. This article explores different models of instructional design related to technology. Various strategies are also discussed to explain how a design team should design learning environments. Rate: 8/10

    1. This article examines the findings of connecting learning and personalized learning in the Adult Education realm with technology. The advances of technology have allowed adult basic educations to reevaluate instruction and learning. Rate: 9/10

    1. This growth in technology is changing the nature of higher education. Educators are feeling more and more pressure to provide educational content and teaching methods that keep pace with ongoing scientific and technical progress. Faculty, especially in higher educational institutions, must adapt to employ technology effectively to deliver content for students, whether on campus or at a distance. The question to be asked is: How are faculty at institutions of higher education providing instruction that reflects the educational experiences and expectations such changes in technology bring with them?

      This article shows the growing need for higher education faculty members to effectively engage learners through meaningful instruction. In order for learners to meet learning objectives, instructors need to consider how to employ technology into adult learning. Rate: 5/10

    1. This report explains how technology is all around us and allows extended learning to occur. The extended learning occurs through the ability to reach new learners, extend learning, differentiate learning, and collaboration among educators by the use of technological tools. In addition, state and federal programs should advocate for technological tools to be incorporated into support programs that help adult learners. Rate: 8/10

    1. Internet technologies also have the potential to alleviate barriers associated with limited times and places of instruction, allowing adults to learn and practice when and where it is convenient for them.

      This chapter explores how technology is allows individuals the ability to attain what was once deemed impossible. For example, adults can further their education by the use of technology (distance learning), availability of learning software to support collaboration efforts, embedded tools for all learners, and social media. However, due to technology changing rapidly it can create a learning curve for adult learners. Overall, investing in technology will benefit those individuals that were previously disconnected to the available learning platforms. Rate: 7/10

  3. www.scielo.org.za www.scielo.org.za
    1. This article examines the challenges and opportunities that technology can provide in education. The integration of technology whether its provided in an online format or a blended learning platform, technology is tied into learning. Educators shouldn't rely on technology alone to teach concepts. In fact, technology merely binds the two. Therefore, the need for continuous reflection and adjustment is needed for educators and learners. Rate: 7/10

    1. This article explores how technology can be utilized in the K-12 classroom. Educators can consider this a professional development due to the content it covers. Technological language can be decoded and evaluated through instruction. Teacher can use what children, adolescents, and teenagers are interested in technology wise. Incorporating this into the classroom will be engaging for learners. Rate: 7/10

  4. Nov 2019
    1. Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

      This site is the homepage of the Tech Infusion program at Arizona State University (ASU). Housed within ASU's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Tech Infusion is a technology integration curriculum for Pre-K-12 teacher candidates. Through coursework and hands-on practices, teacher candidates are prepared to use technology fluently and innovatively for teaching and learning. The program integrates research, ISTE Standards, and the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) framework around effective technology integration. This website provides technology-infusion resources for course developers, instructors, and current and future educators. Examples include research articles, edtech tool tutorials, lesson plans, and outlines of the curriculum. Rating: 9/10

    1. Yet, existing research indicates that effective use of technology depends not only in their affordances for learning but, importantly, the ways in which they are used in practice (U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, 2014)

      Technology not only includes being able to purchase an abundance of new classroom technologies. One of the most important aspects is knowing how to put new technology in the classroom. It is critical to provide technology professional growth and learning. Teachers will be fluent in their classroom technologies. This is essential to the effective integration of technology.

  5. Nov 2018
    1. Significantandlong‐lastingchangesoccurwhenaschool’s“policies,practices,culture,andfunding”arestructuredtofacilitatetheintegrationofeducationaltechnology.Successfulchangeintheclassroommustbesupportedatthebuildinganddistrictlevels.Ifaccesstoanduseoftechnologyarenotcontinuousfromyear‐to‐year,itisdifficulttoeffectmeaningfulchangeinpedagogy

      Technology is ever changing, opening a door to effect meaningful change in the education sector. For these changes to be adequately implemented, it is important to provide the necessary professional development training for all stakeholders involved in the teaching and learning environment.

    1. Why not let teachers take the lead? Through the formation of teacher-led professional learning communities, teachers can create and discuss instructional techniques within an environment characterized by ongoing supportive mentorship and turn the single session workshop into a powerhouse for instructional improvement.

      Professional development that promotes engagement and interaction amongst peers will support mentorship and create an atmosphere for instructional improvement.

    1. “The schools that do it well tie professional development around technology into a larger framework of learning goals and the mission of the school,” says Inman. “They’re looking for growth over time as technology is integrated into the classroom. They don’t look at it short-term, even if they’re training for a specific tool.”

      This article shares the benefits of having technology integrated into professional development for three high schools in separate states. It highlights the benefits reported from small to large school districts and what technology specialists should consider when providing PD for adult learners with busy schedules.


    1. Even though features of effective PD for technology integration have been identified in research studies (e.g., O’Hara, Pritchard, Huang, & Pella, 2013; Smolin & Lawless, 2011), teachers continue to report technology PD as not effective to support their use of technology in classrooms

      Effective teacher PD should help teachers understand, adapt to, and implement technology into their teaching practice with ease and comfort so as to further support the student learning environment. This paper addresses the various concerns, levels of support, experiences and methodology for effective participation of teachers in technology PD.


    1. Successful schools create “learning communities that are committed to continuous improvement, collective responsibility, and goal alignment” (Learning Forward, 2015a, para. 1), and instructional coaching offers one model of professional development that is focused on improvement through learning communities.

      This paper examines the use of technology, specifically peer video coaching for inservice teachers. The use of technology in coaching is said to offer real time discussions and feedback from coaches around the world improving the traditional model of professional development.


    1. Understanding how people learn, then, should inform the process by which we support learners, both teachers and students, in moving toward that goal.

      This article speaks to the theory and facilitation of professional development through technologies geared towards educators. It provides a scenario study of teachers examining their classroom instructions in order to achieve the desired learning outcomes using a problem based approach. It provides the context, method and use of technology.


    1. Successful Community College Professional Development Models

      This article discusses some challenges and solutions of providing professional development in community colleges, specific to North Shore Community College, located in Massachusetts.


  6. Sep 2017
  7. May 2017