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      Lateral Research & Applied Development: A New Model for Scientific Breakthrough?


  2. May 2021
  3. Jun 2020
    1. which implementation: (i) prior to the corruption offense, shall release Peruvian companies from autonomous liability (that is, independent from the criminal liability of the natural person who committed the crime)

      SEE: "Similarly, while a certification exercise may help a company document its good faith effort to prevent and detect corruption, an ISO certification alone is not adequate to shield a company from prosecution, should a regulator come knocking."

      REFERENCE:<br> https://hyp.is/EbgMwqloEeqP0LPkFh_gwg/www.coalitionforintegrity.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ISO-standard-37001final-002.pdf

      Coalition for Integrity<br> The ISO 37001Standard: Coalition for Integrity’s Recommendations for Companies Considering Certification<br> https://www.coalitionforintegrity.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ISO-standard-37001final-002.pdf

    1. Similarly, while a certification exercise may help a company document its good faith effort to prevent and detect corruption, an ISO certification alone is not adequateto shield a companyfrom prosecution, should a regulator come knocking.

      SEE: "..which implementation: (i) prior to the corruption offense, shall release Peruvian companies from autonomous liability (that is, independent from the criminal liability of the natural person who committed the crime)"

      REFERENCE<br> https://hyp.is/fN-pnKloEeqJgLc2eimF4A/globalcompliancenews.com/peru-iso-37001-20170410/

      PERU: ISO 37001 (Anti-Bribery Management Systems) Adopted as a Voluntary Standard <br> https://globalcompliancenews.com/peru-iso-37001-20170410/

  4. May 2020

      recommendation for your rejection of facts presented at: http://futurefit.network/...

      please use this Hypothes.is tool to

      1. markup the facts to which you object,
      2. add a comment that explains the scientific grounds for your objection ,
      3. post the annotation
      4. and then also share it across social media using a link to your annotation
    1. Between 60-80% of coal, oil and gas reserves of publicly listed companies are ‘un-burnable’ if the world is to have a chance of not exceeding global warming of 2°C.Company valuationsdo not typically inform investors about their exposure to these so-called “stranded assets”, despite these reserves supporting share value of $4trillion in 2012.[1]


      Improve the Facts

      <hr there are many ways in which facts critical to future can be improved upon

      most obviously there is the validity and confidence of each one fact as it's own part of the puzzle

      • do you know a better source or a more reliable fact by which to improve the facts here - then please share it and make it discoverable by using the tags #FFBB_BE23_1_2_1 #improve_data

      maybe less obviously there is also the connection between one and another fact

      • do you know about facts ...
  5. Mar 2020
    1. SOURCE: <br>https://www.fairphone.com/en/impact/source-map-transparency/

      HOW TO<br> zoom in using the plus down at right bottom corner or click the colored dots to navigate into details about the 80+ extended enterprise entities behind the making of a truly smart phone

      ABOUT FAIRPHONE<br> https://www.fairphone.com/en/

  6. Sep 2019
    1. BACK TO THE FUTURE ◀ <small>go to: thefuture.builders )</small>

      in the 1960's there was a breakthrough within the sciences and it's methods of research and theory development

      They realized it would make more sense to collect information before making conclusions. This was called Grounded theory.

      40 years thereafter, about 20 years back in time from today - people finally began to take the above to mind; whereas Grounded theory now is in its early stage of becoming a more used and accepted approach on scientific research and theory development

      *Here's a video clip from a University lecture introducing Grounded theory to students from each and every one of all the universities within the country*


      untethered Development (uDev) is it's own branch of development based on; broad spectrum, Human centric empiric research within fields and branches such as; physics, mathematics, technology, information, systems, society, economics, biology, cognition, logic, ontology, perception, and more..

      the uDEv approach fundamentally differ from GT, but also share the most significant portions of the Grounded theory's base premises

      • uDev is largely based on elementary instrumentations that takes it quite further down to fundamentals, builds in inherited ethics and consent assurance, provides distributable mindtools and much more that allows taking on extreme complexities with any amount and kind of emergence, while not complicating it

      basic difference between uDEv and GT ◀ learn more )

  7. Nov 2018
    1. just testing

      <big><big><big>what will the future generations say about our time today?</big></big></big></big></big>


      and will that depend foremost on what we made and how we lived today, or will it depend more on how our future generations live and what they do in that future?

      will it be explored and investigated using digital archaeology to find the first outburst of a digitized planetwide human civilization?

      will it archealog be an artificial intelligence system?

      will the archealog be capable of sorting out fake news from actual facts?

      will the future of human and world history fork out into some dynamic mesh of local histories, community histories, personal histories and such or will the future history still be a world history recording key events and movements which had fateful impact on what thereafter became?

  8. Aug 2018
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