14 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. I think these are great counterpoints, and important to consider.I would offer that I think we are more worried about dystopia because we are so much more aware of all of the ways the world can turn into a dystopia, but I don't think that necessarily tracks with the actual likelihood of dystopia.I read a lot of history, and I occasionally find myself wishing I had lived in a... more "exciting" time, or a more authentic time, but then I remember that I would probably just be a normal person in that exciting or authentic time, possibly not even aware of the exciting-ness because I'd be trying not to starve to death or die of cholera.We feel like a ton of crazy stuff is happening all the time, but history has always been that way. You'd be hard pressed to live for 80 years (period, ha!) in any historical period anywhere in the world and not end up going through at least one or two of wars, famines, disease-outbreaks, oppressive governments, fires, earthquakes, riots, etc. And maybe it'd be easier to deal with because you wouldn't see it coming on twitter for two months before it killed you... but man, reading history, a lot of people die, all the time, often for no reason or really bad reasons. And fewer people die now, but we're a lot more aware of it.

      The world has been chaotic, but people were too preoccupied with survival to notice. As a result, chaos often went unnoticed. However, today is different. People have finally taken notice, but it's not because they've suddenly become aware of the world's problems. Rather, it's because their basic needs are finally being met, and they're no longer preoccupied with where their next meal is coming from.

  2. Dec 2023
  3. Jul 2023
    1. Model is where you define your data structures, View is where your UI or display your business data to your users, Controller maps the requests and this is where you control the data that you prefer to pass on to the view.


  4. Jun 2023
    1. As a front-end developer, you have different concerns than the back-end team. You need to think about the user's experience

      FE developer think about the user's experience.

    1. 我最先接触的烘焙商是香港的UCR,记忆最深的是UCR烘的天堂庄园的双厌氧,也太惊艳了,还不怎么贵,性价比简直了。后来又买了香港另一家Amber的豆子,他家豆子烘焙深一点点,但同样风味爆炸,我开始沦陷了……然后又开始接触到日本的glitch,那支玻利维亚的瑰夏让我久久无法忘怀。还有什么新加坡的homeground、加拿大的hatch、瑞士的MAME、澳洲的ONA之类我都尝试过,质量都很高哈哈,完全沦陷了。现在基本不买大陆烘焙商的豆子了,并不是因为他们烘的不好,只能说是中规中矩没那么惊艳。


    1. 国内烘焙商的都不推荐,不要被商家天花乱坠的文案忽悠了。推荐illy深烘和中烘,特别是中烘的有一种樱桃酱的味道,我还挺喜欢的。口粮就买kimbo,Lavazza蓝色袋子的和kimbo价位差不多,但是不如kimbo醇厚,就不推荐了。


    1. LilyLavazzaKimboBorbone…………Kimbo最便宜,量大管饱。Illy只有阿拉比卡豆。我最爱lavazza,意大利市场份额最大的老大。


    1. 豆子。你的豆子太便宜。一般来说,常规包装,一般大概就是一两百克一包,每克五毛钱左右的咖啡豆是比较合适的口粮豆。也就是说,这个价格,日常喝,味道还可以。低过这个价格太多,那么很可能难喝。你算算你豆子,每克多少钱。尽量买知名的,公认的咖啡品牌,比如乔治队长,啟程拓殖,明谦,M2M,柯林等等

      启程拓殖 乔治队长

    2. 心目中我认为国内精品咖啡用豆和烘焙都没得挑大毛病的3家:启程拓殖 乔治队长 微焙

      启程拓殖 乔治队长 微焙

  5. Mar 2022
    1. 公开课基本讲的都是大白话,我觉得英语底子好的人根本不会有什么问题。有不少课程能找到带字幕或者国内翻译过的。入门:cs61a 或者 cs50,推荐 cs61a,配套作业更齐全,代码量大于 cs50 。数据结构:cs61b,用 java 教的,推荐原因同上,配套作业齐全,代码量大,方便自学。有 C/C++基础可以考虑清华邓俊辉数据结构。计算机系统入门:CMU 的 15-213,著名神课,教材就是 CSAPP,各种实验资源都是公开的。cs61c 也不错,但是汇编那块是基于 RISC-V 的,而 15-213 则是较为主流的 X86,所以更推荐 15-213 一点。个人觉得,以上三部分,各选一门,完成所有作业和实验,绝对算是入门了,而且可所以说相当扎实了。。


    1. The goal of TypeScript is to be a static typechecker for JavaScript programs - in other words, a tool that runs before your code runs (static) and ensures that the types of the program are correct (typechecked).

      The goal of TypeScript

    1. By transpiring your TypeScript code with Babel, you gain on speed but you completely lose compile time type safety.What I did on scalar codebases is add a test script in package.json like "test:tsc": "tsc --no-emit" and I run it with all the other tests (lint, unit, e2e, etc.) and then used Babel to transpile my TS code.Adding these to pre-commit hooks or having a pipeline in your git environment to run these automatically and you're reaping benefits of both worlds.

      By transpiring your TypeScript code with Babel, you gain on speed but you completely lose compile time type safety.

    1. Note that if you're already using babel-loader to transpile your code, you can use @babel/preset-typescript and let Babel handle both your JavaScript and TypeScript files instead of using an additional loader. Keep in mind that, contrary to ts-loader, the underlying @babel/plugin-transform-typescript plugin does not perform any type checking.

      babel-loader vs ts-loader

  6. Feb 2022
    1. 先更新一下咖啡机的结论:1.如果你有钱,就买最贵的。2.如果你预算略紧,同时爱喝浓缩咖啡,就买爱宝e61双锅炉旋转泵版。最便宜的旋转泵机型,超高性价比。2.1如果你喜欢喝浓缩但预算很紧,就买奥斯卡或者某royal牌国产机。2.2如果你喜欢喝浓缩又预算非常紧,并且有时间经历折腾,就买迈拓的em18,俗称仿s,性价比之王,但要获得2度以内的温差需要学会用单份碗,要获得更稳定的压力需要调节卸压阀。3.如果你爱喝奶咖,就买奥斯卡。3.1如果你爱喝奶咖且预算紧,就买惠家kd210s,或者迈拓的em19-m2。3.2如果你预算非常紧,请选择迈拓的em18。3.3如果你对味道不讲究只是想玩拉花,其实德龙以上任何机器都是可以胜任的。便宜的比如1000块钱的格米莱3500,贵的嘛,参见第一条。下面是磨豆机。在说磨豆机之前,让我们对用户需求再做一个回顾。一般玩意式的可以粗略分成三种:1.喝浓缩的;2.喝奶咖的;3.不喝只拉花的。磨豆机对第一种影响巨大,对第二种小很多,对第三种几乎没影响。对,拉花真的不需要磨豆机很好,更不需要所谓“完美的萃取”,有些拉花爱好者为了提高bigger,喜欢说拉花:奶咖需要完美的espresso作为基底,需要完美的融合,才会好看,而且自然好喝。完美my ass~看到有人说完美萃取我就可以认定他不懂萃取了。好,扯远了,回到主题。我们今天讲磨豆机主要针对第一种用户。第三种用户看预算随便买吧,第二种用户下限惠家zd15,上限看预算。先放结论吧,回头有时间再讲一下原理之类的东西。1.有钱买最贵的,推荐compak r120,便宜点的可以选mytho-one。2.追求性价比可以选mazzer的major分量器版,或者更便宜的900n。3.喜欢小巧的首推mazzer的mini-e,便宜点的可以选eureka的mmg(这款磨其实均匀度很好,但是爱结块,并且没有分量器版本了,不方便打散结块和清理粉道的残粉),喜欢小巧又方便兼顾单品的可以选vario。

      如何选择咖啡机 适合我的选择: 咖啡机:格米莱,迈拓 磨豆机:惠家zd15